Year in Review
Dear WTU members,
It’s been quite a school year so far. You’ve been through some pretty tough challenges but met them with your usual strength and grace. We made some gains; tried with all our might to work through continuing problems with returning to teaching in-person; and still we have lots of work ahead of us to make sure every teacher, school employee and student is safe and that our kids get the best education possible under the very difficult circumstances of COVID-19.
When schools re-opened this fall, we thought we might have the worst of the pandemic behind us and we could start and keep in-school instruction—the best place to learn. But the pandemic, especially the Omicron variant, reared its ugly head. The big problem we have been facing is a lack of an actual plan to deal with serious outbreaks in numerous schools, including some that had many teachers and staff testing positive.
Over the past few days, we have been fighting for DCPS to turn “what to do if” concerns into policies that we can count on. I’m disappointed that DCPS did not communicate in a timely manner a clear and effective plan and policy in dealing with the rise in the Omincron variant. Some schools went virtual, but employees and parents weren’t told which ones until the night before—not enough time for everyone to make plans, especially parents who work and need to make arrangements for their young kids.
We remain adamant that school and city officials have a written plan—ready to go into effect as soon as the winter break ends—on how they will handle outbreaks to ensure the health and safety of all teachers, staff and students. I have made it clear to Chancellor Ferebee that the plan should include:
- A more effective way of contact tracing, testing and notifying the community, including teachers of positive COVID-19 cases.
- The criteria for determining the threshold upon which a school is closed, such as how many teachers and students are infected and quarantined.
- A commitment to distribute tech devices that students can take home in case their school building is closed and must return to remote learning.
- Follow through on DCPS’s commitment to distribute at-home COVID-19 tests to educators.
- A commitment to encourage parents or guardians to test all children before coming back to school after the winter break.
As I said, it’s been a tough school year, starting with the untimely death of President Elizabeth Davis. I know that morale is low. This was reflected in a WTU-EmpowerEd survey that also showed many teachers were considering leaving the profession. I don’t want that to become a reality; it would be such a loss for our students.
In the coming year, I plan to spend considerable time fighting for a better evaluation system that is not biased, racist or unfair. I also commit to working to eliminate the scourge of over-testing, among the most identified reasons why morale is so low. And of course, WTU will work to achieve a fair and equitable contract.
On the bright side, we were able to secure two Memorandums of Agreement. Both MOAs ensure the following for all teachers:
- If a teacher is required to quarantine, DCPS shall give the teacher the option to teach remotely and not require teacher to use sick leave.
- If a teacher is required to provide simultaneous instruction for a semester to meet the needs of virtual and in-person students, teachers will receive a $1200 stipend per semester.
- If a teacher is required to provide simultaneous instruction that does not have semester long assignment, the teacher shall receive a one-time stipend of $300 per semester. Payment will be provided at the end of the school year.
- DCPS shall grant each teacher 3 hours of sick leave per injection for a vaccination or booster against COVID-19. Each teacher shall receive 8 hours of sick leave for getting fully vaccinated or a booster.
- DCPS shall provide on-site testing for COVID-19 at no cost for all teachers, including vaccinated teachers who are symptomatic.
- DCPS shall provide COVID-19 mail-in kits to all teachers, including vaccinated teachers, weekly.
In addition, over the past year, WTU has worked with its legal counsel to successfully advocate for teachers in arbitration and litigation. We settled several cases, securing backpay for teachers who were wrongly excessed and terminated. Just a few days ago, we received an arbitration decision awarding backpay and reinstatement to another teacher who was wrongly excessed. Several other cases remain pending. We also obtained a ruling from the DC Public Employee Relations Board rejecting DCPS’s attempt to deny teachers the right to decide whether their hearings should proceed virtually or in person. Finally, we enforced the COVID safety agreements reached by the WTU and DCPS, taking the school district to arbitration when it failed to comply with safety requirements prior to the reopening of schools in February.
Thanks to your strong advocacy and actions on all levels as well as the support of Councilmember Janeese Lewis George, we now have a librarian in each school. This shows what we can do when we work in unity.
For the next week, I hope you take time to take care of yourselves, be around family and friends in a safe way and enjoy your time off.
Please reach out to me, the WTU office or your field representative during the winter break with any concerns. The office, though, will be closed on Christmas Eve and December 30th and New Year’s Eve.
Have a wonderful holiday season and a very happy and healthy New Year.
Jacqueline Pogue Lyons
AM Brew - December 20, 2021
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, December 13, 2021
The WTU would like to congratulate and honor Aiton Elementary Teacher Alex Diasgranados on being named the National University 2021 Teacher of the Year!!
Happy Holidays! Myself and the entire WTU team wish you a safe and healthy holiday and we hope that you’re able to enjoy your Winter Break. We are increasingly concerned about the growing number of cases of COVID-19 in our schools and the delays in reporting cases to school communities (we greatly appreciate WTOP highlighting the issues in this story: DC teachers, lawmakers apprehensive in days before holiday break). The WTU and DC Labor are actively reaching out to Mayor Bowser and DCPS officials to demand a plan for this week that will keep staff and students safe. We are also asking for a test to return policy in place for January.
We encourage you to take extra precautions this week and over your Winter Break.
Happy Holidays!
Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President
Washington Teachers’ Union
* There will be no AM Brew on Monday, December 27 as staff celebrate the Holidays. We will be sure to keep you updated on any breaking news or announcements concerning health and safety protocols.
The Top 10 Library Stories of 2021
The WTU would like to give a shout out to librarians Christopher Stewart and KC Boyd for their advocacy and testimony at the Council Hearing on Students Right to Read Amendment of 2021.
Our work to ensure every school has a librarian was recognized as one of The Top 10 Library Stories of 2021. Read more here. We still have a long way to go to ensure our schools are fully and adequately staffed in every community. We hope you’ll join our Legislative Committee (contact Regina Bell at [email protected]) as we continue to fight for our students and staff across the city.
A Barrage Of New Tests Is Overwhelming D.C. Teachers In An Already Draining Year
Read more from the DCist. Our thanks to everyone who is speaking out on this issue.
Community Event for MLK Jr Day
WTU, AFT, DCAEYC are partnering with Washington Tennis & Education Foundation in Ward 7 to give away 40,000 books and other school supplies. Download the full flyer here.
Tutoring opportunity from Serve Your City/Ward 6 Mutual Aid
Serve Your City/Ward 6 Mutual Aid, through a grant with City Bridge, SYC/W6MA will be launching an in-person Math tutoring program for 60 Middle School Students. We are looking to hire 30 tutors who will be responsible for tutoring 2-3 students following a guided curriculum. This is a paid part-time position, for 6 months, starting in January 2022. The full position description can be found on Idealist here and on Indeed here.
Additionally, we are still recruiting for volunteer virtual tutors. Commitment is 1-3 hours a week depending on availability. We are requesting tutors for all subjects and all ages. Link to sign up and more info can be found here:
Water Fountain Use is Permitted at School
DCPS announced in its Nov 18 Reopen Strong Update that after consultation with DC Health, and in collaboration with the Department of General Services (DGS), DCPS will turn water fountains back on in all schools. This process will take place over the next month and follow a schedule that prioritizes our largest schools first.
During our situation room meetings, we have requested DCPS and DGS provide, as required by law, a schedule for the testing of all water sources for lead. We’ve also requested details on how the sources will be flushed and made ready for student/staff usage. Water sampling results and the testing protocols can be found here. If you have concerns that the protocols were not followed, please file a report with the Situation Room (see below).
Please report any COVID related problems to the Situation Room and OSSE
OSSE Online Complaint Form (
Situation Room:
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AM Brew - Dec 13, 2021
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, December 13, 2021
General Membership Townhall
Join us on Tuesday, December 14 at 4:30 PM for a special membership townhall. We will be discussing the following at the townhall:
- Reopening MOA
- Vaccination mandate MOA
- The future of the DC Teacher Evaluation system by Cleveland Teachers Union President, Shari Obrenski.
- And more
Register here:
WTU Virtual Holiday Party
Washington’s Teachers would like to thank you for the work you’ve done throughout the year to support our students and your Union. Please join us to celebrate the Holidays, at the WTU’s 2021 Virtual Holiday Party, on Friday, December 17th from 6 - 7:30pm.
Register here:
Join us for Networking in Breakout Rooms, Raffles, and to Hear from Invited Guests. We’ll have music and your personal bar is unlimited.
Ward 3 EdNet
DCPS Director of School Finance Allen Francois will be at the Ward 3 Education Network (W3EdNet) this evening, Monday, December 13 at 7pm via Zoom (link below). The new DCPS budgeting model will be discussed. Register in advance for this meeting here.
COVID-19 Mandates
If you have concerns or additional questions regarding the District’s COVID-19 vaccination mandate, please reach out to your WTU Field Representative for the personal or individual guidance and support you may need.
Denial of religious or medical exemption to the vaccine mandate:
If your request for a religious or medical exemption was denied, you may appeal and challenge this determination if you believe it violates your rights under Title VII or the D.C. Human Rights Act. To do so, you must consult an EEO Counselor and/or file a complaint with the Office of Human Rights (OHR).
More information on filing an EEO complaint can be found at
A list of EEO counselors can be found at
Testing kits: WTU has requested that DCPS send teachers information regarding when and how to receive the weekly COVID-19 testing kits in the mail.
Simultaneous teaching
If you are asked, at any point, to provide both in-person and remote instruction simultaneously for part of the semester or for the whole semester, please make sure to keep records of it by emailing your administration with the dates you taught simultaneously. It is important for each teacher to keep a record until DCPS prepares and distributes the official forms for simultaneous teaching. We will continue to keep you in the loop.
WTU Survey on Excessive Testing.
Thank you to the 634 teachers who responded to the WTU survey about testing during the 2021-22 school year. The vast majority of those responding, 92 percent, said they are dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with the amount of required testing of students. Nearly the same number of teachers, or 89 percent, said they are dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with the amount of time available for teaching versus testing.
Further details about the WTU teacher evaluation survey can be found at:
We have been discussing with Chancellor Ferebee and the D.C. City Council our serious concerns over classroom time taken up by testing. These survey results reinforce our concerns and demand changes. We will send them the results of this survey to augment our efforts to ensure that teaching triumphs over testing.
Teacher Morale and Retention Check-in
The WTU has joined with EmpowerEd to learn more about your hopes as well as the challenges that you are facing this year. I hope you’ll complete our joint “Educator Morale and Retention Survey” to help us understand whether or not you're considering leaving the teaching profession and what is driving your decision-making.
Thank you in advance for taking a few minutes to complete our short survey. Please note that if you sign-up for one of the teacher-led campaigns in the last section of the survey, Empower Ed will contact you. Participation in the campaigns is completely voluntary.
Ward 3 Dems on Covid Saftey
If there is a problem with COVID health and safety provisions, please report it to OSSE and the situation room
- OSSE Online Complaint Form (
- Situation Room:
LAST DAY -- Dental and Vision Open Enrollment
DC government has announced its open enrollment to run from 2022 for Monday, November 8 through Monday December 13, 2021. This is an annual opportunity to review your current benefits elections and make changes. This is also an opportunity for you to make any changes to your dental and vision benefits. Click here for details on your dental and vision coverage or if you have any questions regarding these benefits, contact Valerie Kilby at [email protected].
If you have questions regarding enrollment into the plans, contact DCPS benefits at [email protected].
AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at
Read moreAM Brew - December 6, 2021
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, December 6, 2021
Renaming Wilson High School
On December 7th the DC Council will decide on a new name for Woodrow Wilson H.S. Please take a moment to contact Mayor Bowser, Chairman Mendelson, your ward council member and the four at-large council members to ask them to support renaming Wilson to Edna Burke Jackson HS. Learn more about Edna Burke Jackson, the first female Black teacher to be hired at Wilson following the ruling of Brown v. Board of Education in 1954, here.
All are welcome to the WTU IMPACT meeting – December 7 at 4:30
We’ll be discussing the pros and cons of the Danielson and Marzano frameworks for teaching and the teacher observation process. Via Zoom. Meeting ID: 873 0146 8847; Passcode: 755793
WTU/Empower Ed Survey on Educator Morale and Retention
The WTU has joined with EmpowerEd to learn more about your hopes as well as the challenges that you are facing this year. I hope you’ll complete our joint “Educator Morale and Retention Survey” to help us understand whether or not you're considering leaving the teaching profession and what is driving your decision-making.
Thank you in advance for taking a few minutes to complete our short survey.
OSSE is offering LETRS training
LETRS, Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling, a new science of reading training. ELA educators invited to participate include: instructional coaches, reading specialists, classroom teachers, special education teachers, English Learner (EL) teachers and instructional leaders. