AM Brew - June 21, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Good morning, Washington Teachers’ Union Member,
As we move this week to the end of another school year, I wanted to express my thanks to all the members of the WTU for their dedication to the children of our city. I know my words will never be enough to show my appreciation for what you do every day and have been through the past few years.
As we wrap up the school year, many of you are thinking about next year. I wish I had better news about contract negotiations.
For more than two years (yes, two years) your WTU bargaining team has tried to negotiate a fair contract that balances the needs of students and teachers with the administrative goals of the school district. As of today, most of the WTU’s proposals to improve our students’ learning conditions and the teachers’ working conditions have been rejected by DCPS. Even more frustrating is that the leaders of our school district have identified their “must haves” as issues that have little to do with teaching or learning. These must haves focus on central office operations.
Understandably, one of the most important parts of contract negotiations is compensation. Although the WTU team proposed a compensation package that was reasonable given current economic conditions and the teacher shortage in DC and around the country, the response from the school district can only be described as “disappointing.” DCPS negotiators continue to insist that WTU agree to their must haves -- again, things that do not affect teaching and learning -- before teachers will see their first cost-of-living increase in almost three years.
WTU members have worked without a new contract for two full years and are only four months away from another year without a settlement. In response to teachers not having an adjustment to the salary schedule for almost three years, with raging inflation, helping the school district navigate through the worse pandemic in over 100 years, and numerous unfilled teaching positions, the priority of district negotiators is focused outside our classroom and schools. That is beyond disappointing.
It is not acceptable when hard working teachers have done all they could to provide their students with the best possible education in very difficult times. We are years into these negotiations. You and every other member of the WTU know we are way past the “we must have these things to make our job easier” stage. Especially when proposals to ease the pressure on teachers have been mostly rejected. I wish I could share more about these issues, but confidentiality limits what I can say.
It is time to get this done! The WTU team has worked extremely hard and taken steps to get this contract done as soon as possible: they have provided options and proposals that address the issues DCPS has placed on the negotiating table. DCPS’s recent response indicates that the school district is willing to drag out negotiations and create unnecessary animosity between the teachers and the district—ironically, for things that have nothing to do with our classrooms. That is extremely disappointing, especially when there is an unprecedented shortage of teachers in our country, and you have so many career options.
The WTU bargaining team is committed to a fair contract for students, teachers, and the school district. We will continue to work hard for a tentative settlement that respects you and your work.
Like I said, I wish I had better news as we celebrate the end of the school year.
In solidarity.
Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President
Today is the DC Primary Election. Please ensure you #VOTE.
The WTU Endorsed Candidates are available HERE.
3 Years Without a Contract is Too Long
June 28 at 10AM at Freedom Plaza
Sick & Maternity Leave Banks Enrollment Open
Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022 and from August 1, 2022 through August 31, 2022. Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions.
If you miss the Open Enrollment dates, you will not be able to enroll in "the Banks" until the next Open Seasons in June 2023 and August 2023. This is strictly for the use of the Sick Leave and Maternity/Paternity Leave Banks and not the Dental/Vision enrollment.
Click here to submit your information to enroll:
Full dues paying members, should have received a ballot to the address you have on file with the WTU. If you have not received a ballot by Tuesday June 14, 2022, please email Ms. Valerie Kilby at [email protected] to verify your information on file and request a replacement ballot.
Upon receipt of your ballot, please allow for no more than 48 hours before returning your ballot to the mail. Ballots must be received at the US Post Office by 4pm on June 28th, 2022.
Election Count Day - 5pm June 28th, 2022.
Candidates have received critical observer information. Please adhere to the deadline and submit the necessary form by 5pm Friday June 17th.
In case you missed it...
- You can watch May 12th's Presidential Candidates Forum here.
- You may access the rooms from May 17th's Meet and Greet by clicking on the links. Visit Pogue Lyons - Bellhere, Unity here, and Independent Candidates here.
*Please be advised that some recordings may not start from the beginning of the session.
If you have any questions for the Elections Committee, please email us at [email protected] or leave a message at 202-505-3309.
Building Elections
The building election packet were sent to Building Representatives, who are responsible for conducting building level elections, last week. Its contents can be found here. A full list of WTU local school leadership positions and their duties is available here.
