AM Brew - March 6, 2023
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, February 27, 2023
Contract Town Hall
Share your input for the next CBA at Ward 3 Town Hall
- March 7th Deal MS, 4:30-6:00 pm.
Current CBA is here: PR25-0063-Introduction.pdf (
The end of the document has the new salary scale
Please join us at an upcoming Contract Town Hall to tell us what you and your school community would like to see in the next CBA.
School Budgets
Many schools are not receiving sufficient funding in their school budgets. Please get your community involved!
There is a form you can fill out on the Mayor's Budget Engagement webpage: Providing comments in the education section is very quick and easy to do. If you're looking for inspiration, suggested language is below:
Our community's elementary, middle and high schools are facing deep cuts under the Mayor's proposed budget. The cuts can only be addressed through the elimination of staff, and this is coming at a time when our schools are already stressed to meet the needs of students. Please address the shortfall and fully fund all DCPS schools.
You can submit written testimony to past and future budget hearings by emailing [email protected], or record a statement (up to 3 minutes long) via voicemail by calling 202-430-6948 - written and recorded statements for the Feb. 24th hearing on the DCPS budget will be made part of the official record for the hearing and will be accepted until 5pm on Friday March 10.
There are also additional Council oversight meetings scheduled on April 5th -- you can find more details at You can still submit written testimony for the hearing that was held on 3/1 and there is still time to register to testify live for the 4/5 hearing (click here: Committee Hearing Signup: Education) You can also email the chancellor and copy your Ward and At-Large Councilmembers and encourage them to fully find DCPS. Click here for contact information.
You can find your proposed budget at Thanks to volunteer analysts, and advocates, here are the schools budgets in a workable format.
Admin Premium Pay
A change in the admin premium rates started on February 8th and some teachers are not being paid the correct rate for admin premium. The matter is being worked on by DCPS Human Resources and OCTO to confirm which Payroll codes for teachers didn’t process correctly and making those changes. Once that is completed, there’ll be a plan as how to pay out the rate difference. Please keep track of your admin premium hours.
Survey for School Psychologists
School Psychologist Job Retention Ideas survey:
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AM Brew - February 27, 2023
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, February 27, 2023
Contract Town Hall
Please join us at an upcoming Contract Town Hall to tell us what you and your school community would like to see in the next CBA.
- March 2nd CBA Town Hall at Anacostia HS, 4:30-6:00pm
- March 7th CBA Town Hall at Deal MS, 4:30-6:00pm
In memory
Mark McCants, teacher at Stoddert Elementary passed away suddenly on Feb 19th
School Budgets
Last week, President Pogue Lyons testified at the Council oversight hearing on the School Year 2023-2034 budgets, along with dozens of parents and advocates. The official record for the hearing is open for two weeks and we encourage you to submit any concerns you have with your budget to the Council via email [email protected] or contact LeKisha Jordan, Senior Policy Advisor, at (202) 724-8137.
You can find your proposed budget at, speak with your LSAT about your school’s budget. Thanks to volunteer analysts, and advocates, here are the schools budgets in a workable format.
We also ask that you contact your Field Representative if you have concerns or if your LSAT has not met. Please note that LSAT meetings are subject to Open Meeting Act regulations, meaning they are open for all to attend (though only LSAT members are allowed to speak, unless the LSAT votes to allow non-member participation).
DC Council – Education Oversight Hearing
Please Sign-up here to testify at the DC Council’s oversight hearing on the performance of Education Agencies (Public Witnesses) during the 2022-2023 year. The hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 9:30am. The deadline to register is 5pm on Monday, February 27, 2023.
Teacher Leader Survey on Professional Development
Please click here to take a survey on Professional Development for one of the WTU’s Teacher Leaders.
DCPS in the news
- Enrollment Season Compels Conversation About Educational Equity - The Washington Informer
- Black Male Teachers Represent 2 Percent of Education Workforce - The Washington Informer
- Council Clashes with DCPS on Budget Deadlines and Transparency - The Washington Informer
- D.C. public school budget proposal criticized for cuts - The Washington Post
D.C. schools granted millions in contracts without required council approval - The Washington Post
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AM Brew - February 13, 2023
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, February 13, 2023
Last week the DC Council voted unanimously to approve the WTU’s Collective Bargaining Agreement. You can expect to receive the following increases to your base salary, effective October 1 of each of the following years:
- 2.0 percent in fiscal year 2020;
- 2.5 percent in fiscal year 2021;
- 3.5 percent in fiscal year 2022; and
- 4.0 percent in fiscal year 2023 and 4% retention bonus on March 24.
