AM Brew - March 7, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, March 7, 2022


REGISTER NOW - 2022 Shared Vision – Saturday March 12th

Keynote Address – 10:00 AM

Dr Meisha Ross Porter, former Chancellor NYC Public Schools

Dr. Porter rose through the NYC public school ranks as a teacher, principal, and executive superintendent before becoming the first Black woman to lead the nation’s largest school system. Dr. Porter’s admirers have said that she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty and she’s never forgotten where she came from.

Opening Session at 9am – Healing Conversations are skillfully facilitated conversations about the racial injustice in the United States. The conversation invites individuals to reflect upon and share experiences or insights about racial injustice. Limited to 50 people.

Additional sessions include:

  • Retirement
  • Teacher retention
  • Science of Reading
  • Black Literature Matters
  • TraRon Center



Sign-up here for a FREE virtual PRAXIS class for members Wednesdays at 7PM. Class runs from March 23rd – May 25th


Wear #RedforEd Every Friday

Take a picture and tag #RedforEd and the @WTUTeacher on twitter.

The WTU is ordering t-shirts for all members. Please give your t-shirt size to your building representative.




January Air Quality Report

January-2022—DGS-IAQ-Monthly-Report.pdf (netdna-ssl.com)


Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room - http://bit.ly/WTUSafeOpenings
And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (dc.gov).


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.

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AM Brew - February 28, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, February 28, 2022


Welcome Back!  We hope you enjoyed your mid-winter break. As a reminder, both you and your students must submit evidence of a negative COVID test prior to returning to your classrooms. If you have any questions, please contact your Field Representative.


Join us for 2022 Shared Vision.  March 12, 2022

For more information, click here.

Register for Shared Vision Here.


Wellness Series with Aetna

Each session below is a one-hour “gift of self-care” with unique perspectives and tools. Participants will find value in attending one, a few, or all the sessions to support themselves in creating a robust practice of Self Care. Starts Wed. 2/2; all sessions @ 6:30pm-7:30pm.

Each session includes different sets of:

  • Powerful physiological tools of the breath that can be incorporated into one’s day to instantly reduce tension.
  • Guided relaxation for deep restoration and quieting of the thoughts in the mind.
  • Cognitive tools for navigating thoughts and emotions as they arise.

Use this link to register for all or some of the upcoming sessions: https://artofliving.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYkf-mgrD0qEtfZQOKQy_UwiRpBfShnBeLC

  • March 2nd - Energy and Breath: Powerful Tools to Increase Your Resilience
  • April 6th Supporting Your Mental Health and Preventing Burnout
  • May 4th - Making the Impossible, Possible - Setting and Achieving Your Goals
  • June 8th - Courageous Conversations: Healing Conversations about Systemic Racism


Retroactive Personal Pandemic Leave

As you know, in accordance with the DCHR communication sent on January 19, all employees who must isolate due to a positive COVID-19 test are eligible to use up to 80 hours of Personal Pandemic Leave. More details on DCPS’s Personal Pandemic Leave policy can be found in the attached guidance.

To qualify for the use of Personal Pandemic Leave, an employee must: 

  • Supply proof that they have tested positive for COVID-19 (e.g., a positive test result from a healthcare provider or an at-home test);
  • Be unable to work or telework due to COVID-19;
  • Need leave because the employee must isolate under DC Health’s or the employee’s local health department’s guidelines; and
  • Have made a request and been approved for Personal Pandemic Leave.

 Questions regarding this guidance should be directed to the Time and Labor team at [email protected].



Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room - http://bit.ly/WTUSafeOpenings
And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (dc.gov).


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


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AM Brew - February 22, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, February 22, 2022


Save the Date March 12th – 2022 Shared Vision Conference

Resilience and Renaissance Ideas to Rebuild After a Pandemic

Dr. Meisha Ross Porter, the former Chancellor of the New York City Public Schools, will be our keynote speaker at the WTU's 2022 Shared Vision Conference: Resilience and Renaissance Ideas to Rebuild After the Pandemic on Saturday, March 12th.  Dr. Porter rose through the NYC public school ranks as a teacher, principal and executive superintendent before becoming the first Black woman to lead the nation’s largest school system. Dr. Porter’s admirers have said that she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty and she’s never forgotten where she came from. We hope you'll join us at our 2022 Shared Vision Conference on Saturday, March 12 to hear from Dr. Porter.


Shared Vision Virtual Session - Healing Conversations (limited to 50 teachers)

March 12, 2022 9am-10am
Healing conversations are skillfully facilitated conversations about the racial injustice in the United States. The conversation invites individuals to reflect upon and share experiences or insights about racial injustice. The goal is to begin to hold space for important conversations and healing through a combination of small groups (3-4 people) and breathwork. The Restorative session includes:

  • Facilitated discussion in large and small groups
  • Open, safe space for sharing, connecting and self-care 
  • Guided relaxation to relieve stress and move towards healing
  • Led by highly-trained SKY Schools Instructors certified in stress- and trauma-relief

Space is limited to 50 teachers. Please register here if you would like to attend this session.



Reminder: All DCPS staff and students must submit proof of a negative test prior to returning to school on Monday, February 28.

Please contact your Field Representative if you requested but haven’t received your weekly testing kit in the mail.

Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room - http://bit.ly/WTUSafeOpenings
And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (dc.gov).


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.

Read more

AM Brew - February 14, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, February 7, 2022



Free WTU T-Shirt

For all members who complete this information sheet. The information will only be used for official WTU business such has the election of officers. Voting will be by US Mail. Please contact Jasmine Wright at [email protected] if you have any questions.

 Click here.

Not sure if you’re an active member?

Check your pay stub.

In the AFTER-TAX DEDUCTIONS section of your pay stub, it will have DU-A of Teachers Local No. 6 $36.08 if you’re a member.

Click here to join the WTU through PeopleSoft.


Save the Date March 12th

2022 Shared Vision Conference: Resilience and Renaissance Ideas to Rebuild After a Pandemic

Rally to Support Substitute Teachers


Black History Month

Shoutout to librarian Sherri Jones at Houston Elementary for celebrating Black History Month with an African-American Read-In.




Serve Your City/Ward 6 Mutual Aid is offering an in-person STEM tutoring program for students in Wards 6, 7, and 8 who are:

  • Interested in STEM 
  • In grades 5-8
  • Most affected by the opportunity gap
  • Available after school from 4-6 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays

They are also looking for tutors who share our commitment to serving those students. The start date for the program is February 22nd.  For additional information please contact Mark Barnes at

[email protected] or (202) 643-4275.



Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room - http://bit.ly/WTUSafeOpenings
And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (dc.gov).


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - February 7, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, February 7, 2022



Rally to support substitute teachers

TODAY -- Monday, February 7th from 3:30-6pm

John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW


February Representative Assembly Meeting

Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 4:30
All members are welcome to attend, but only building representatives and delegates are eligible to vote.

Please click this link to join the webinar:

Webinar ID: 990 9622 2702

Passcode: 017504


Save the Date March 12th 2022 Shared Vision Conference: Resilience and Renaissance Ideas to Rebuild After a Pandemic

Elections Committee Updates

WTU Elections:  Building Reps Need to Know (click to learn more)

An electronic version of the Building Rep Binder is available here.



Please take a few minutes to complete the IMPACT survey.


Scholarship Opportunity for seniors who live in wards 5, 7, 8.

Cathy Feingold, sister in labor, has turned a tragic event in her life into a scholarship opportunity for students who live in Wards 5, 7, & 8 and have been impacted by gun violence. We hope you will encourage young people in these Wards to apply for the scholarship which will provide $4,000 for a year of continuing education. If you have any questions about the scholarship program, please email [email protected]

Cathy has partnered with Ryane Nickens, founder of the TraRon Center. The WTU is joining the partnership with the TraRon Center whose mission is to expose gun violence survivors to therapeutic modalities that may be absent from their current grieving and coping methods. With a focus on the inclusion of creative arts, the center equips survivors with strategies to healthfully endure the complexities of loss while promoting community health and solidarity.