We want to remind everyone that the CDC states, face masks help prevent the spread of Covid.
Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room -
And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at
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AM Brew - June 13, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, June 13, 2022
March for our Lives
RuQuan Brown, a Banneker alum and current Harvard student, with his former teacher Clare Berke at the March for Our Lives. Mr. Brown lost his stepfather to gun violence. We encourage you to listen to his speech here.
Thanks to all our educators for joining us in celebrating DC Pride!
June 2022 Member Meeting – Tuesday, June 14 @ 4:30
Click here to join via zoom.
Passcode: 738827
DC’s Primary Election is 8 Days Away -- Support WTU Endorsed Candidates!
We encourage WTU members to #VOTE and to get involved in supporting WTU Endorsed Candidates in the upcoming June Primary Elections.
For a list of endorsed candidates, click here.
Mathical Book Prize
Congratulation to School Librarian Renee LaRue who a $700 Mathical Book Prize Collection Development Award and $5000 grant award from Laura Bush Foundation for America's Libraries for Savoy Elementary School.
D.C. is wrongly excluding teachers from graduation
Read Roosevelt HS teachers Erich Heckel and Samantha Averett opinion piece from Sunday’s WaPo - Opinion | D.C. is wrongly excluding teachers from graduation - The Washington Post
Sick & Maternity Leave Banks Enrollment Open
Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022 and from August 1, 2022 through August 31, 2022. Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions.
If you miss the Open Enrollment dates, you will not be able to enroll in "the Banks" until the next Open Seasons in June 2023 and August 2023. This is strictly for the use of the Sick Leave and Maternity/Paternity Leave Banks and not the Dental/Vision enrollment.
Click here to submit your information to enroll:
Greetings WTU Members!
Most of you, full dues paying members, should have received a ballot to the address you have on file with the WTU. If you have not received a ballot by Tuesday June 14, 2022, please email Ms. Valerie Kilby at [email protected] to verify your information on file and request a replacement ballot.
Upon receipt of your ballot, please allow for no more than 48 hours before returning your ballot to the mail. Ballots must be received at the US Post Office by 4pm on June 28th, 2022.
Election Count Day - 5pm June 28th, 2022.
Candidates have received critical observer information. Please adhere to the deadline and submit the necessary form by 5pm Friday June 17th.
In case you missed it...
- You can watch May 12th's Presidential Candidates Forum here.
- You may access the rooms from May 17th's Meet and Greet by clicking on the links. Visit Pogue Lyons - Bellhere, Unity here, and Independent Candidates here.
*Please be advised that some recordings may not start from the beginning of the session.
If you have any questions for the Elections Committee, please email us at [email protected] or leave a message at 202-505-3309.
Building Elections
The building election packet were sent to Building Representatives, who are responsible for conducting building level elections, last week. Its contents can be found here. A full list of WTU local school leadership positions and their duties is available here.
We want to remind everyone that the CDC states, face masks help prevent the spread of Covid.
Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room -
And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at
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AM Brew - June 6, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, June 6, 2022
It’s past time for elected officials to end the slaughter of schoolchildren and others in our communities.
DC Primary Ballots Have Arrived -- Support WTU Endorsed Candidates!
We encourage WTU members to #VOTE and to get involved in supporting WTU Endorsed Candidates in the upcoming June Primary Elections.
For a list of endorsed candidates, click here.
Opportunities to support Matt Frumin, WTU endorsed candidate for Ward 3 Council.
Door to door canvasses (Mon-Thu, Sat & Sun), phonebanks (everyday), and early voting center canvasses (starting June 10). If you have any questions, please contact Elias Benda (he/him/his) Campaign Manager, Matt Frumin for Ward 3, cell: (202)-355-8284
Sick & Maternity Leave Banks Enrollment Open
Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022 and from August 1, 2022 through August 31, 2022. Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions.
If you miss the Open Enrollment dates, you will not be able to enroll in "the Banks" until the next Open Seasons in June 2023 and August 2023. This is strictly for the use of the Sick Leave and Maternity/Paternity Leave Banks and not the Dental/Vision enrollment.
