Fall 2022 - Professional Development
Fall 2022 Professional Development Courses are Now OPEN
Download the full list of fall courses here.
Interested in new tips for how to integrate technology into the classroom? Join WTU Instructor Julian King in Best Practices of Integrating Technology to Enhance Student Engagement & Assessment as he shares how to create meaningful learning activities using technology.
Want to dive into the psychology and education of the exceptional student? Enroll in Dr. John Taylor's class on the Psychology and Education of Exceptional as he will give you practical tips on how to apply the psychological development of exceptional student to concrete classroom strategies.
Learn how to promote social emotional learning in your own life so you can better assist students? If so, check out Dr. Persephone Brown's class or SEL for Adults!
And many more exciting opportunities to earn your PLUs.
Explore the Fall 2022 courses here.
AM Brew - September 6, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Please wear red each Friday and post photos to social media. Please tag the WTU on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
WTU Members from Kimball ES.
WTU Members in the News
Washington Post - Prince George’s, Montgomery, D.C. schools begin a new year
Washington Post - Navigating the wilderness, avoiding predators urban and rural
Facility Concerns SY 22-23
Over the past two years, the WTU has met regularly to discuss facility issues with DCPS. Yet, many schools continue to have health and safety concerns. We ask that you let the WTU know of any health or safety concerns in your building by completing this brief form.
FMLA and LOA Claims
Please contact your WTU Field Representative if you are experiencing delays or you have questions regarding the processing of your FMLA and LOA claims with DCPS.
SPED concerns
Teachers, and parents can contact the DC Office of the Ombudsman for Public Education with any concerns they have with special education. All communication is confidential.
Learn more about the Ombudsman’s services by clicking here and here.
Summer Pay – Regular Pay
Please visit Peoplesoft today and look for your pending check. There are often problems when DCPS transitions from summer pay to regular pay. Contact your Field Representative if there is any discrepancy.
3 Report incidents of Hate / Bias
DCPS is committed to being a whole-child, antiracist, equity-centered school district. This guide tells how to report allegations of hate/bias, discrimination, or harassment, and how allegations are addressed by the district. Learn more here.
Student Debt Clinic
The WTU and AFT will host additional student debt clinics. The dates and times will be announced in next week’s AM Brew.
Virtual Student Debt Clinic
AFT will continue to host a student debt clinic webinar Thursday evenings. Register at https://cvent.me/17XZka Webinar will include information about how to enroll in the free AFT Summer student loan member benefit. Additional information can be found at www.forgivemystudentdebt.org – this website contains all of the information on how to access PSLF in an easily digestible and understandable format.
After attending a Student Debt Clinic, we want to make sure you’ve got all the tools and information you need to take the next steps to start reducing how much you pay every month and get on a path towards a debt-free future! See attached for more information.
WTU Grants
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.
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AM Brew - August 29, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, August 29, 2022
Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year!
Every new school year brings great joy and happiness, not only for our students but for you, our teachers. As you open our classroom doors today to welcome your students, I hope that you will remember the optimism that made you an educator. And, I know that you will bring that joy and optimism to your students today and every day this school year.
As we start a new year, I'm reminded of the power of optimism. From COVID-19 to politician's censoring classroom discussion and curriculum, we have faced a lot together and as individuals over the past several years. Through it all, I have seen educators go above and beyond and remain optimistic despite all that has been thrown at our profession. It is because of the work that I've seen - opening your homes to students through virtual lessons, fighting to ensure our school librarians are funded, and winning protections for your health and that of your students - that I am optimistic about the future.
Today, as we start the new school year, I'm asking you asking you to get more involved with our Union to help us win a new - and fair - contract that will ensure that you are able to be effective and grow as educators and, most importantly, meet the needs of our students. I also ask that you welcome your new colleagues, whether they are new to your building or new to the profession, and encourage them to join the WTU if they are not already members. And, if new educators or other colleagues aren't receiving the AM Brew, please ask that they send their personal email to [email protected] asking to subscribe to the AM Brew and other important updates from our Union.
