AM Brew - November 28, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, November 28, 2022


We hope you enjoyed the Holiday weekend. We are thankful and grateful for all the organizing and rallying you’ve done to get us to a tentative agreement.

The WTU negotiating team will provide details in a Member Town Hall on Tuesday, November 29 at 4:30PM. The tentative agreement includes a 12.5% raise over 4 years though FY 2023, 4% retention bonus for all teachers, increase in ‘teacher startup funds,’ 2 morning blocks reserved for teacher lead planning, and additional bonuses for teachers in hard to fill positions.


Member Town Hall - Tuesday, November 29 @ 4:30

Via Zoom

Meeting ID: 930 4869 7561

Passcode: 797288

Dial in: 301-715-8592


WTU in the news


The WTU is deeply concerned about gun violence in our community

Akira Wilson fatally shot at NoMa's Hilton Garden Inn on Saturday - The Washington Post

Teen shot near annual Turkey Bowl in Northeast DC


Open Positions

Looking for a new position? Check out the November listings of instructional and non-instructional vacancies posted here: https://www.wtulocal6.net/open_positions


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - November 21, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, November 21, 2022


I am thankful and grateful to the entire WTU community for participating in the action last Thursday. It was truly a beautiful sight to see us all united in our efforts to get a contract. Although the city leaders are listening and we are back at the negotiating table, we do not have a contract yet. Please help us keep putting pressure on the Mayor and DCPS leadership over the coming weeks. Your voice matters!

I hope that you are able to take some time for yourself this Thanksgiving break you truly deserve it. There was an article published last week, Teachers Experienced More Anxiety than Healthcare Workers During the Pandemic, we know this is true. Please be careful as you travel this holiday weekend. COVID is still with us and other respiratory viruses are circulating widely. Please take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President



We’re bent on keeping the pressure on until we receive a FAIR contract! To see interviews of participants, visit WTU’s InstagramTwitterYouTube, or FaceBook sites. Please retweet, forward, and retweet again!

Upcoming Events. Details coming soon.

  • Town Hall Week of November 28th
  • Holiday Go-Go for Education, December 16th

Also, we need your photos/videos! They serve as priceless reminders of how determined we remain in getting a FAIR contract. You can see our efforts in the pictures compiled on the Photos_2022 page of the WTU website here. If you’ve taken photos and video you don’t see pictured, please take a moment to email them to [email protected].


Contact your Building Rep or Field Representative for more information about on-going contract negotiations. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT ANY ACTIVITY YOU PARTICIPATE IN TAKES PLACE OUTSIDE YOUR TOUR OF DUTY. DCPS is watching!


WTU in the news


KC Boyd winner of Excellence in Equity 2022

KC_boyd.jpgExcellence in Equity 2022 | The Winners | Equity & Access Pre K-12 | The American Consortium for Equity in Education (ace-ed.org). Recognizing the companies, leaders, authors, and educators whose tremendous efforts are helping schools achieve equity everywhere


DCPS in the news


Field Trip Guidance

Earlier this month DCPS released new guidelines on field trips. The administration in your school is responsible for checking the driver’s license of the bus driver.


Open Positions

Looking for a new position? Check out the November listings of instructional and non-instructional vacancies posted here: https://www.wtulocal6.net/open_positions


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - November 14, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, November 14, 2022


November Representative Assembly

The November Rep Assembly meeting is on Tuesday, November 15th at 4:30. All members are encouraged to attend. Building Representatives and Delegates to the Representative Assembly can participate.

Via Zoom

Dial: 301-715-8592; Meeting ID: 98080484945; Passcode: 546066



NEXT CONTRACT ACTION - Thursday, November 17, 3:30 or after your contractual day

We'd like all teachers to leave school together and march around your school or congregate in an area, take and tweet group pictures or email them to [email protected]. Wear your WTU t-shirt. Please encourage, parents, students and other community members to march with you in solidarity! Please participate - these actions make a difference. A flyer is available here.

Please click here to register, to let us know that you’ll be participating: https://mobilize.us/s/Ht5jWD

Contact your Building Rep or Field Representative for more information about on-going contract negotiations. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT ANY ACTIVITY YOU PARTICIPATE IN TAKES PLACE OUTSIDE YOUR TOUR OF DUTY. DCPS is watching!


WTU In the News

DCist - A Teacher Says He Was Wrongly Terminated. Three Years Later, DC Public Schools Is Ordered To Rehire Him

DC News Now - Petition for fair teacher contract delivered to Mayor’s office

WTOP - ‘Stop playing games’ — DC mayor, teachers’ union remain at odds as contract talks reach arbitration

Accuracy in Academia - D.C. public schools’ woes continue as teachers lack contract for third straight year



Heads up, the DCPS teacher Insight Survey is now open. An email was sent your email. DCPS Instructional Superintendents and the Chief of Schools will be looking at the data. The email would've come from the Insight Team ([email protected]).

EmpowerEd is asking for your help in filling out a 10 minute survey on flexible scheduling for educators and teacher retention.  As you may already know, DC has the highest teacher turnover rate in the country and the pandemic has made this crisis worse. So many careers that teachers are qualified to move into pay at least as much if not more and are now significantly more flexible- so we're pushing hard to get the city leaders to invest in flexible teacher scheduling and other retention strategies. We need to hear from you.


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - November 6, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, November 7, 2022


Contract negotiation update … The WTU and DCPS are still working out the details for arbitration. We will update the membership as soon as the details are available.

Teachers Deserve a Fair Contract

  1. Nov 17th – Day of Action - https://mobilize.us/s/Ht5jWD
  2. Town Hall – TBD

Thanks to all members who participated in the contract event at DCPS Central Office on Thursday. The mayor is watching, and it is important that she sees we’re united in our efforts to get a fair contract. Your voice matters!

Our next event is Thursday, November 17 at 3:30 or at the end of your tour of duty. We'd like all teachers to leave school together and march around your school or congregate in an area, take and tweet group pictures or email them to [email protected]. Wear your WTU t-shirt. Please encourage, parents, students and other community members to march with you in solidarity! Please participate - these actions make a difference. A flyer is available here.

Please click here to register, to let us know that you’ll be participating: https://mobilize.us/s/Ht5jWD

Contact your Building Rep or Field Representative for more information about on-going contract negotiations. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT ANY ACTIVITY YOU PARTICIPATE IN TAKES PLACE OUTSIDE YOUR TOUR OF DUTY. DCPS is watching!


CSO / DCPS Contract

The contract the between CSO and DCPS, subject to Council approval, is available here: https://lims.dccouncil.gov/downloads/LIMS/51455/Introduction/PR24-0991-Introduction.pdf


WTU in the news

Washington Informer - Teacher Contract Negotiations at a Standstill

ABC - 'Worst I've seen it': DC teachers call on Bowser for contract as arbitration nears

National Right to Read

School Librarians KC Boyd, Christopher Stewart and Angela Faulkenburg went to Capitol Hill to promote the National Right to Read Bill introduced by Sent Jack Reed and Rep Raul Grijalva


Volunteer opportunity at the Air and Space Museum (see flyer)

We’ve piloting 45-60 minute Engineering & Design challenges starting in January and are actively recruiting volunteers to facilitate this programming. Here is a link to the volunteer position description (clicking on the link will cause you to make a copy of the Google Doc), and a link to apply for this opportunity. Applications are completed through our volunteer management software. Contact Laura Blanton if you have any questions  [email protected]


Vote – Election Day is Tuesday

Early voting has started. Please support for the WTU endorsed candidates.