Here are additional stories about Ryane and Cathy:



Test Kits

Sign up to receive a weekly PCR test mailed to your home:

Go to this link to sign up to have a mail-to-home PCR test sent to you each week.

Follow the instructions in the test kit.

Drop the completed test off at any FedEx drop box, and results will be sent directly to you by LabCorp via email.

If you test positive, please isolate immediately and notify your supervisor.


Please contact your Field Representative if you requested, but haven’t received your weekly testing kit in the mail.

Situation Room

Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room - http://bit.ly/WTUSafeOpenings
And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (dc.gov).


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - January 31, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, January 31, 2022



WTU Election Committee -- INFORMATION NEEDED!!!!!

If you are the Building Representative, Alternate Building Representative or Delegate for any of the schools below please contact WTU Membership Coordinator, Valerie Kilby today at 202-517-0728 or [email protected].

Bancroft, Beers, Boone, Capitol Hill Montessori @ Logan, Dorothy Height, Drew, Hart, Kramer, Noyes, Payne, Phelps, Savoy, Turner, Virtual Learning Program


Rally to Support Substitute Teachers
Please join us in showing solidarity with the Substitute Teachers!

Monday, February 7th 3:30-6:00
Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Ave NW


IMPACT Survey & Meeting

Please take a few minutes to complete the IMPACT survey.

And join us for the next IMPACT Meeting on Tues, Feb 1 at 4:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting. Meeting ID: 829 0883 7888; Passcode: 888893


Scholarship Opportunity for seniors who live in wards 5, 7, 8.

Cathy Feingold, sister in labor, has turned a tragic event in her life into a scholarship opportunity for students who live in Wards 5, 7, & 8 and have been impacted by gun violence. Cathy has partnered with Ryane Nickens, founder of the TraRon Center. The WTU is joining the partnership with the TraRon Center whose mission is to expose gun violence survivors to therapeutic modalities that may be absent from their current grieving and coping methods. With a focus on the inclusion of creative arts, the center equips survivors with strategies to healthfully endure the complexities of loss while promoting community health and solidarity. 

Here are additional stories about Ryane and Cathy.

Women Who Lost Loved Ones to DC Gun Violence Team Up to Help Others – NBC4 Washington (nbcwashington.com)


Union Leadership Institute (UL)

Presentations from the ULI sessions on Jan 28 & 29 are available here.


URGENT!! - Report your vaccination status on PeopleSoft.

Some teachers still have not reported their vaccination status on PeopleSoft, and failure to do so will result in the loss of pay. Please report your status immediately.

Personal Pandemic Leave

The Covid-19 leave benefit, effective December 1, 2021 and expires on April 2, 2022 is only applicable to employees who test positive for COVID-19 and cannot work due to illness. This benefit cannot be used for childcare purposes when a school or daycare center closes due to COVID-19. If you are required to quarantine, you may work virtually without the loss of your sick leave. You must complete the attestation form to work virtually.

Air Quality Reports

As part of the MOU, DCPS is required to publish data monthly on the quality of air in our schoosl. Attached here is the December 2021 Air Quality Report

D.C. government has agreed to provide all D.C. government workers—including all school employees—with special COVID-19 sick leave, so that you don’t have to use your sick leave if you become infected or must quarantine because of an exposure. Employees will be allowed to take up to 80 hours of “personal pandemic leave.” After intense urging by the WTU, the mayor announced today that this leave will be retroactive to Dec. 1, 2021, and will expire on April 2, 2022.


Test Kits

Sign up to receive a weekly PCR test mailed to your home:

  • Go to this link to sign up to have a mail-to-home PCR test sent to you each week.
  • Follow the instructions in the test kit.
  • Drop the completed test off at any FedEx drop box, and results will be sent directly to you by LabCorp via email.
  • If you test positive, please isolate immediately and notify your supervisor.


KN95 Mask Distribution

N95 masks – we are out of the N95 masks that were donated by Sunrise DC. We will let you know when we receive another shipment.