There will be a delay in the retroactive pay because it requires a supplemental budget submission that the Council will vote on in May. You should receive that payment on May 19. Full details are available here: Memorandum: Washington Teachers’ Union Collective Bargaining Agreement Compensation
While we should pause to celebrate this achievement and the impact it will have on teachers and students, we still have a lot of work ahead. This agreement will end on September 30, 2023 and our schools continue to face many challenges. I hope that you’ll join us for the next Representative Assembly on Tuesday, February 14 at 4:30 PM to learn more about our plans for to gather input for our next contract through surveys and town halls.
Rep Assembly February 14 @ 4:30
Join Via Zoom. Passcode: 220352
Education Town Hall
AFT President Randi Weingarten will be participating in an educator town hall with Sen. Bernie Sanders. Complete this form if you’d like to attend the town hall on February 13th at 7:15 PM with Randi Weingarten & Sen Bernie Sanders in person.
RSVP: Sen. Sanders' Town Hall with educators at the US Capitol (
WTU Spring 2023 Professional Development
Early Bird Pricing Ends Friday!
WTU courses are researched-based, peer-to-peer and solutions-driven courses. Successfully completing a class helps you fulfill re-certification requirements. Most courses offer 45 Professional Learning Units (PLUs) that can be used towards recertification. Alternatively, most -but not all- of the courses offer 3 Trinity University graduate credits that you can use towards re-certification instead of using the PLUs.
This spring we will be offering the following professional development courses:
- Reading Comprehension Instruction taught by Euyln Thomas
- Praxis Bootcamp – All Content taught by Nadia Torney
- SEL for Adults taught by Dr. Persephone Brown
- National Board Certification taught by Maria C. Angala
- Accessibility Literacy Framework taught by Natalie Porter McCuistion
- Beginning Reading Instruction taught by WTU President Jacqueline Pogue-Lyons & Joann Cornish
Learn More: Spring 2023 - Professional Development Courses - WTU Local 6
Educators’ Night Out at the National’s Children’s Museum, February 15th
Educators' Night Out at National Children's Museum (
School Counselor’s Week
The WTU will celebrate School Counselors with food, gifts and prizes on Monday, February 27th at 4:15, McKinley Middle School. Please RSVP to Janice Brown Parker at [email protected]
WTU Surveys
- Secondary Grading Policy Taskforce Feedback
- Please complete this form if you are having problems with pay, FMLA or insurance.
Please complete this form to report facility concerns.
DCPS in the news
D.C. is changing its 'archaic' social studies curriculum. Here's how. - The Washington Post
D.C. schools granted millions in contracts without required council approval - The Washington Post
Perspective | For D.C. teacher Bill Webb, school picture day went on for years - The Washington Post
Teacher Pay Raises Approved by the Council, with Speedy Action on Next Contract Also Urged • Council of the District of Columbia (
Some DC Leaders Want To Keep School Resource Officers | WAMU
Mental Health
Parents worry that their kids might struggle with anxiety and depression, report says : NPR
U.S. Surgeon General on Importance of Youth Mental Health |
Scholarship opportunity for high school students who live in either Ward 5, 7, 8
PD and other opportunities from OSSE
LEA Look Forward for Feb. 10, 2023 | osse (
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AM Brew - February 6, 2023
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, February 6, 2023
President Pogue Lyons testified at the Roundtable discussing the CBA on Feb 1st. Watch here!
The City Council votes on the CBA on Tuesday, February 7th. The process continues to move according to the legal timelines, and we have every confidence that the Council will vote to approve the contract. During the roundtable, Chairman Mendelson called for the District and the City Administrator Donahue to put the payment schedule for the CBA in writing and send it to WTU leadership by today. When we have additional information, we will share it with you.
The contract that is pending approval will expire on September 30, 2023. We’re preparing now to begin negotiations on our next CBA. We will be sending out an initial survey later this month and holding meetings in March. Information will continue to be sent in the Morning Brew.