City Council:

  • At-Large: Elissa Silverman
  • At-Large: Karim Marshall
  • Ward 1: Brianne Nadeau
  • Ward 3: Matthew Frumin
  • Ward 5: Zachary Parker
  • Ward 6: Charles Allen

DC State Board of Education: 

  • Ward 1: Ben Williams  
  • Ward 3: Michael Sriqui 
  • Ward 5: Robert Henderson 
  • Ward 6: Joshua Wiley  

Read more here. And watch for opportunities to volunteer for WTU endorsed candidates on Election Day!


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - October 31, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, October 31, 2022


Thank you to all who testified last Tuesday on teacher turnover! Now, more than ever we need you to – “Use Your Outside Voices” – to ensure the Council hears our demands!

Although we couldn’t capture everyone’s testimony, we captured more than 30 testimonies which are available WTU’s YouTube channel. I encourage you to watch my testimony where I discuss the results of a poll the WTU conducted on teacher retention where we report that more than 79% of teachers are not satisfied with current workplace conditions and 69% say they are more likely to leave in the next three years.

If you haven’t already, I encourage you to SIGN our petition to Mayor Bowser. Please share the petition, ask your family and friends! We plan to deliver this petition BEFORE the November Election and hope to have thousands of signatures. In addition, we hope you’ll call, email and tweet to the Mayor, demanding that she return to the bargaining table. And, of course, we hope you’ll join us at upcoming Contract Events.

Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President

Washington Teachers' Union


Teachers Deserve a Fair Contract

Thanks to all members who participated in the contract rally at the Anacostia Metro. Your presence and voice at these rallies matter! We hope that you can join us in upcoming contract campaign events.

Contract Campaign action –

  1. Nov 3rdRally 4 pm at DCPS Central Office. 1200 1st Street, NE - https://mobilize.us/s/1aV3Tc
  2. Nov 17th – Day of Action - https://mobilize.us/s/Ht5jWD
  3. Town Hall – TBD

TELL THE MAYOR … Why we need a fair contract now

Sign and share our petition. 

Contact your Building Rep or Field Representative for more information about on-going contract negotiations. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT ANY ACTIVITY YOU PARTICIPATE IN TAKES PLACE OUTSIDE YOUR TOUR OF DUTY. DCPS is watching!


An apple can’t pay the rent 

Between Covid and culture war bullshit, America’s teachers are burned out—but DC Public School teachers rallied at the Anacostia Metro stop to change that. DCPS teachers haven’t had a contract for three years, and many feel underpaid and overworked—and some haven’t been receiving their paychecks at all—in the midst of a teacher shortage that’s really not a shortage at all.

While teachers wait on Mayor Bowser’s response, they’ve got a petition residents can sign to help get a fair contract.

WTU in the news


2022 National Association of State Boards of Education, "Policy Leader of the Year Award."

Ms. K.C. Boyd recently received the 2022 Policy Leader of the Year Award from the National Association of State Boards of Education in Phoenix, Arizona.  This award highlights the contributions individuals make to policy changes in U.S. education. Nominated by the DC State Board of Education, Boyd is the first school librarian in the country to receive this award.
Boyd is pictured with members of the DC State Board of Education and Alexander Sullivan, former DCPS student and the first recipient of the Student Board Member Award. Read more here.



Article 23.3 in our CBA states you MUST sign in and out every day. The timesheet is what the timekeeper uses to input the hours you worked.

23.3 Signing In and Out

23.3.1 Teachers shall, immediately upon their arrival, record in the main office of their school the time of their arrival, and shall report to their classroom or place duty at least thirty-five (35) minutes prior to the start of the official school day for students.

23.3.2 Teachers shall record in the main office of their School the time of their departure at the end of the school day.

23.3.3 Itinerant Teachers shall record the time of their arrival and departure in the main office of each of their assigned Schools.

23.3.4 Teachers shall not be required to use time clocks.


Early voting has started. Please support for the WTU endorsed candidates.

City Council:

  • At-Large: Elissa Silverman
  • At-Large: Karim Marshall
  • Ward 1: Brianne Nadeau
  • Ward 3: Matthew Frumin
  • Ward 5: Zachary Parker
  • Ward 6: Charles Allen

DC State Board of Education: 

  • Ward 1: Ben Williams  
  • Ward 3: Michael Sriqui 
  • Ward 5: Robert Henderson 
  • Ward 6: Joshua Wiley  

Read more here. And watch for opportunities to help Get Out The Vote for WTU endorsed candidates!


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - October 24, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, October 24, 2022



Teachers Deserve a Fair Contract


In August, the Public Employee Relations Board (PERB) determined that the WTU and DCPS were at impasse in contract negotiations and referred the case to mediation. I am disappointed to inform you that mediation with DCPS was not successful. We will now move to interest arbitration. 

Although this is disheartening news, we will continue to press forward. The WTU will never compromise your interests or those of the students we serve. Teachers deserve a fair contract that will protect your rights and ensure you receive fair wages and benefits as inflation and the costs of living in our nation’s capital continue to rise.

I hope you will continue to stand with the WTU as we demand a Fair Contract. Please watch for updates on upcoming contract events in the weekly Morning Brew.

We will continue to keep you informed. If you have any questions, please reach to your Field Representatives.


Upcoming Events…

Rally at Anacostia Metro on Thursday Oct 27, 7 am.

If you are not able to attend the rally, please wear red as a sign of solidarity, take pictures, and tweet them or send to your Field Rep.


TELL THE MAYOR … Why we need a fair contract now

Sign and share our petition. 


Contact your Building Rep or Field Representative for more information.



Members in the news …

Librarians want a permanent spot in DC Public Schools


Tell the Council to move forward the “Student Right to Read Amendment Act of 2021.”

Tweet to @ChmnMendelson asking him to hold a vote on the legislation.

Sign their petition: https://www.saveschoollibrarians.org/dcschoollibrarian


Council Hearing on Teacher Turnover

The DC Council wants to hear your Teacher Voice! – October 25 at 1PM

We hope that we’ll see many of you speaking to the Council tomorrow. But, if you can’t make it (we know you’re all teaching), we hope you’ll at least consider tweeting to @ChmnMendelson letting him know that Teachers need a #FairContract and that the Council must take action to improve working conditions and pay for DC educators!


Are you a WTU Member?

Check your pay stub on Peoplesoft to see if you are a member of the WTU.


Member benefits

include access to 1000s of lesson plans at Share My Lesson


AFT Student Debt clinics

Deadline to apply for student loan forgiveness is October 31st

AFT will continue to host a student debt clinic webinar Thursday evenings. Register at https://cvent.me/17XZka Webinar will include information about how to enroll in the free AFT Summer student loan member benefit. Additional information can be found at www.forgivemystudentdebt.org – this website contains all of the information on how to access PSLF in an easily digestible and understandable format.


After attending a Student Debt Clinic, we want to make sure you’ve got all the tools and information you need to take the next steps to start reducing how much you pay every month and get on a path towards a debt-free future! See attached for more information.



Please contact your field rep if you are having any problems getting paid.



Early voting has started. Please support for the WTU endorsed candidates.

City Council

  • At-Large: Elissa Silverman
  • At-Large: Karim Marshall
  • Ward 1: Brianne Nadeau
  • Ward 3: Matthew Frumin
  • Ward 5: Zachary Parker
  • Ward 6: Charles Allen

DC State Board of Education 

  • Ward 1: Ben Williams  
  • Ward 3: Michael Sriqui 
  • Ward 5: Robert Henderson 
  • Ward 6: Joshua Wiley  

Read more here. And watch for opportunities to help Get Out The Vote for WTU endorsed candidates!



Please wear red each Friday and post photos to social media. Please tag us @WTUTeacher


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - October 17, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Tuesday, October 17, 2022



Teachers Deserve a Fair Contract

Many thanks to the teachers, parents and public who came out to support our need for a new Teachers Contract at the Teachers Voice Festival on Saturday. We hope you have a moment to view this short clip from our supporters!