DCPS is working to re-supply schools with additional masks. Public health guidance advises that masks may be worn more than once, and we are closely tracking how staff are utilizing the masks to determine the rate of re-supply. All school-based and public-facing staff will have access to up to three masks per week.  The WTU believes that students should also be supplied KN-95 masks and we are working with the Administration to accomplish this goal.

How to improve mask fit


Report Health & Safety Concerns:

Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room - http://bit.ly/WTUSafeOpenings
And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (dc.gov).


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - January 24, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, January 24, 2022


End of Term

Wednesday, January 26 is the end of term. You will have until DATE to submit final grades for students. If you have any questions about end of term deadlines, please contact your Field Representative.


Special Education Survey

The special education joint committee presented 3 major concerns on behalf of special education teachers across the district and provided thorough data from the survey that was administered on Wednesday, January 5th. The data spoke volumes, but only 10% of the special education teachers in DCPS took the survey. We need your help to make our voices heard!! If you are a special education teacher (inclusion, self-contained, pull-out, resource) please make sure you fill this survey out by 1/28/22.

WTU Special Education Committee Survey 


We need your opinions. Please take our IMPACT Survey to help inform our work to #ReplaceIMPACT.


Union Leader Institute (ULI)

All elected members should attend – building rep, delegate, SCAC, personnel committee, and LSAT members. The ULI provides members the opportunity to learn and develop leadership skills and to acquire the detailed knowledge needed to be an effective teacher representative to help ensure the voice of teachers are heard.

Jan 28, 4:30-6:30 – New Members

Join via Zoom Meeting; Meeting ID: 829 0883 7888; Passcode: 888893

Jan 29, 10:00-1:30 – New & Returning Members

Join via Zoom Meeting; Meeting ID: 829 0883 7888; Passcode: 888893



The WTU would like to thank the volunteers with Sunrise DC who braved the bitter cold temperatures on Saturday to distribute masks to teachers in Wards 5, 7 and 8. If you work in Wards 5, 7, or 8 and were not able to pick up masks for your school, we will deliver them ASAP.

We’re working with Sunrise DC to acquire and distribute more masks to teachers in the other wards. In the interim, the WTU has a limited supply of N95 masks that we will deliver to schools in Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6.

D.C. government has agreed to provide all D.C. government workers—including all school employees—with special COVID-19 sick leave, so that you don’t have to use your sick leave if you become infected or must quarantine because of an exposure. Employees will be allowed to take up to 80 hours of “personal pandemic leave.” After intense urging by the WTU, the mayor announced today that this leave will be retroactive to Dec. 1, 2021, and will expire on April 2, 2022.

Test Kits

Sign up to receive a weekly PCR test mailed to your home:

  • Go to this link to sign up to have a mail-to-home PCR test sent to you each week.
  • Follow the instructions in the test kit.
  • Drop the completed test off at any FedEx drop box, and results will be sent directly to you by LabCorp via email.
  • If you test positive, please isolate immediately and notify your supervisor.

KN95 Mask Distribution

DCPS is working to re-supply schools with additional masks. Public health guidance advises that masks may be worn more than once, and we are closely tracking how staff are utilizing the masks to determine the rate of re-supply. All school-based and public-facing staff will have access to up to three masks per week.  The WTU believes that students should also be supplied KN-95 masks and we are working with the Administration to accomplish this goal.

How to improve mask fit

Water Fountain Use is Permitted at School 

After consultation with DC Health, and in collaboration with the Department of General Services (DGS), DCPS will turn water fountains back on in all schools. This process will take place over the next month and follow a schedule that prioritizes our largest schools first. Principals are notified 2 weeks before deliveries of water bottles stop.

WTU Situation Room

Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room - http://bit.ly/WTUSafeOpenings

And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (dc.gov).


In the news


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


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AM Brew - January 18, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Tuesday, January 18, 2022


WTU supports substitute teachers who haven’t receive a raise in 14 years!

DC substitute teachers hold 'Day of Absence' to rally for better pay, benefits (fox5dc.com)

Upset over pay, substitute teachers in DC Public Schools take 'Day of Absence' | WJLA

The WTU is coordinating with the substitute teachers' union to schedule a day and time that we can join and support them.