Click here to submit your information to enroll:
Greetings WTU Members! The WTUEC would like to thank you for your patience as we strive to provide updated information to you during this election cycle.
Ballots will be mailed this week!!!
The Elections Committee is unable to give an exact date as to the mailing of the ballot but we were informed it should be no later than June 7th. If this information changes, we will make every effort to inform the membership once we receive any updated information.
The Elections Committee assumes no responsibility for any errors found on the ballot or any information contrary to what was provided to members in the Special Elections Edition of the “Washington Teacher” as we were not given a voice in updates to the ballot, when the ballots would be sent out or notification by the WTU that the ballots were authorized to be reprinted without Elections Committee input.
If you have not received a copy of the Special Elections Edition of the “Washington Teacher” , please email Ms. Valerie Kilby at [email protected] to ensure that the WTU has your correct mailing address on file. We want to ensure that every member is able to receive a ballot for the Officers’ Election.
Please be on the lookout for additional modes of communication from the WTUEC as we finally received the approval and information to move forward with robocalls to the membership.
In case you missed it...
- You can watch May 12th's Presidential Candidates Forum here.
- You may access the rooms from May 17th's Meet and Greet by clicking on the links.
*Please be advised that some recordings may not start from the beginning of the session.
If you have any questions for the Elections Committee, please email us at [email protected] or leave a message at 202-505-3309.
Building Elections
The building election packet were sent to Building Representatives, who are responsible for conducting building level elections, last week. Its contents can be found here. A full list of WTU local school leadership positions and their duties is available here.
We want to remind everyone that the CDC states, face masks help prevent the spread of Covid.
Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room -
And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at
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AM Brew - May 31, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Tuesday, May 31
WTU has reached a settlement with DCPS to resolve the group grievance filed by WTU on behalf of School Counselors who worked additional days without pay. The settlement agreement was signed by President Pogue Lyons last week. The affected counselors will receive a communication regarding the details of the settlement.
DC Primary Ballots Have Arrived -- Support WTU Endorsed Candidates!
We encourage WTU members to #VOTE and to get involved in supporting WTU Endorsed Candidates in the upcoming June Primary Elections.
For a list of endorsed candidates, click here.
Sick & Maternity Leave Banks Enrollment Open SOON
Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022 and from August 1, 2022 through August 31, 2022. Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions.
If you miss the Open Enrollment dates, you will not be able to enroll in "the Banks" until the next Open Seasons in June 2023 and August 2023. This is strictly for the use of the Sick Leave and Maternity/Paternity Leave Banks and not the Dental/Vision enrollment.
Click here to submit your information to enroll:
The WTU Election Committee has received the AFT's Response and while we vehemently disagree with their response, the WTU Election Committee will push forward to ensure that this election cycle experiences no further delays to the extent it is within our power to do so. All other contested matters related to this issue are placed squarely in the hands of individuals who may be directly impacted by this Executive Board action.
The Elections Committee is finalizing a new elections balloting timeline and we should have an agreed upon ballot timeline by mid-week. Please watch for updated news.
Please expect to receive the Special Election Edition of the Washington Teacher in your mail soon as well as frequent reminders via robo calls to encourage your participation in the election.
In case you missed it...
- You can watch May 12th's Presidential Candidates Forum here.
- You may access the rooms from May 17th's Meet and Greet by clicking on the links. Visit Pogue Lyons - Bell here, Unity here, and Independent Candidates here.
*Please be advised that some recordings may not start from the beginning of the session.
If you have any questions for the Elections Committee, please email us at [email protected] or leave a message at 202-505-3309.
Building Elections
The building election packet were sent to Building Representatives, who are responsible for conducting building level elections, last week. Its contents can be found here. A full list of WTU local school leadership positions and their duties is available here.
We want to remind everyone that the CDC states, face masks help prevent the spread of Covid.
Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room -
And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at
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AM Brew - May 23, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, May 23
DC Primary Ballots Have Arrived -- Support WTU Endorsed Candidates!
We encourage WTU members to #VOTE and to get involved in supporting WTU Endorsed Candidates in the upcoming June Primary Elections.
For a list of WTU Endorsed Candidates, click here.