School Budgets
The school budgets will be released soon. Please review your current budget, meet with your LSAT so your school is prepared when the budgets are released. Please note that LSAT meetings are subject to Open Meeting Act regulations, meaning they are open for all to attend (though only LSAT members are allowed to speak, unless the LSAT votes to allow non-member participation).
WTU Retirement Workshop
Thanks to all who attended the retirement workshop. We hope to hold another workshop next month. The PowerPoint presented at the workshop can be found here.
Black Lives Matter at School
2023 Week of Action - BLM AT SCHOOL (
Black History Month resources created by the DCPS Library Department
February is Black History Month: School Library Reading Programs (
WTU Surveys
Please complete this survey from the Secondary Grading Policy Taskforce
Please complete this form if you are having problems with pay, FMLA or insurance.
Please complete this form to report facility concerns
Scholarship opportunity for high school students who live in Wards 5, 7, or 8
DCPS in the news
Cordell Williams, had been a seventh-grader at Kramer Middle School was accidentally killed
Two children were accidentally shot in D.C. Police haven’t found either gun. - The Washington Post
Black Librarianship: Stories of Impact and Connection
The WTU participated in the Celebration of Black Educator Excellence:
Education as a Form of Resistance at the US Dept of Education with Secretary Cardona
Member Benefits
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AM Brew - January 30, 2023
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, January 30, 2023
Pamela Wilson – Luke C Moore
Juanita Radden – Hart Middle School
The WTU would like to express our condolences to the families of Pamela Wilson and Juanita Radden as well as to the Luck C Moore and Hart Middle School communities.
February is Black History Month
Celebrate African American heritage, tradition, and achievement & inspire young learners as we honor the triumphs and struggles of African Americans throughout U.S. history. The WTU endorsed the 2023 Black Lives Matter Week of Action. More details on specific WTU events will be sent in the coming days.
Save the Date – Feb 6 – 8 - BLM at School Week of Action
Update on the status of the CBA
Mayor Bowser has sent the CBA to the City Council, urging ‘prompt and favorable consideration of this legislation.’
On Wednesday, February 1, the Council will hold a Public Roundtable on PR25-0063 – The “Compensation and Working Conditions Agreement 23 between the District of Columbia Public Schools and the Washington Teachers’ Union, 24 Local #6 of the American Federation of Teachers.” WTU President Jacqueline Pogue Lyons will be speaking.
Under DC law, the Council has 30 days from when they received the legislation to act. We have every confidence that the Council will continue to follow the process and will act expeditiously to approve the contract.
DCPS in the news
Secretary Miguel Cardona - Turner Elementary School Visit - Washington DC | Flickr
Karon Blake’s family remembers teen as ‘loving, caring, respectful’ - The Washington Post
D.C.’s ‘Safe Passage’ aims to make school commutes safer. Some say it doesn't. - The Washington Post
Thanks to everyone who attended and participated in ULI.
Here are some highlights:
- DCPS budgets will be released soon. Please review your current budget, meet with your LSAT so your school is prepared when the budgets are released. Contact Sharona Robinson with any questions about your LSAT, including involving parents and community [email protected]. Please contact Quibilah Huddleston to share your FY24 budget priorities ([email protected]).
- DCPS has CATs – community action teams. Contact the CAT for your school for support Community Action Team | dcps
- If you are being investigated by DCPS please contact your field rep or the WTU before you make any statements.
- The CBA allows for a Student Behavior Management Team and Morning Block Team. Please make sure your school has active SMB and MB Teams. We heard from one school that uses restorative justice to manage student behavior. The WTU won a grievance at a school where the principal was forcing teachers to have ‘morning duty.’ Reach out to your field rep if you have any questions.
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AM Brew - January 23, 2023
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, January 23, 2023
Wishing you a good year, good health and good memories for the new year!
Last month the WTU membership overwhelming voted to ratify a new contract. We continue to monitor the progress of the contract through the ratification process and wait for the Mayor to forward the contract to the Council for approval. The mayor has 60 days to put the contract before the city council and the council has another 30 days to vote on the contract. While the process is not moving as quickly as we’d like, it is moving according to the legal timelines.
We have every confidence contract will be approved and we expect to you to see pay increases within 30 days after the contract is approved by the council. We will share any new information as it becomes available.