And check out this great coverage of teachers advocating for a new contract as well:


Save the Date:

  • Thursday, October 27, 2022 at 7:00 am - March for the Washington D.C. Teachers Contract at the Anacostia Metro Station


TELL THE MAYOR … Why we need a fair contract now

Sign and share our petition. 

Contact your Building Rep or Field Representative for more information. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT ANY ACTIVITY YOU PARTICIPATE IN TAKES PLACE OUTSIDE YOUR TOUR OF DUTY. DCPS is watching!


Student Debt Clinic

Debt clinic at Ballou High School on October 20thClick here for more details and to register!

Virtual Student Debt Clinic

AFT will continue to host a student debt clinic webinar Thursday evenings. Register at https://cvent.me/17XZka Webinar will include information about how to enroll in the free AFT Summer student loan member benefit. Additional information can be found at www.forgivemystudentdebt.org – this website contains all of the information on how to access PSLF in an easily digestible and understandable format.


After attending a Student Debt Clinic, we want to make sure you’ve got all the tools and information you need to take the next steps to start reducing how much you pay every month and get on a path towards a debt-free future! See attached for more information.


Please wear red each Friday and post photos to social media. Please tag us @WTUTeacher


Member Emails

The AM Brew is distributed as a benefit to members of the WTU. In the coming weeks, we’ll be updating our database removing non-members from the distribution for the AM Brew, as well as other important Member –Only emails.

To ensure that you’re not inadvertently removed from the distribution list, please update your member information by clicking here.


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - October 11, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Tuesday, October 11, 2022



Representative Assembly Meeting – Tuesday, Oct 11 at 4:30PM

All members are invited to attend the representative assembly meetings. However, only building reps and delegates may participate and vote at the meetings.

Join via zoom.

Passcode: 864128


Teachers Deserve a Fair Contract

Upcoming Events:

Oct 11, 7 am at Tenleytown Metro – See flyer

Oct 15, 10:30-2pm – Teacher Voice Festival at the African-American Civil War Memorial (U St Metro)
WTU will have a table and campaign flyers at the African American Civil War Memorial Plaza. Register to volunteer

TELL THE MAYOR … Why we need a fair contract now.

Sign and share our petition. 

Contact your Building Rep or Field Representative for more information. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT ANY ACTIVITY YOU PARTICIPATE IN TAKES PLACE OUTSIDE YOUR TOUR OF DUTY. DCPS is watching!


WTU in the news

Student Debt Clinic

Debt clinic at Ballou High School on October 20thClick here for more details and to register!

Virtual Student Debt Clinic

AFT will continue to host a student debt clinic webinar Thursday evenings. Register at https://cvent.me/17XZka Webinar will include information about how to enroll in the free AFT Summer student loan member benefit. Additional information can be found at www.forgivemystudentdebt.org – this website contains all of the information on how to access PSLF in an easily digestible and understandable format.


After attending a Student Debt Clinic, we want to make sure you’ve got all the tools and information you need to take the next steps to start reducing how much you pay every month and get on a path towards a debt-free future! See attached for more information.

Congressional Black Caucus’ 51st Annual Legislative Conference (ALC)

As part of AFT’s Professional Development series, the WTU team participated in conversations on critical issues currently facing our community and how we can collectively advance the Black agenda. We watched the documentary currently airing on Netflix entitled “The Who We Are Project,” which challenges the dominant narrative of our nation’s founding, demonstrating how slavery’s legacy has led to persistent and abiding racial inequality. The attached documentary overview offered all who attended the opportunity to process what we had watched privately and make meaning from it.

Following the film, the AFT hosted a panel discussion featuring Michael Smith, CEO of AmeriCorps; Kean College President Lamont O. Repollet, Ed.D. and Lezli Baskervielle, J.D., president of the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education to discuss building a pipeline to boost the number of Black teachers across the country.