Retired Deal teacher rescues former student stranded in snowstorm


COVID Leave 

Click to learn more. Details of COVID leave are being finalized; the WTU will share details as soon as we have additional information.

KN95 Mask Distribution

DCPS is working to re-supply schools with additional masks. Public health guidance advises that masks may be worn more than once, and we are closely tracking how staff are utilizing the masks to determine the rate of re-supply. All school-based and public-facing staff will have access to up to three masks per week.  The WTU believes that students should also be supplied KN-95 masks and we are working with the Administration to accomplish this goal.

How often can you safely reuse your KN95 or N95 mask?

President Biden said Thursday his administration will soon announce plans to get free high-quality masks in the hands of millions of Americans. Learn more.

How to improve mask fit

Learn more.

Water Fountain Use is Permitted at School 

After consultation with DC Health, and in collaboration with the Department of General Services (DGS), DCPS will turn water fountains back on in all schools. This process will take place over the next month and follow a schedule that prioritizes our largest schools first. Principals are notified 2 weeks before deliveries of water bottles stop.


Teachers should receive an email from DCPS asking if you’re like to opt-into weekly PRC testing
20% of asymptomatic students will continue to be tested.

ECE students will be given rapids tests on Friday to administer at home and families are required to upload results prior to returning to school the following week.


Please continue to report COVID related issues to the situation room - http://bit.ly/WTUSafeOpenings

And any testing or reporting issues to OSSE (OSSE Online Complaint Form (dc.gov).


Representative Assembly Meetings

Please know that all members are allowed and encouraged to attend the Representative Assembly Meetings. However, under the WTU by-laws, only Building Representatives and Delegates to the Representative Assembly may participate and vote during the meetings.

AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


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AM Brew - January 10, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, January 10, 2022


I hope you were able to read my full message last night about the return to school this week. I know that many of you are nervous about the surge in COVID-19 cases fueled by the spread of the Omicron variant. We continue to fight DCPS to turn “what to do if” concerns into policies that you can count on. I invite you to read more about the concessions we’ve obtained from DCPS – including being one of the few jurisdictions that implemented a “test to return” policy for students and staff, a key demand of Chicago Teachers that they have failed to achieve (read more here) – and our on-going efforts to improve notifications and contact tracing, ensure more students are tested weekly, and ensure our schools are prepared should they have to switch to remote instruction. Again, read the full message here.


We’re working to hold DCPS accountable for their COVID-19 promises and to learn more about the return to school after the Winter Holiday.

Please complete our short survey by clicking here.


Representative Assembly Meeting

Please join us for the January 2022 Representative Assembly Meeting on Tuesday, Jan 11 at 4:30 PM. All members are invited to attend. Join via Zoom. Meeting ID: 939 669 4583; Passcode: 148566


Meeting to discuss exemptions to vaccine requirement

On Thursday, Jan 13 at 5PM, President Pogue Lyons will meet with WTU members who have been denied exemptions to the vaccine mandate. To register for this conversation, please complete this form.


Memorandums of Agreement

We’ve received requests for the August 2021 and November 2021 Memorandums of Agreement. They are available via the links below and we’ll be updating the WTU website to make them more prominent.

MOA from August 2021

MOA from November 2021

As part of the WTU’s agreements with DCPS, DCPS is required to publish monthly reports on the air-quality of DCPS buildings. The November Air Quality Report is available here.


Additionally, the WTU has received requests to republish the results from three recent surveys:


Update on IMPACT

The IMPACT writing team will start to draft a new teacher development and evaluation framework. The draft of the framework will be reviewed by the IMPACT committee. If you’d like more information contact Regina Bell at [email protected].


REMINDER: Please report any COVID related problems to the Situation Room and OSSE

OSSE Online Complaint Form (dc.gov)

Situation Room: http://bit.ly/WTUSafeOpenings


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


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A full week of school

As we return to our classrooms for a full week of school, I know that many of you are nervous about the surge in COVID-19 cases fueled by the spread of the Omicron variant. We continue to fight DCPS to turn “what to do if” concerns into policies that you can count on.