We have heard from many teachers that their FMLA application is not being processing in a timely manner. We have been advocating for you and working with the LOA office to resolve this matter. We are proud to announce that there has been some progress on this issue. The following guidelines are only for those who applied for PFL. Timekeepers have been asked to substitute Administrative Leave w/Pay (ADL) so that those affected teachers who have filed for Paid Family Leave (PFL) can remain in paid status. From the Memorandum:
“To qualify for the use of ADL in these circumstances, the below requirements MUST be followed. These qualifications will be checked by the LOA team.
- The employee must have submitted a completed LOA application 2 or more weeks ago, has not received a response from the LOA team, and has not had their PFL time loaded.
- The employee does not have any annual or sick leave to use. In other words, their own leave must be exhausted.
Principals, timekeepers or employees should inform Employee Services and an Employee Services representative will enter the time. Once the leave has been loaded, the timekeeper should send updated timesheets to the school payroll technician so that adjustments can be made in PeopleSoft.”
Timekeepers should contact the Time and Labor team at [email protected] for any further information.”
We sincerely hope that these efforts will help alleviate the stress that you have been experiencing because of this serious backlog. Please reach out to your Field Representative if you have any questions.
Sick Leave Buy Back
Sick & Maternity Leave Banks Enrollment Open SOON
Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022 and from August 1, 2022 through August 31, 2022. Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions.
If you miss the Open Enrollment dates, you will not be able to enroll in "the Banks" until the next Open Seasons in June 2023 and August 2023. This is strictly for the use of the Sick Leave and Maternity/Paternity Leave Banks and not the Dental/Vision enrollment.
Click here to submit your information to enroll
Due to a controversy between the WTU Elections Committee and the WTU Executive Board, the Special Elections Edition of the Washington Teacher and the ballots have not been mailed. At the request of the WTU Elections Committee, the American Federation of Teachers will provide directions.
The Elections Committee will notify the membership once this status changes.
In case you missed it, you can watch the Presidential Candidates Forum here. Click here to provide feedback about the forum in an effort to assist the Elections Committee with planning future events. We thank you for your time and input!
If you have any questions for the Elections Committee, please email us at [email protected] or leave a message at 202-505-3309.
Building Elections
The building election packet were sent to Building Representatives, who are responsible for conducting building level elections, last week. Its contents can be found here. A full list of WTU local school leadership positions and their duties is available here.
We want to remind everyone that the CDC states, face masks help prevent the spread of Covid.
Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room -
And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at
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AM Brew - May 16, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, May 16
The DC Council took action on the FY2023 (school year 2022-23) budget last week. The Council voted to keep phasing police out of public schools — despite the objections of the mayor and city principals’ union. The council also approved new allotments directly to some of the city’s most troubled public schools.
You can view the Council’s budget documents here. Coverage from the Washington Post here. And analysis from DC Fiscal Policy Institute here.
Campaigning has officially begun! Click here to review the Campaign Rules.
Special Thanks to all those who attended or viewed Thursday’s Presidential Candidates Forum. In case you missed it, you can watch the Forum here.
Click here to provide feedback about the forum in an effort to assist the Elections Committee with planning future events. We thank you for your time and input!
Upcoming Elections Events/Dates
May 17th 6:00pm – 8:00pm – WTU Elections Committee Virtual Meet & Greet hosted by Mrs. Denise Rolark Barnes Publisher of The Washington Informer. Flier
Via Zoom; Meeting ID: 748 094 0086; Passcode: 051722
Be on the lookout for a Special Edition of the Washington Teacher that shares more information about the Presidential Candidates running in this year’s election.
Continue to check election updates through the Morning Brew to receive information about when Ballots should be arriving in the mail. If you have any questions for the Elections Committee, please email us at [email protected] or leave a message at 202-505-3309.
Building Elections
The building election packet were sent to Building Representatives, who are responsible for conducting building level elections, last week. Its contents can be found here. A full list of WTU local school leadership positions and their duties is available here.
Support WTU Endorsed Candidates!
We encourage WTU members to get involved in supporting WTU Endorsed Candidates in the upcoming June Primary Elections. For a list of endorsed candidates, click here.