Click here for a short video, capturing the highlights of what was discussed. Captions to the video were added for the hearing-impaired. Alternatively, a transcript is available for reading here.



Please wear red each Friday and post photos to social media. Please tag us @WTUTeacher


Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year. 

The AM Brew is distributed as a benefit to members of the WTU. In the coming weeks, we’ll be updating our database removing non-members from the distribution for the AM Brew, as well as other important Member –Only emails.

To ensure that you’re not inadvertently removed from the distribution list, please update your member information by clicking here.


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - October 3, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, October 3, 2022



Teachers Deserve a Fair Contract

Upcoming Events:

Oct 11, 7 am at Tenleytown Metro – See flyer

Oct 15, 10:30-2pm – Teacher Voice Festival
WTU will have a table and campaign flyers at the African American Civil War Memorial Plaza
Register to volunteer

Contact your Building Rep or Field Representative for more information. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT ANY ACTIVITY YOU PARTICIPATE IN TAKES PLACE OUTSIDE YOUR TOUR OF DUTYDCPS is watching!


Student Debt Clinic

Debt clinic at Ballou High School on October 20thClick here for more details.


Virtual Student Debt Clinic

AFT will continue to host a student debt clinic webinar Thursday evenings. Register at https://cvent.me/17XZka Webinar will include information about how to enroll in the free AFT Summer student loan member benefit. Additional information can be found at www.forgivemystudentdebt.org – this website contains all of the information on how to access PSLF in an easily digestible and understandable format.


After attending a Student Debt Clinic, we want to make sure you’ve got all the tools and information you need to take the next steps to start reducing how much you pay every month and get on a path towards a debt-free future! See attached for more information.


WTU staff partnered with parents, teachers, and local community in support of Watkins Elementary School’s FoodPrints program on Friday, September 30th. The program aims to integrate hands-on learning about healthy, nutritious eating into DC elementary schools. As you can see from the short video, we learned quite a bit from our young tutors thanks to their amazing teachers!


DCPS Strategic Planning

DCPS is currently hosting a series of listening sessions for communities, students, and DCPS staff to develop DCPS’ new 5-year strategic plan. DCPS hired Give Better Group to facilitate this process. Give Better Group is interviewing government officials and decision makers as part of this work. The founders’ bios are on their website (additionally, co-founder Jessica Rauch worked at DCPS under then-Chancellor Kaya Henderson during the first planning process). We encourage teachers to participate and share with their communities.



Please wear red each Friday and post photos to social media. Please tag us @WTUTeacher


Update your member email 

The AM Brew is distributed as a benefit to members of the WTU. In the coming weeks, we’ll be updating our database removing non-members from the distribution for the AM Brew, as well as other important Member –Only emails.

To ensure that you’re not inadvertently removed from the distribution list, please update your member information by clicking here.


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - September 25, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, September 26, 2022


Teachers Deserve a Fair Contract

Join us on October 1 at the East End Market in Ward 7 to get out and explain that Teachers do not have a contract to the public. Click here for details and to sign-up.

A big shout-out to those who attended last Saturday’s H-Street Festival and agreed to be interviewed. Below please find a podcast representing the voices of many Union members. For the hearing impaired, we’ve a transcript available here. Thanks, again, for your participation last week and we hope to see you next Saturday, October 1!

WTU Podcast – Contract Campaign Outreach

Stay tuned for other campaign events. Contact your Building Rep or Field Representative for more information. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT ANY ACTIVITY YOU PARTICIPATE IN TAKES PLACE OUTSIDE YOUR TOUR OF DUTYDCPS is watching!


WTU - In the News

DC Public School teachers report issues getting paid (fox5dc.com)


Student Debt Clinic

The WTU will host only 1 in person debt clinic on October 20 at Ballou Stay High School. Click here to download a flyer with additional details.