We can and will continue to overcome the challenges facing us. Your team at the WTU looks forward to serving you this year! Reach out to your Building Rep or Field Representative should you have any questions or concerns about working conditions or your Union.
Together, we can and will make this the best school year yet!
In solidarity,
Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President
Washington Teachers' Union
WTU members in the news
WTOP - Support, career growth: Educators talk about what could solve teacher shortages
Axios Washington - DCPS scrambles to prep buildings and students for another school year
Enroll Now – Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks
The WTU has extended the Open Enrollment Season for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks through September 2, but after that veteran teachers will not be able to join for the 2022-2023 school year. New Hires will be able to join during the entirety of the 2022-2023 school year. Also, if any members want to opt out of either bank they have until 9/2/2022 to do so.
The 8 hour donation required to join either bank will be taken out of your account on or after October 1, 2022, the beginning of the fiscal year.
Click here to submit your information to enroll: https://forms.gle/3fP8XwSiU8kYXjiW9
If you are choosing to opt-out of either bank, please do so by September 2, by sending a formal request to Charmaine Wilks at [email protected]. If you miss the Open Enrollment dates, you will not be able to enroll in "the Banks" until the next Open Seasons in June 2023 and August 2023. This is strictly for the use of the Sick Leave and Maternity/Paternity Leave Banks and not the Dental/Vision enrollment.
Every teacher in our bargaining unit should receive a laptop. If you have not received your laptop yet, please contact your principal. Supply card were distributed last week! Please contact your business manager if you did not receive your supply card. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact your Field Representative.
Back-To-School Events
Thanks to everyone who volunteered at Back-To-School events this weekend in Wards 5 & 6. The WTU will be attending future events and we’d like you to volunteer. If you’d like WTU support at your Back-To-School events, please contact Regina Bell at [email protected].
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.
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AM Brew - August 22, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, August 22, 2022
Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year! We have one week before we begin welcoming our students to our schools! As with every year, these last few days are filled with excitement. I look forward to giving you a preview of the upcoming year and answering your questions on Wednesday, August 24 at 6pm.
Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President
Washington Teachers' Union
WTU Town Hall Q & A with President Pogue Lyons
Aug 24, 2022 6:00 PM
Passcode: 027091
WTU Settlement - School Counselors
As previously announced, WTU has reached a settlement with DCPS to settle the group grievance filed by WTU on behalf of School Counselors who worked additional days without pay from 2011 to 2016. WTU and DCPS have sent communications about the settlement to each person identified by DCPS as a counselor during that period. If you have not received a communication but believe the settlement should includeyou, please contact Maria Granone, Executive Director at [email protected] or call her at (202) 517-0729.
IMPACT Grievances
Please contact your Field Representative if you would like to file an IMPACT grievance. The deadline is September 1, 2022
Enroll Now – Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks
The WTU has extended the Open Enrollment Season for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks through September 2, but after that veteran teachers will not be able to join for the 2022-2023 school year. New Hires will be able to join during the entirety of the 2022-2023 school year. Also, if any members want to opt out of either bank they have until 9/2/2022 to do so.
The 8 hour donation required to join either bank will be taken out of your account on or after October 1, 2022, the beginning of the fiscal year.
Click here to submit your information to enroll: https://forms.gle/3fP8XwSiU8kYXjiW9
If you are choosing to opt-out of either bank, please do so by September 2, by sending a formal request to Charmaine Wilks at [email protected]. If you miss the Open Enrollment dates, you will not be able to enroll in "the Banks" until the next Open Seasons in June 2023 and August 2023. This is strictly for the use of the Sick Leave and Maternity/Paternity Leave Banks and not the Dental/Vision enrollment.
Monkey Pox Update
D.C. public health officials expanded eligibility for the monkey pox vaccine Friday and loosened the residency requirement as a strategy to destigmatize the virus, even as the city sees record numbers of infections. Learn more: https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/08/12/dc-monkeypox-vaccine-eligibility/
Additional Resources:
- https://www.k12dive.com/news/5-best-practices-as-schools-brace-for-monkeypox/628870/
- https://www.aap.org/en/patient-care/monkeypox/
- https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/specific-settings/congregate.html
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.