The WTU was proud to launch an updated website. We hope you’ll check it out at
We are collecting their photos and quotes for publication on the website capturing what the WTU means to you. Email photos/quotes to [email protected] or text them to 703-904-0000.
For information on walkthroughs of new WTU website, please see the Upcoming Events section below.
We want to remind everyone that the CDC states, face masks help prevent the spread of Covid.
Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room -
And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at
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AM Brew - May 9, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, May 9
Representative Assembly
Tuesday, May 10 at 4:30 PM
Building Reps and delegates should use the link they received in their email to join the Rep Assembly Meeting. All members can attend the meeting. Only building reps and delegates may speak and are eligible to vote.
Click here to join the webinar
Teacher Appreciation Week
A HUGE Thank You to all the building reps who turned in U.S. mailing addresses and t-shirt sizes for their members. And, thanks to the support from WTU retirees and the Metropolitan Labor Council who were able to deliver t-shirts to over 70 schools last week!
We are asking Building Reps to continue to collect US mailing addresses and t-shirt sizes and we will make more tshirt deliveries this week. If you did not receive a WTU election notice in the US Mail, please contact your Field Representative.
Please wear your t-shirt on Friday to show unity and solidarity during contract negotiations. We encourage you to post photos to social media. Please tag @WTUTeacher with #TeacherAppreciationWeek and #FairContract.
Campaigning has officially begun! Click here to review the Campaign Rules.
Upcoming Elections Related Events.
- May 10th 4:30pm – WTU’s Representative Assembly – Presidential Candidates will be provided 3 minutes to introduce themselves and their platform at this Rep Assembly Meeting.
- May 11th 5:30pm – 7:30pm – Candidates Review of Membership List (more information will be shared directly with verified candidates).
- May 12th 6:00pm – 8:00pm – WTU Elections Committee Candidates Forum Zoom Meeting ID: 880 5342 7425 Passcode: 051222 (First 800 people)
- May 17th 6:00pm – 8:00pm – WTU Elections Committee Virtual Meet & Greet hosted by Mrs. Denise Rolark Barnes Publisher of The Washington Informer. Official Flier with Zoom information will be shared in the May 16th Morning Brew.
Be on the lookout for a Special Edition of the Washington Teacher that shares more information about the Presidential Candidates running in this year’s election. Continue to check election updates through the Morning Brew to receive information about when Ballots should be arriving in the mail.
If you have any questions for the Elections Committee, please email us at [email protected] or leave a message at 202-505-3309.
Building Elections
The building election packet was sent to Building Representatives, who are responsible for conducting building level elections, last week. Its contents can be found here.
A full list of WTU local school leadership positions and their duties is available here.
Support WTU Endorsed Candidates!
- Invite others to a Meet and Greet with Robert White for Mayor on Saturday, May 15:
- Get a yard sign, to show your support for Robert White for Mayor:
- Support Erin Palmer's campaign for council chairwoman! Saturday May 14 at 11:00 am- Canvass in Fort Totten. Sign up and get more details:
- Text Bank with Zachary Parker's Ward 5 Council Campaign Wednesday, May 11th 7-8PM on Zoom. Sign up here:
- Get a yard sign for Matthew Frumin in Ward 3 to put in your yard or near your school (on public land off school grounds):
- Sign up to volunteer with Brianne Nadeau's Ward 1 reelection campaign:
We hope you’ll join us in supporting these candidates and electing officials who will support teachers and our public schools! To learn more about COPE and to see a full list of WTU endorsements, click here.
Ward 4 School Modernizations
Please send an email to the Mayor, the Chancellor, and the Chairman to advocate that they proceed with plans to resolve overcrowding at Roosevelt and modernize Truesdell, Whittier and LaSalle-Backus as scheduled. Write your own email or use the draft email. Every message counts!
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
Subject: Support Ward 4 Families and Schools
Mayor Bowser, Chancellor Ferebee, and Chairman Mendelson:
I’m writing in support of Ward 4 students and schools in need of relief from overcrowding and overdue modernizations.
To alleviate extreme overcrowding at Roosevelt, which is projected to be the most crowded building in all of DCPS next year, I understand that DCPS has proposed moving the Roosevelt STAY Opportunity Academy to Garnet-Patterson next fall. Roosevelt STAY is an opportunity academy serving a citywide population of 16-24-year-old students, all of which are overage and under-credited. 200 of their nearly 600 students are English Language Learners (ELL) and 100% of them are Black or Hispanic. This program is a lifeline to them and we cannot continue to ask them and the over 800 Roosevelt HS students to endure an unsafe overcrowded learning environment. Roosevelt HS and Roosevelt STAY both need the additional space. Please allocate the funding for Garnet-Patterson to make this possible and support this move.
DCPS must also maintain plans to modernize Truesdell ES, Whittier ES, and LaSalle-Backus on schedule. I understand DCPS has proposed using all of the Sharpe Health campus in Ward 4 as swing space for Dorothy Height and then Truesdell ES beginning in SY23-24 (Fiscal Year 2024). Sharpe is the only swing space currently available in Ward 4 and any delays or shifts in Truesdell’s modernization school would mean delaying all three schools’ modernizations. Each school is a Title I school serving more than 90% Black and Hispanic students. They have also waited for their turns on the PACE modernization ranking system. Whittier ES in particular has endured a building with extensive maintenance problems and cannot be asked to wait any longer. Please allocate the funding to renovate Sharpe Health's currently under-used space and support DCPS's full use of its own building.
Simultaneously, I understand that Briya Public Charter School may be affected by these plans, as they currently occupy a portion of Sharpe. I understand DCPS has proposed alternative options for Briya to relocate to and I support these efforts to keep Briya near the families that they serve. Briya is a good school worthy of our help and I hope we can find a new site that allows them to stay for the long term. Please work with the Mayor and Briya to help them relocate to a new location in our community.
Thank you for your time and support for DCPS and Ward 4 families and schools!
The WTU was proud to launch an updated website last week. We hope you’ll check it out at
We are collecting your photos and quotes for publication on the website; please send along an image and a quote about what the WTU means to you to [email protected] or via text to 703-904-0000.
For information on walkthroughs of new WTU website, please see the Upcoming Events section below.
We want to remind everyone that the CDC states, face masks help prevent the spread of Covid.
Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room -
And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at
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AM Brew - May 2, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, May 2
The WTU will distribute t-shirts to all members who provided their mailing address and t-shirt size to their Building Representatives. Throughout the week please look out for surprises and more opportunities to celebrate and Teacher Appreciation!
Please wear your t-shirt on Friday May 6th to show unity and solidarity during contract negotiations. We encourage you to post photos on Friday to social media. Please tag @WTUTeacher with #TeacherAppreciationWeek and #AFairContract
Counselor’s Unpaid Work Grievance
WTU and DCPS are nearing a settlement of WTU's grievance involving the counselors' unpaid days of work. WTU provided its final edits to the agreement this week and we hope the agreement will be finalized in the coming days. Counselors will receive more information as it becomes available.
Simultaneous Instruction – Submit Request for Payment
Due May 3rd
Please complete this required stipend form by Tuesday, May 3rd for all simulcast assignments through Spring Break. This information will be validated by your school leader. An additional data collection will occur in June if any additional Simulcast assignments in Semester 2. Payments are expected to occur in Summer 2022. Please submit the form and include any questions you may have in your submission.
Website -
The WTU was proud to launch an updated website last week. We hope you’ll check it out at With any website migration, some links may no longer work. If you have trouble finding content or you find a link that is not working, please email [email protected].
The updated website also includes a “Members –only” section, where information confidential to WTU members can be posted. Your Building Representative will be able to provide you a password. You can also receive your password at any of the website informational sessions (see upcoming events section below).
If you have any questions about the website, please contact 703-904-0000 or email: [email protected].
Building Elections
The building election packet was sent to Building Representatives, who are responsible for conducting building level elections, last week. Its contents can be found here.
A full list of WTU local school leadership positions and their duties is available here.
Nomination Petitions have been submitted and the Verification Process has begun!
Upcoming Elections Events/Dates
- May 5th 6:30pm – MANDATORY Candidates Meeting with Elections Committee (Zoom link will be shared directly with verified candidates).
- May 10th 4:30pm – WTU’s Representative Assembly – Presidential Candidates will be provided with a few minutes to introduce themselves and their platform at this Rep Assembly Meeting.