We should be proud that due to our activism DC is one of only a few jurisdictions that implemented a “test to return” policy for students and staff. The Chicago Teachers have also made this key demand, but they have not achieved it (read more here).

As you enter your classrooms tomorrow, all educators and students who failed to submit a negative test result last week must submit one. DCPS has arranged for testing to be available on-site. Your WTU Contract Team negotiated to require DCPS to provide mail-in self testing kits every week for all teachers; you should receive information this week on how to obtain your test.  Any educator who shows symptoms while at a school building should be tested on site. Due to our advocacy, educators who are instructed to quarantine may work remotely and not use sick leave. All educators should have received KN-95 masks. If you did not receive a KN95 mask, please reach out to your field representative.

We know that DCPS’s policies do not go far enough and we continue to press the Mayor and the Chancellor to meet national best practices, including weekly testing. We also remain disappointed that DCPS has failed to meet city mandates to test 20% of students. We remain adamant that school and city officials have a written plan on how they will handle outbreaks to ensure the health and safety of all teachers, staff and students. In addition to all that we have won, I have made it clear to Chancellor Ferebee that the plan should include:

  • A more effective way of contact tracing, testing and notifying the community, including teachers of positive COVID-19 cases.
  • The criteria for determining the threshold upon which a school is closed, such as how many teachers and students are infected and quarantined.
  • A commitment to distribute tech devices that students can take home in case their school building is closed and must return to remote learning.

As educators, we know the importance of continuing in-person education for our students. We also know that our schools must be kept safe for our students as well as our staff. Please don’t allow those presenting dooms day scenarios prey on your fears. We are continuing to ensure that our school settings are as safe as they can be during these trying times.

Please let myself or your Field Representatives know if you have any questions or concerns.

In solidarity,

Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President

Washington Teachers’ Union


AM Brew - January 3, 2022

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, January 3, 2022


Welcome Back!  Myself and the entire WTU team hope you had a wonderful Winter Break. I am extremely disappointed in DCPS’s decisions to continue in-person learning prior to the break exposing many of you and our students to COVID-19 and I hope that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. We will continue to press our case with the Mayor, Chancellor and City Council members for additional protections for you and our students as we return from Winter Break, including specific, written details on what thresholds of staff or student absences will result in a school transitioning to virtual learning. We also have requested that COVID- leave be reinstated for any staff who are required to quarantine.

As outlined in a message sent to WTU members yesterday, the chancellor and mayor announced a safety plan last week that includes testing requirements for all school staff and students. Key elements of this plan include:

  • On Monday, Jan. 3, all DCPS school staff must pick up a free rapid COVID-19 self-test before 12 noon (or their own testing option) at their DCPS school and administer it by 1 p.m. on Monday.
  • Students, parents or guardians must pick up a test at a DCPS school or at a Test-Yourself pickup site on Monday, Jan. 3, between 1 pm – 4 pm or on Tuesday, Jan. 4, between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Students’ tests must be uploaded by 4 p.m. on Tuesday.
  • School starts Wed., Jan. 5. Everyone returning to DCPS schools must show a negative test result before coming back to school.
  • School staff will receive KN-95 masks.

We plan to host a WTU Town Hall in the coming days to provide additional information and answer your questions. In the meantime, please report any concerns to your Field Representatives.


Health and Safety Complaint Process

OSSE has established a website linked here for individuals who wish to notify OSSE that a pre-K-Grade 12 or adult education school may not be adhering to the COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement (see DC Health Guidance for Schools and Mayor’s Order 2021-109).

After all the required information is entered in the portal, OSSE will acknowledge receipt of the notification and share the information provided with the school. If notified of a complaint, schools are expected to acknowledge receipt of the information, review the information, and, if needed, take any follow-up corrective action. For additional information, email osse.[email protected].