US Secretary of Education Visits DC School Awarded Grant
Teacher Certification and Licensing
DCPS is the hiring agency. OSSE is the licensing agency. Please check to ensure your license is up to date and if it is expiring. Contact your Field Representative if you have any questions about your license or license renewal.
WTU Surveys
Please complete this survey if you teach students in k-2.
Please complete this form if you are having problems with pay, FMLA or insurance.
Please complete this form to report facility concerns
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AM Brew - January 17, 2023
Here's What's Brewing Today
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Update on the status of the CBA
Last month the membership overwhelming voted to ratify the contract. The Mayor has 60 days to put the contract before the City Council. The Council has 30 days to act on the contract. Although the process is not moving as quickly as we’d like, it is moving according to the legal timelines. We have every confidence that the mayor and council will continue to follow the process. We will share any new information when we have it.
Teacher Certification and Licensing
DCPS is the hiring agency. OSSE is the licensing agency. Please check to ensure your license is up to date and if it is expiring. Contact your Field Representative if you have any questions about your license or license renewal.
WTU Surveys
Please complete this survey if you teach students in k-2.
Please complete this form if you are having problems with pay, FMLA or insurance.
Facility Concerns SY 22-23
Over the past two years, the WTU has met regularly to discuss facility issues with DCPS. Yet, many schools continue to have health and safety concerns. We ask that you let the WTU know of any health or safety concerns in your building by completing this brief form.
DCPS in the news
DC elementary students celebrate 19-years of reading 'I Have a Dream' MLK speech
Vigil for Karon Blake
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AM Brew - January 9, 2023
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, January 9, 2023
Contract Update
Last month the WTU membership overwhelming voted to ratify a new contract. We continue to monitor the progress of the contract through the ratification process and have been in contact with both the Office of the Mayor and City Council Offices. The Mayor has 60 days to put the contract before the City Council and the Council has another 30 days to vote on the contract. While the approval has not moved as quickly as we’d like, it is moving according to the legal timelines.
We have every confidence contract will be approved and we expect you to see pay increases within 30 days after the contract is approved by the Council. We will share any new information as it becomes available.
Representative Assembly Meeting - Tuesday, Jan 10 @ 4:30
All members are encouraged to join.
Via Zoom. Passcode: 572801
Please check the Upcoming Events section below for additional upcoming meetings where your support and participation are requested.
Teacher Certification and Licensing
DCPS is the hiring agency. OSSE is the licensing agency. Please check to ensure your license is up to date and if it is expiring. Contact your Field Representative if you have any questions about your license or license renewal.
WTU Surveys
Please complete this survey if you teach students in k-2.
Please complete this form if you are having problems with pay, FMLA or insurance.
New Community Service Graduation Requirement
For the past three years, to accommodate for the impacts of the pandemic, DC Council has waived the requirement that high school students complete 100 hours of community service to graduate. This year, OSSE is promulgating regulations to stagger the reimposition of the community service requirement over four years. In addition, the regulation will permanently reduce the hours requirement for transfer students new to the District. Find a complete summary of the changes to the graduation requirements here.
For students graduating in the 2022-23 school year, the key requirements are:
- Students must have 12 hours of community service to graduate
- Graduating seniors who transferred into a District public or public charter school from a non-DCPS or DC public charter school this year are exempted from the 12-hour graduation requirement
For questions, please reach out to Andrew Gall at [email protected].
OSSE Looking for Feedback on Newly Revised Social Studies Standards by Jan. 30, 2023
OSSE is seeking public comment on the draft of the revised Social Studies State Standards. On Dec. 16, 2022, OSSE published the revised draft of Social Studies Standards, and is accepting public comment on the draft up through Monday, Jan. 30. View the revised standards here. For more information about the standards revision process and timeline, and to provide comments and input on the new standards draft, please visit the OSSE Social Studies website. For questions, please contact the OSSE Division of Teaching and Learning at [email protected].
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AM Brew - January 3, 2023
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, January 3, 2023
Happy New Year! We hope that you enjoyed Winter Break and are rested and ready to return to the classroom. Please ensure you've submitted your Test to Return documentation. If you have any concerns, please contact your Field Representative.