- May 11th 5:30pm – 7:30pm – Candidates Review of Membership List (more information will be shared directly with verified candidates).
- May 12th 6:00pm – 8:00pm – WTU Elections Committee Candidates Forum (Zoom and Live Streaming). Presidential Candidates will engage in a Q & A discussion about issues raised by you the Members! Please click here to submit questions for the Forum. A flyer with additional information will be shared in the May 9th Morning Brew.
- May 17th 6:00pm – 8:00pm – WTU Elections Committee Virtual Meet & Greet hosted by Mrs. Denise Rolark Barnes Publisher of The Washington Informer. Flier with additional information will be shared in the May 9th Morning Brew.
Be on the lookout for a Special Edition of the Washington Teacher that shares more information about the Presidential Candidates running in this year’s election. Continue to check election updates through the Morning Brew to receive information about when Ballots should be arriving in the mail.
As a reminder please email Valerie Kilby at [email protected] with any changes to your personal information especially your mailing address. If you have any questions for the Elections Committee, please email [email protected] or leave a message by calling 202-505-3309.
Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room -
And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at
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AM Brew - April 4, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, April 4, 2022
Representative Assembly Meeting - Tuesday, April 5 @ 4:30pm
Building Reps and Delegates please join the meeting with the link you were emailed.
All others, please join via Zoom. Webinar ID: 965 7626 2336; Passcode: 019966.
April 9th 10-3 - Reading Opens the World Book Palooza & Community Fair
Interested in volunteering? Help sort books April 5-9 and take your books then! To volunteer, sign up at
Download the flyer to learn more.
Descargue el folleto para obtener más información.
Teacher Leader Surveys
Please support our Teacher Leaders by completing these surveys.
Remembering President Davis
On the anniversary of her passing, we want to remember President Elizabeth Davis. Liz was at the forefront of public education advocacy and reform, leading the WTU’s transformation into a social justice, solution-driven organization dedicated to advancing and promoting quality education for all children, irrespective of their zip codes or results of the school lottery, improving teaching and learning conditions, and aggressively amplifying the voice of teachers in the dialogue around issues of teaching and learning. Her legacy continues to shape the WTU as well as education across the District.
The Washington Teachers’ Union will soon be conducting internal elections for several positions in accordance with the WTU Constitution and By-Laws.
The WTU Elections Website has been updated to include a document detailing the collection process for nomination petitions. Please click here to access this document as well as the Elections Packet (Cover letter, Election Notice and Nominating Petitions). Content may also be accessed through the main WTU Website.
As the Elections Committee receives questions from members about the nomination and election processes we will continue to update the elections FAQ.
Prior to going to the WTU Office to submit petition(s), candidates should call the WTU office to ensure Valerie Kilby or Jasmine Wright is available to receive their petition(s). WTU Main Office number: (202) 517 1477; Valerie Kilby’s direct line (202) 517 0728.
Join the WTU Elections Committee for an Information Session about the Nominations and Petitions Process this Thursday April 7, 2022 from 6:30pm - 7:00pm on Zoom. Zoom Meeting ID: 810 3075 0676 Passcode: 400544.
This session will be recorded and shared in the Morning Brew.
If you have any questions or concerns for the WTU Elections Committee please email [email protected] or leave a message by calling 2025053309.
Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room -
And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at
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AM Brew - March 28, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, March 28, 2022
Social Work Month 2022 -- The Time is Right for Social Work.
For almost 60 years, Social Work Month has helped increase awareness around the profession and champion the cause of social workers. By shining a light on social work, the month long celebration creates an opportunity to improve the lives of social workers and the communities they support in several ways.
DC Early EdX
DC Early EdX, held during the D.C. Month of the Young Child, is a virtual event designed by educators for educators. Take the day to decompress, connect with and learn from your peers, raise your voice, and celebrate the important role you play for children, families, and the entire community. DC Early EdX 2022 is free to all participants. Download the flyer here. Register today at!
If you are waiting to hear back from DCPS about your FMLA request, email your Field Representative and include the date you applied for FMLA.