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AM Brew - August 15, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, August 15, 2022
Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year! As new educators begin their New Educator Orientation this week, we hope that you will welcome them and invite them to join the WTU!
As we begin all begin the New Year, the WTU wants you to know that we are here to support you. We are in constant communication with DCPS about teacher and staff vacancies and we continue to monitor the public health crisis. We are working closely with DCPS and members of the city council to ensure that HVAC systems are properly circulating air and that our buildings remain safe. And, we are continuing to pressure DCPS to agree to a new contract to improve your working conditions and secure a much needed pay increase for educators.
I invite you all to join me for a Town Hall on Wednesday, August 24th to hear an update on these and more issues. Or please reach out to your Field Representative should you have questions or concerns as we kick-off the 2022-2023 school year.
The entire WTU team wishes you an exciting and productive school year.
Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President
WTU Town Hall Q & A with President Pogue Lyons
Wednesday, Aug 24, 2022 at 6:00 PM
Passcode: 027091
Summary of Contract Negotiations
WTU and DCPS have officially reached an impasse in contract negotiations after DCPS presented a “last, best, and final” offer that was simply unacceptable to the hard-working Teachers of the District of Columbia and also rejected the WTU’s attempts to continue negotiations. Accordingly, on July 28, 2022, the WTU filed a notice of impasse with the Public Employee Relations Board (PERB) and requested impasse resolution regarding both compensation and non-compensation matters in the CBA. The PERB determined that the Parties are at impasse, referred the case to the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service for the assignment of a Mediator, and is in the process of requesting a Mediator agreed upon by WTU and DCPS. Once a Mediator is appointed, WTU and DCPS will attempt to reach an agreement with the help of the Mediator. If the Parties are unable to reach an agreement within a set time frame, the PERB will appoint an Arbitrator or Board of Arbitration, who will conduct a formal hearing in which the Parties present their positions and decide any unresolved issues in an Interest Arbitration Award.
2022 WTU Leadership
WTU Field Representatives
IMPACT Grievances
Please contact your Field Rep if you would like to file an IMPACT grievance.
The deadline is September 1, 2022
Monkey Pox Update
D.C. public health officials expanded eligibility for the monkey pox vaccine Friday and loosened the residency requirement as a strategy to destigmatize the virus, even as the city sees record numbers of infections. Learn more: https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/08/12/dc-monkeypox-vaccine-eligibility/
Additional Resources
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.
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AM Brew - August 8, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, August 8, 2022
Coming soon! WTU Town Hall
Week of August 22nd. Stay tuned for details.
WTU is working with DCPS and closely monitoring Monkeypox, the latest public health emergency.
Additional information about this viral disease and vaccine can be found at the links below.
Monkeypox | doh (dc.gov)
Monkeypox vaccine information for D.C., Maryland and Virginia - The Washington Post
Extended Enrollment – Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks
The WTU has extended the Open Enrollment Season for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks through August 31, 2022. The 8 hour donation required to join either bank will be taken out of your account on or after October 1, 2022, the beginning of the fiscal year. You will not be allowed to join after August 31, 2022.
Click here to submit your information to enroll: https://forms.gle/3fP8XwSiU8kYXjiW9
If you are choosing to opt-out of either bank, please do so by August 31, by sending a formal request to Charmaine Wilks at [email protected].
Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions. If you miss the Open Enrollment dates, you will not be able to enroll in "the Banks" until the next Open Seasons in June 2023 and August 2023. This is strictly for the use of the Sick Leave and Maternity/Paternity Leave Banks and not the Dental/Vision enrollment.
Student Debt Clinic
AFT is hosting ongoing student debt clinic webinar Thursday evenings. Register at https://cvent.me/17XZka Webinar will include information about how to enroll in the free AFT Summer student loan member benefit.