WTU Approves Contract Proposal
The contract is still waiting Council approval. The WTU is working to gather information on the approval process and will provide additional updates on when provisions in the contract will take effect in the coming days.
Rep Assembly meeting, Tuesday Jan 10 th @ 4:30
All members may attend, but only building reps and delegates may participate and vote.
K-2 Survey
Please complete this survey if you teach students in k-2.
Open Positions
Looking for a new position? Check out the November listings of instructional and non-instructional vacancies posted here:
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AM Brew - December 19, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, December 19, 2022
Happy Holidays! The WTU team and I would like to wish you a safe and healthy holiday. We hope that you are able to celebrate the Holidays and New Year with your loved ones.
After the Union’s affirmative vote on the Contract last week, the administration will send the contract to the Council for approval, which we expect to occur rapidly. We are working to learn more about when provisions within the contract, including pay increases, will be implemented.
Many thanks to those who attended WTU’s Go-Go for Education Holiday Celebration on Friday! It was a joy to see so many smiling faces! Check out the WTU’s website, Instagram, and Twitter pages to see additional celebration photos and videos.
I hope that you are able to rest and recharge over the Winter Break. Please remember that DCPS has a ‘test to return' policy in place for January.
Happy Holidays!
Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President
Washington Teachers’ Union
*Note: The WTU will have a holiday staff celebration on Thursday, December 22nd and the office will close at 12:00pm. The WTU Office will be closed on Friday, December 23rd, Monday, December 26st and Monday, January 2nd. There will not be an AM Brew the week of Dec 26 as WTU staff celebrates the Holidays.
WTU Approves Contract Proposal
Washington Post - D.C. teachers union approves labor contract, securing raises
WTOP - DC teachers’ union ratifies new contract with overwhelming support
The contract will go to the Council for approval. The WTU will provide additional updates on when provisions in the contract will take effect when available.
International Teachers
DCPS Attorney Nicole Dillard wishes to meet with all teachers who are currently employed by DCPS on a non-immigrant visa, to include F-1, H-1B, & J-1 educators. Attorney Dillard will share important process and timelines information. Opportunity will be provided for discussion of questions. WTU President Pogue Lyons will be in attendance.
December 20, 2022, 4 – 5 pm
Meeting ID: 939 669 4583; Passcode: 148566; Dial: 305-224-1968
Let the SBOE hear your teacher voice on mayoral control
The State Board of Education started a governance committee two years ago and has finally produced a list of recommendations. They met as a committee on Monday and the full State Board will debate them and vote on Dec 21st at their public meeting! Here is what was discussed and how they voted on here. Take a look.
Please sign up to testify at the Dec 21st SBOE public meeting. The meetings are now in person and typically public comment/ testimony begins around 7 pm at the Judiciary Square Marion Barry Building.
AFT TEACH workshop proposal due by Jan. 17
TEACH 2023 is all about supporting educators and focusing on what kids need for successful futures. Priority areas for the workshops include:
- Instructional strategies to meet the needs of all students;
- Teaching subject-area content;
- Student and educator safety and well-being; and
- Collaborating and working with colleagues, families and communities to make sure kids feel safe and welcome in their public schools and have access to the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life.
For the full list of priority areas and topics, view the Workshop Proposal Guidelines
Open Positions
Looking for a new position? Check out the November listings of instructional and non-instructional vacancies posted here:
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AM Brew - December 12, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, December 12, 2022
Tuesday, December 13th is the last day to vote on the Tentative Contract Agreement.
There is a recording of the two Town Hall sessions from last week available here: Members Only Minutes
On Dec. 5th, all WTU members received an email to their DCPS email account from TrueBallot, Inc. We realize that some of these emails landed in DCPS' spam, archive or other folders. If you have not received a ballot via your DCPS email from [email protected], please do the following:
- Please check your DCPS emailand DCPS junk or archive mail folders. The sender of this email is [email protected] which your computer may classify as suspicious and send to a different file folder instead of your inbox.
- Please search for the email by typing [email protected] and "WTU Contract Ratification" into the Search box of your email account.
- Check to ensure you are a WTU dues-paying member. Only due-paying members will receive the Contract Voting package. To make sure you are a member, please check your paystub to make sure DCPS classified you as a WTU-Dues paying member.
If you are not a member, you can join the WTU if you enroll by Noon on December 13th. Contact Carlton Nettles to ensure your membership paperwork is expedited.