If you have not received a laptop or your laptop is more than 3 years old, please complete this form. WTU Laptop Survey
Shoutout to KC Boyd – 2022 School Librarian of the Year
Read more:
Teacher Leader Surveys
Please support our Teacher Leaders by completing these surveys.
The Washington Teachers’ Union will soon be conducting internal elections for several positions in accordance with the WTU Constitution and By-Laws.
The WTU Elections Website has been updated to include a document detailing the collection process for nomination petitions. Please click here to access this document as well as the Elections Packet (Cover letter, Election Notice and Nominating Petitions). Content may also be accessed through the main WTU Website. As the Elections Committee receives questions from members about the nomination and election processes we will continue to update the elections FAQ.
If you have any questions or concerns for the WTU Elections Committee please email [email protected] or leave a message by calling 2025053309.
Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room -
And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at
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AM Brew - March 21, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, March 21, 2022
April 9th 10-3 - Reading Opens the World Book Palooza & Community Fair
Interested in volunteering? Help sort books April 5-9 and take your books then! To volunteer, sign up at
Download the flyer to learn more.
Highlights from 2022 Shared Vision
The Real Supply (Retention) Chain Crisis
Teacher Leader Surveys
Please support our Teacher Leaders by completing these surveys.
The Washington Teachers’ Union will soon be conducting internal elections for several positions in accordance with the WTU Constitution and By-Laws.
- The WTU Elections Website has been updated to include a document detailing the collection process for nomination petitions. Please click here to access this document as well as the Elections Packet (Cover letter, Election Notice and Nominating Petitions). Content may also be accessed through the main WTU Website.
- As the Elections Committee receives questions from members about the nomination and election processes we will continue to update the elections FAQ.
- A text was sent to membership on Wednesday March 16, 2022 informing of the Open Elections Window. If you did not receive a text please ensure your personal information is correct by emailing Ms. Valerie Kilby at [email protected] or calling 202-517-0728.
Notice for Aspiring WTU Presidential Candidates!
If you plan on running for President of the Washington Teachers’ Union, along with your nomination petition(s) please submit the following to the WTU Elections Committee by 5pm Friday April 29, 2022, via emailing [email protected].
- A professional profile photo (headshot)
An official statement not to exceed 150 words that speaks to your professional training teaching experience, union service and a statement of policies you intend to pursue.
*Please be advised that photos and statements may be returned for resubmission if they do not meet with the above-mentioned guidelines.
If you have any questions or concerns for the WTU Elections Committee please email [email protected] or leave a message by calling 202-505-3309.
February Air Quality report
February-2022—DGS-IAQ-Monthly-Report.pdf (
Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room -
And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at
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AM Brew - March 14, 2022
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, March 14, 2022
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the 2022 Shared Vision Conference!
The Washington Teachers’ Union will soon be conducting internal elections for several positions in accordance with the WTU Constitution and By-Laws.
Click here to view the election notice and obtain nominating petitions.
Sick & Maternity Leave Banks
ICYMI - DCPS failed to withdraw and allocated leave donated to the Sick and Maternity Leave Banks over the past two years. Adjustments were made to your leave balances, a benefit the WTU has negotiated to help members during an illness or having a baby, in your last paycheck. We will continue to monitor the situation and work to ensure that leave was properly deducted. We will update you as the WTU receives further information from DCPS. If you have any questions, please contact your field representative.
Starting Wednesday, March 16 -- and consistent with the latest health guidance and the current low levels in DC -- masks will be optional for students, staff, and visitors in DC Public Schools, DCPS offices, and on OSSE-DOT transportation.
The WTU is continuing to push DCPS to:
- Increase the vaccination rate of all students;
- Continue tracking school and community transmission rates and be ready to pivot back to masks if cases go up especially where vaccination rates are low in accordance with the CDC’s latest guidelines.
- Put protocols in place to ensure students are not shamed for wearing or not wearing masks.
The city also remains obligated to continue to adhere to the protocols and procedures outlined in our MOAs, including COVID testing, monitoring HVAC systems in schools, cleaning protocols, and timely reporting of cases in school communities. We will ensure they meet their obligations to you and our students.
We encourage you to contact your Field Representatives if you have any questions.
Report COVID- related issues
Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room -
And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at
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