Additional information can be found at www.forgivemystudentdebt.org – this website contains all of the information on how to access PSLF in an easily digestible and understandable format.
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.
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AM Brew - August 1, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, August 1, 2022
WTU Members -
I wanted to clarify a few issues that have been swirling around contract negotiations this summer. Statements by the leadership of the city and school district have clouded the status of negotiations. But their carefully selected words do not fully represent what is really happening. Let me clear it up.
First, although the school district has tried their best to blame the WTU for the delay, please ask yourself who benefits from this delay—the teachers or the city’s coffers? By not agreeing to a contract, the city essentially “pockets” the money that would be allocated for your pay increases. In fact, this has been their “MO” for years. WTU’s contracts and many other city workers’ contracts are routinely settled years after they expire. To imply the WTU is reason for the delay is complete nonsense and just a part of the city’s way of doing business—blame the unions.
Importantly, this line from a July 8th story in the Washington Post, “Chancellor Lewis D. Ferebee said the sticking point in the labor contract is compensation” was news to the WTU negotiating team. While I understand the political need for the Chancellor to erroneously place the blame on the WTU for public consumption, compensation has not been “the” sticking point for DCPS. And the WTU team has pages of receipts to prove it. DCPS made it clear to WTU they have other priorities. Again, who benefits from this misdirection? But more about this later.
As for the WTU’s actual compensation proposal, all I am allowed to say is it in very much in line with other settlements in urban school districts around the country and reasonable given the district’s budget situation. Any other characterizations of our compensation proposal are not accurate. Here are DCPS’s operating budget numbers for the years in question (readily available on Internet):
FY 2019 (actual) = $1,012,124,685
FY 2020 (actual) = $1,082,912,343
FY 2021 (actual) = $1,142,377,778
FY 2022 (approved) = $1,322,728,419 (Federal stimulus funds included)
FY 2023 (proposed) = $1,162,122,368
During the time teachers have received zero cost of living increases, the school district’s annual operating budget increased by almost $150 million or more than 14.8%. And that does not include the federal stimulus money that the US Secretary of Education specifically said can be used to increase teacher recruitment and retention. So where does the additional $150 million per year and stimulus money go? And for that matter, where does $1,162,122,368 go? A good question for people to ask. A question more people in our city should ask.
But let me be clear: although the Chancellor failed to mention them, he and his team have put other consequential proposals on the table that have nothing to do with compensation. These proposals would further undermine the rights of DC’s teachers. And the Chancellor and his team have said to the WTU team many times that these proposals are their priortiy—not compensation.
Asking DC’s teachers to give up even more rights is unconscionable. DC’s teachers already have fewer rights than most other urban teachers in the country (e.g., lack of tenure, no say in evaluations). Make no mistake: DCPS has made it clear that these proposals to reduce your rights are their priority, regardless of what the Chancellor has told the press. Again, the WTU has the paperwork to prove it.
What does all this mean? The WTU has and will continue to work hard to come to an agreement. But the city’s current offer is not acceptable and would have been a major step back for DC’s teachers. I do agree with the Chancellor on one thing: we can get this done. But we will only settle the contract if the parties are honest with each other and the public. If it takes mediation or arbitration for that to happen, then that’s what needs to happen.
Have a restful time and I look forward to seeing you in the fall.
Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President
WTU In The News
WHUR -Why Are Teachers Quitting?
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.
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AM Brew - July 25, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
MONDAY, JULY 25, 2022
WTU in the news
Schools districts across DMV work to address hundreds of teacher openings
DC-area school districts outline plans to recruit and retain teachers
AFT student loan forgiveness webinar.
The AFT is having weekly debt clinic webinars on Thursday evenings. The next one is July 28.
Register at https://cvent.me/17XZka
All members are welcome to sign up and attend! You can also enroll in the free AFT Summer student loan member benefit as part of the program. For more information go to www.forgivemystudentdebt.org – this website contains all of the information on how to access PSLF in an easily digestible and understandable format.