Virtual Student Debt Clinic

AFT will continue to host a student debt clinic webinar Thursday evenings. Register at https://cvent.me/17XZka Webinar will include information about how to enroll in the free AFT Summer student loan member benefit. Additional information can be found at www.forgivemystudentdebt.org – this website contains all of the information on how to access PSLF in an easily digestible and understandable format.


After attending a Student Debt Clinic, we want to make sure you’ve got all the tools and information you need to take the next steps to start reducing how much you pay every month and get on a path towards a debt-free future! See attached for more information.

Member Survey -- Check your spam folder if you did not receive a survey

The WTU is conducting a survey to gather member input on their concerns and contract priorities. The survey will only be sent to personal email addresses. The survey will NOT be sent to a DCPS email. Each member will receive a unique link. We encourage everyone to participate. Please compete this form to make sure we have your personal email.

Paid Family Leave

The DC Government Paid Leave Enhancement Amendment Act (B24-615) was approved unanimously on its first Council vote at the Legislative Meeting earlier this week.  The second vote will be Oct. 4, then it will go to the Mayor for signature, and then Congress before becoming law.

This will eventually bring paid leave for DC Government employees up to 12 weeks for parental, caregiving, or medical leave. Right now there is 8 weeks of parental and family care leave. The Committee was able to fund 2 weeks of personal medical leave starting in FY23 (more leave will require additional funding in future). The 2 weeks of medical leave will be available starting in January 2023, but if employees must take qualifying medical leave starting Oct. 1, 2022, and they have to use other leave (like sick time or annual leave), they can have that leave restored; or they can get retroactive leave if their time was unpaid. DCHR will be implementing this and will have more information available as January approaches.



Please wear red each Friday and post photos to social media. Please tag us @WTUTeacher


Updating Member Emails 

The AM Brew is distributed as a benefit to members of the WTU. In the coming weeks, we’ll be updating our database removing non-members from the distribution for the AM Brew, as well as other important Member –Only emails.

To ensure that you’re not inadvertently removed from the distribution list, please update your member information by clicking here.


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - September 19, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, September 19, 2022



Teachers Deserve a Fair Contract

A HUGE Thank You to all members who attended the contract campaign events this past weekend Eliot-Hine and H St Festival. The public is very willing to help us – we have to get out and explain the situation to them. Click here to learn more see a short video from the event.

Stay tuned for other campaign events.

WTU in the News


Please wear red each Friday and post photos to social media. Please tag us @WTUTeacher


WTU Endorsements

Last week, the WTU announced its endorsements for the 2022 November Elections.

City Council

  • At-Large: Elissa Silverman
  • At-Large: Karim Marshall
  • Ward 1: Brianne Nadeau
  • Ward 3: Matthew Frumin
  • Ward 5: Zachary Parker
  • Ward 6: Charles Allen


DC State Board of Education 

  • Ward 1: Ben Williams  
  • Ward 3: Michael Sriqui 
  • Ward 5: Robert Henderson 
  • Ward 6: Joshua Wiley  

Read more here. And watch for opportunities to get out and support our candidates!



DCPS continues to provide masks. All schools continue to order masks through the established system (QuickBase). The Operations POC at each school is responsible for placing those orders. Any questions can be sent to the SSO Specialist for the school and they can ensure the teacher gets connected to the right person at the school to request more masks.



If you were not paid last week, please check Peoplesoft today to see if your check dated Sept 6 & 23 has posted. Call your field rep if there are any problems.

Facility Concerns SY 22-23

Over the past two years, the WTU has met regularly to discuss facility issues with DCPS. Yet, many schools continue to have health and safety concerns. We ask that you let the WTU know of any health or safety concerns in your building by completing this brief form.


Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year. 

The AM Brew is distributed as a benefit to members of the WTU. In the coming weeks, we’ll be updating our database removing non-members from the distribution for the AM Brew, as well as other important Member –Only emails.

To ensure that you’re not inadvertently removed from the distribution list, please update your member information by clicking here.


Student Debt Clinics

The WTU and AFT will host student debt clinics.

September 29 and October 20

In a 90-minute session, AFT Student Debt Clinics provide information on how to enroll in income-driven student loan repayment programs and help in enrolling in the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program.

Registration links will be available soon!


Virtual Student Debt Clinic

AFT will continue to host a student debt clinic webinar Thursday evenings. Register at https://cvent.me/17XZka Webinar will include information about how to enroll in the free AFT Summer student loan member benefit. Additional information can be found at www.forgivemystudentdebt.org – this website contains all of the information on how to access PSLF in an easily digestible and understandable format.


After attending a Student Debt Clinic, we want to make sure you’ve got all the tools and information you need to take the next steps to start reducing how much you pay every month and get on a path towards a debt-free future! See attached for more information.

AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


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AM Brew - September 12, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, September 12, 2022


General Membership Meeting

September 13 @ 4:30 PM

Join via Zoom
Meeting ID: 939 669 4583

Passcode: 148566

Join President Pogue Lyons and the Executive Board to hear updates from the Union about upcoming programs and activities!

Click here for a timeline of the WTU/DCPS Contract Negotiations.

Committee on Political Education

At the WTU General Membership Meeting the WTU Committee on Political Education will present a motion to the members for their vote on who the WTU should endorse in the upcoming DC General Election:

The WTU Committee on Political Education (COPE) moves that the WTU endorse the following candidates in the 2022 General Election alongside our winning candidates from the DC Democratic Primary: 

DC State Board of Education:

Ward 1: Ben Williams  

Ward 3: Michael Sriqui 

Ward 5: Robert Henderson 

Ward 6: Joshua Wiley  

DC Council At-Large:

Elissa Silverman 

Karim Marshall 


Update your contact information 

The AM Brew is distributed as a benefit to members of the WTU. In the coming weeks, we’ll be updating our database removing non-members from the distribution for the AM Brew, as well as other important Member –Only emails.

To ensure that you’re not inadvertently removed from the distribution list, please update your member information by clicking here.

If you are removed, please contact Valerie Ashley at [email protected] to update your information and be re-added to the WTU mailing lists.



Please wear red each Friday and post photos to social media. Please tag us @WTUTeacher


Teachers Deserve a Fair Contract

Support the WTU at H Street Festival

Sign up to pass out handbills at the H St Festival on Saturday, September 17, 2022. We’ll be distributing flyers and talking to residents, urging them to call on Mayor Bowser to agree to a new contract.


Facility Concerns SY 22-23

Over the past two years, the WTU has met regularly to discuss facility issues with DCPS. Yet, many schools continue to have health and safety concerns. We ask that you let the WTU know of any health or safety concerns in your building by completing this brief form.

FMLA and LOA Claims

Please contact your WTU Field Representative if you are experiencing delays or you have questions regarding the processing of your FMLA and LOA claims with DCPS.


Student Debt Clinics

The WTU and AFT will host student debt clinics on September 29 and October 20

In a 90-minute session, AFT Student Debt Clinics provide information on how to enroll in income-driven student loan repayment programs and help in enrolling in the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program.

Registration links will be available soon!

Virtual Student Debt Clinic

AFT will continue to host a student debt clinic webinar Thursday evenings. Register at https://cvent.me/17XZka Webinar will include information about how to enroll in the free AFT Summer student loan member benefit. Additional information can be found at www.forgivemystudentdebt.org – this website contains all of the information on how to access PSLF in an easily digestible and understandable format.


After attending a Student Debt Clinic, we want to make sure you’ve got all the tools and information you need to take the next steps to start reducing how much you pay every month and get on a path towards a debt-free future! See attached for more information.


Vaccine information can be found here: Monkeypox | doh (dc.gov)

Monkeypox – Monkeypox Data | doh (dc.gov)


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


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