REMINDER: Please report any COVID related problems to the Situation Room and OSSE

OSSE Online Complaint Form (dc.gov)

Situation Room: http://bit.ly/WTUSafeOpenings


Deadline Extended: Invitation to Apply for 2022-23 Environmental Literacy Leadership Cadre

OSSE is recruiting elementary teachers/educator leaders from schools across the District that serve pre-K through Grade 5 to participate in the Environmental Literacy Leadership Cadre. The application deadline has been extended to Jan. 5, 2022.

Established in February 2016, OSSE’s Environmental Literacy Leadership Cadre is a group of individuals from elementary schools across the District who will be responsible for developing a plan to implement the Environmental Literacy Framework at their schools and coordinating its implementation. Participants will meet to (a) receive comprehensive professional development related to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), (b) develop and implement a school-based environmental literacy program using the Environmental Literacy Framework, (c) discuss existing supports and make recommendations regarding environmental literacy implementation in elementary schools, and (d) disseminate information about environmental literacy to their community and garner feedback on the school-based environmental literacy program.

Visit OSSE’s website for more information. Interested educators should complete and submit an application online by Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2022. For more information or questions, please contact Grace Manubay at (202) 654-6116.


Community Event for MLK Jr Day

WTU, AFT, DCAEYC are partnering with Washington Tennis & Education Foundation in Ward 7 to give away 40,000 books and other school supplies. Download the full flyer here.


Tutoring opportunity from Serve Your City/Ward 6 Mutual Aid

Serve Your City/Ward 6 Mutual Aid, through a grant with City Bridge, SYC/W6MA will be launching an in-person Math tutoring program for 60 Middle School Students. We are looking to hire 30 tutors who will be responsible for tutoring 2-3 students following a guided curriculum. This is a paid part-time position, for 6 months, starting in January 2022. The full position description can be found on Idealist here and on Indeed here.

Additionally, SYC is still recruiting for volunteer virtual tutors. Commitment is 1-3 hours a week depending on availability. We are requesting tutors for all subjects and all ages. Link to sign up and more info can be found here: www.bit.ly/sycvolunteertutor


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.

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Back to School Update

Dear WTU members,

In my continuing effort to ensure a safe return to schools next week, I want to let you know the latest information.

As I outlined in a letter to you last week, I have asked Chancellor Ferebee, Mayor Bowser’s staff and the City Council to develop a written plan on handling COVID-19 outbreaks in DC public schools, including the threshold for closing a school, testing, contact tracing and access to tech devices.

Last week, the chancellor and mayor announced a safety plan that includes testing requirements for all school staff and students—a plan that I believe is based on WTU’s persistence.

  • On Monday, Jan. 3, all DCPS school staff must pick up a free rapid COVID-19 self-test before 12 noon (or their own testing option) at their DCPS school and administer it by 1 p.m. on Monday.
  • Students, parents or guardians must pick up a test at a DCPS school or at a Test-Yourself pickup site on Monday, Jan. 3, between 1 pm – 4 pm or on Tuesday, Jan. 4, between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Students’ tests must be uploaded by 4 p.m. on Tuesday.
  • School starts Wed., Jan. 5. Everyone returning to DCPS schools must show a negative test result before coming back to school.

We also have learned that all school staff will receive KN-95 masks.

DCPS and the mayor said they do not expect to close all schools amid the recent COVID surge. However, they said they would close individual schools on a case-by-case basis, based on staff availability and the percentage of students and staff in quarantine. We continue to urge school and mayoral staff to develop a written plan with specific details, including what will happen for students and staff who fail to submit a negative test by the deadlines, and thresholds for closing schools as soon as possible to avoid chaos and confusion.

We are also continuing to call for DCPS to grant teachers, who are unable to work because of a COVID infection, special “COVID leave” so they do not have to use their sick leave.

I pledge to continue to work with the chancellor, the mayor’s office and City Council on these and other issues that are high priority for all of us.

Soon after we return from the winter break, I will schedule a Town Hall for all members. I know there are numerous questions and concerns about health and safety and other issues. Please watch your email for details in the coming days.

Again, please know that the WTU continues to stay focused on helping you stay healthy and be able to do the best you can for your students. I look forward to seeing all of you in 2022.


Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President

Washington Teachers' Union


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