- After completing these steps, please contact Carlton Nettles - [email protected] – if you have not received your ballot. In rare cases, you may need to call OCTO and see if your email is blocking [email protected] as a last resort.
Please note when you receive your ballot email, you must click on the voting link to see all the documents in the contract voting package. The documents contained in the ballot are also posted on the WTU members-only website under Meeting Minutes. Recordings of all Ballot Town Meeting are posted there as well. Security is provided through the use of Personal Identification Numbers (PINs), which were sent in the ballot email to all WTU dues-paying members. Regardless of how many ballot emails you receive, only one response will be logged into the system.
WTU Membership Meeting
Tuesday, Dec 13, 2022 04:30 PM
Register in advance for this meeting.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
We Look forward to Seeing you on Friday!
WTU’s GO-GO for Education Celebration!
When: Friday, December 16th
Time: 7-11PM
We look forward to celebrating the holidays with you!
AFT TEACH workshop proposal due by Jan. 17
TEACH 2023 is all about supporting educators and focusing on what kids need for successful futures. Priority areas for the workshops include:
- Instructional strategies to meet the needs of all students;
- Teaching subject-area content;
- Student and educator safety and well-being; and
- Collaborating and working with colleagues, families and communities to make sure kids feel safe and welcome in their public schools and have access to the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life.
For the full list of priority areas and topics, view the Workshop Proposal Guidelines
TEACHER DISCOUNT available for Eddie B. Teachers Only Comedy Tour
Saturday, December 17, 2022 (7pm Doors)
Capital One Hall, Tysons, VA
Use code THANKYOU on purchase page to receive 25% off tickets here:
Open Positions
Looking for a new position? Check out the November listings of instructional and non-instructional vacancies posted here:
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AM Brew - December 5, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, December 5, 2022
The vote on the tentative contract begins today! The WTU attorneys and staff spent this past week examining and preparing the tentative contract and documents for your review. Beginning today, you will have an opportunity review these documents and vote.
All WTU Members should receive an email to your DCPS email account with the WTU Tentative Contract Voting package which includes the following information:
- The tentative agreement signed by President Pogue Lyons and Chancellor Ferebee
- A tentative contract fact sheet
- A review of the tentative changes to Articles 6 and 7 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)
- A copy of the tentative CBA
- A copy of the current CBA (October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2019)
- A tentative contract salary schedule
- A Q&A document on the tentative contract
The vote will open Monday, December 5, 2022 and votes must be received by Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 7:30pm. The election service company, TrueBallot, Inc., will handle the administration of the vote.
WTU will host virtual Town Hall Meetings to discuss the contract and answer any questions on Monday, December 5th and Wednesday, December 7th.
- Dec 5 Town Hall @ 4:30PM via Zoom. Meeting ID: 939 669 4583; Passcode: 148566
- Dec 7 Town Hall @ 4:30PM via Zoom. Meeting ID: 939 669 4583; Passcode: 148566
Please watch your DCPS email for your ballot and make sure you vote. Please contact Carlton Nettles at [email protected] if you did not receive a ballot. If you are not a member, you can join by Tuesday, December 13, 2022 by 12:00pm and still have your vote counted. Contact your Field Representative or Carleton Nettles at [email protected] to become a WTU member.
YOU ARE INVITED to WTU’s GO-GO for Education Celebration!
When: Friday, December 16th from 7 - 11 PM
Where: Kaiser Permanente Center for Total Health
Please REGISTER HERE for this FREE event no later than Friday, December 9th!
Space is limited! We look forward to celebrating the holidays with you!
Let the Council hear your teacher voice!
Register by 5 pm today, December 5th to testify before the Committee of the Whole: Literacy and the NAEP and PARCC Assessments. Hearing is Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 11:00am
Committee Hearing Signup: Literacy and the NAEP and PARCC Assessments (
Gun violence continues to plague our schools and communities
“Ricochet: An American Trauma,” a documentary examining the US gun violence crisis and the people it impacts most -
TEACHER DISCOUNT available for Eddie B. Teachers Only Comedy Tour
Saturday, December 17, 2022 (7pm Doors)
Capital One Hall, Tysons, VA
Use code THANKYOU on purchase page to receive 25% off tickets here:
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