BCAC Virtual Town Hall in recognition of National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
– Let’s Talk About It…Mental Health Is Real
The Town Hall will be livestreamed on Thursday, 7/28, from 8pm to 9:15pm ET with BlackDoctor.org. Stream at www.Facebook.com/BlackDoctor.org/Live or www.YouTube.com/BlackDoctororg
Extended Enrollment – Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks
The WTU has extended the Open Enrollment Season for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks through August 31, 2022. The 8 hour donation required to join either bank will be taken out of your account on or after October 1, 2022, the beginning of the fiscal year. You will not be allowed to join after August 31, 2022.
Click here to submit your information to enroll: https://forms.gle/3fP8XwSiU8kYXjiW9
If you are choosing to opt-out of either bank, please do so by August 31, by sending a formal request to Charmaine Wilks at [email protected].
Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions. If you miss the Open Enrollment dates, you will not be able to enroll in "the Banks" until the next Open Seasons in June 2023 and August 2023. This is strictly for the use of the Sick Leave and Maternity/Paternity Leave Banks and not the Dental/Vision enrollment.
Teachers at all schools are eligible to receive the IMPACTplus bonus. The amount a teacher receives is dependent upon their IMPACT group and their schools Poverty status (which is largely tied to their Title 1 status) and CS1 status (which is determined by OSSE).
If you have questions, please contact Charles Moore at [email protected].
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.
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AM Brew - July 18, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, July 18, 2022
AFT delegates reelect Randi Weingarten as President
The WTU was honored to send a delegation to Boston to help re-elect Randi Weingarten as President of the AFT. Read more: American Federation of Teachers Re-elects National Officers, Passes Resolutions at 2022 Convention | American Federation of Teachers (aft.org)
The AFT also released a new report on Teacher Shortages.
Washington Post - D.C.-area schools see spike in teacher resignations
The WTU continues to be concerned with the high rate of teacher turnover that plagues the District. We’ll continue our work with the mayor and council to promote policies that will encourage and support teachers to remain in the District.
DCPS changes to IMPACT
Last week, you received an email from Chancellor Ferebee about changes to the IMPACT evaluation system for SY2022-23. The WTU is reviewing the proposed changes and will continue to work with DCPS and the Council to Replace IMPACT, which an American University study found to be racially biased.
More details here: Evolutions Overview _ Summer 2022 IMPACT Review.pdf (dc.gov)
Teachers at all schools are eligible to receive the IMPACTplus bonus. The amount a teacher receives is dependent upon their IMPACT group and their schools Poverty status (which is largely tied to their Title 1 status) and CS1 status (which is determined by OSSE).
If you have questions, please contact Charles Moore at [email protected].
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.
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AM Brew - July 11, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, July 11, 2022
WTU in the News
D.C. schools and teachers struggle to reach contract after 3 years - The Washington Post
City Wide Poetry Slam/Competition Hosted by BCAC/BCFH
In 2021 DCPS announced that it would centrally purchase and maintain an in-lifecycle device (no older than 3 years old) for every WTU teacher starting in SY21-22. We are happy to announce that DCPS is extending this commitment to cover all WTU members under this plan starting in SY22-23. Consequently, every WTU staff member will be assigned an in-lifecycle laptop purchased centrally starting in SY22-23.
Please note that while the purchase of devices is underway and we are working closely with the manufacturer to deliver them to schools prior to the new school year, we also anticipate and are preparing for potential COVID-related delays, due to international supply chain and shipping constraints. We will provide further updates on delivery timelines when available.
Office Depot Supply Card
From - Procurement Operations Team
We are writing to remind you that the planned final day to use the 2021-2022 Office Depot supply cards was 6/25. This date was communicated in all distribution messages, as well as the information flyers released with the cards. An expiration date for supply cards, both in the case of electronic and physical cards, is consistent with previous years.
We were recently notified that Office Depot erroneously deactivated the cards two days early. To address this issue, we have reactivated all physical cards for an additional window of time to ensure all those affected have an opportunity to spend their funds. The cards will be active through Sunday 7/17/2022.
We apologize for any difficulties encountered by those who attempted to use remaining funds during the premature deactivation.
Our Compensation team has advised that they are currently processing all required stipend payments, e.g., Department Chairs and TLIs for disbursement. They do not have an exact date yet but have prioritized this to be resolved within the next week or so.
To: 10-Month Employees in WTU Positions; Re: Important Information About Your Upcoming Paychecks
Below is guidance from Time and Labor regarding your upcoming paychecks through the start of SY 22-23. If you are returning to DCPS for the SY 22-23, your upcoming paychecks will consist of the following:
Check date: July 15, 2022
Time included: June 19 through July 2
Duration of pay: Two weeks
Type of pay: first (of four) Summer Pay Credit payment
Note: You will see the Time Reporting Code of Hours Worked No Pay (HWNP) on your paycheck for June 21 through June 24. This is to offset the 4 days of pay provided at the start of SY 21-22 prior to the first reporting week, so that you received a full pay period of pay. However, as noted above, you will not see an interruption in pay as you will receive the first Summer Pay Credit payment, which equates to two weeks of pay.
Check date: July 29, 2022
Time included: July 3 through July 16
Duration of pay: Two weeks
Type of pay: second (of four) Summer Pay Credit payments Check date: August 12, 2022
Time included: July 18 through Jul 31
Duration of pay: Two weeks
Type of pay: third (of four) Summer Pay Credit payments
Check date: August 26, 2022
Time included: August 1 through August 14
Duration of pay: Two weeks
Type of pay: final (of four) Summer Pay Credit payments
If you would like to view your current Summer Pay Credit (SPC) balance, please review the balance posted on your paycheck stubs. Additional questions regarding your paycheck should be directed to the Time and Labor team at dcps.timeandlabor@k12. dc.gov or (202) 442-4090.
We would like to congratulate the 2022 election winners!
The Election Results for the 2022 WTU Officers Elections have been posted to the WTU Website at: https://www.wtulocal6.net/elections.
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.
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AM Brew - July 5, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, July 5, 2022
D.C. Teachers Bemoan Lengthy Contract Negotiations
Thank you to everyone who joined us to Rally for A Fair Contract.
DCPS wants to hear from you!
The DCPS Professional Learning team is quickly gearing up for a great year of learning in SY 22-23 and they need your help! They are asking you to complete their professional development needs assessment. Your feedback will help their teams better target professional learning efforts to better meet your needs.
OSSE wants to hear from you!
The D.C. State Board of Education (SBOE) invites you to complete a 10-minute survey. The purpose of this Education Governance Survey is to better understand your experiences with the D.C. public education system/ public or private schools in D.C. as we consider what recommendations should be made to improve D.C.’s education system. Education Governance 2022 Survey (surveymonkey.com)
Sign up to testify at DC Council Hearing on Literacy
July 14th - The DC Council Committee of The Whole is holding a hearing on student literacy. Please make your voice heard and echo the WTU's calls for (1) ensuring there is a full-time librarian in every school, (2) reducing class size, especially in communities with large reading gaps, and (3) ensuring educators have proper planning time to prepare for classes.
Sign-up here: Committee Hearing Signup: Student Literacy
We would like to congratulate the 2022 election winners!
The Election Results for the 2022 WTU Officers Elections have been posted to the WTU Website at: https://www.wtulocal6.net/elections.
Members have 10 calendar days to submit official challenges to the election results. Challenges must be submitted in writing by email to [email protected].
We want to remind everyone that the CDC states, face masks help prevent the spread of Covid.
Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room - http://bit.ly/WTUSafeOpenings
And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (dc.gov).
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.
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AM Brew - June 26, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, June 27, 2022
The WTU leadership and staff would like to thank everyone for your dedication and patience during this difficult year. Together, we stood up against DCPS to demand safe working conditions and accommodations for those most at-risk during the pandemic as well as more resources for our students. Among our notable achievements this year are:
- securing COVID-19 Leave for teachers.
- winning a $70,000 AFT Back to School Grant to sponsor school trips, school gardens, proms, book club celebrations, classroom libraries and much more.
- Joining substitute teachers in a Rally at Freedom Plaza and helping them secure fair wages.
- The IMPACT Committee worked with the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Unions to develop a framework for what a fair evaluation system should look like and the WTU is committed to presenting this work to DCPS and city leaders.
- Building upon our win in the budget to ensure every school has a full-time librarian, WTU showed its commitment to improving literacy outcomes for children by going to schools all over the District to give a free book to all children who received a vaccination, holding a book fair to give away over 40,000 books and also by supporting the AFT’s Reading Opens the World Campaign in schools over this city.
We know that this year was difficult and our work as a Union doesn't end with the last day of school. Over the summer months, your Union and your fellow WTU members will continue to advocate for a new contract, including improvements to our working conditions and pay. If you are not receiving the AM Brew in your personal in-box, please contact Valerie Kilby ([email protected]) to ensure your email is updated.
For educators retiring or leaving DCPS after this school year, we'd like to thank you for your service to our city's students. We know that we can count upon you to raise your voice to continue advocating for our city’s students and we encourage you to join the WTU Retirees Union.
Thank you for your dedication to our city's students!
In Solidarity,
The WTU Team
The WTU would like to thank you for your support of the WTU Endorsed Candidates in the DC Democratic primary last week. While our candidates came up short in the city-wide elections, we had several “wins” in the Ward races and look forward to working with a more labor friendly council in the coming years.
3 Years Without a Contract is Too Long
Show the Mayor we’re united in demanding a fair contract now by joining us at Freedom Plaza, 1455 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20004, Tuesday, June 28, 10-2:30.
Wear your WTU t-shirt.
DCPS Laptops
DCPS announced that it would centrally purchase and maintain an in-lifecycle device (no older than 3 years old) for every WTU teacher starting in SY21-22. DCPS also informed the WTU that it is extending its commitment to cover all WTU members under this plan starting in SY22-23. Consequently, every WTU staff member will be assigned an in-lifecycle laptop purchased centrally starting in SY22-23.
DCPS informed the WTU that the purchase of devices is underway and they are working closely with the manufacturer to deliver them to schools prior to the new school year, DCPS also noted that it anticipates and will prepare for potential COVID-related delays, due to international supply chain and shipping constraints. DCPS has promised to provide further updates on delivery timelines when available.
DCPS is also collecting all devices (laptops) to ensure they are updated and reimaged for the new school year. While this is optional, if your device is not reimaged and apps or new programs are not installed, your device may have issues when you return in August 2022. You will also experience delays if you need to have your device updated once school begins. Please reach out to your WTU Field Representative if you have additional questions or concerns.
Extra Duty Pay
WTU is continuing to push DCPS to ensure that all teachers receive payment for their work as grade level chairs as well as for club and team sponsorship and for simultaneous teaching. If you have questions about this, please reach out to your WTU Field Representative
CLOSES SOON - Sick & Maternity Leave Banks Enrollment Open
Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022 and from August 1, 2022 through August 31, 2022. Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions. If you miss the Open Enrollment dates, you will not be able to enroll in "the Banks" until the next Open Seasons in June 2023 and August 2023. This is strictly for the use of the Sick Leave and Maternity/Paternity Leave Banks and not the Dental/Vision enrollment.
Click here to submit your information to enroll: https://forms.gle/3fP8XwSiU8kYXjiW9
We thank you for your patience, flexibility and most importantly exercising your right to Vote!
Tomorrow, June 28th, is Count Day!
Election Results will be posted to the WTU Website and emailed to members within 48 hours.
If you have any questions for the Elections Committee, please email us at [email protected] or leave a message at 202-505-3309.
Building Elections
The building election packet were sent to Building Representatives, who are responsible for conducting building level elections, last week. Its contents can be found here. A full list of WTU local school leadership positions and their duties is available here.
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.
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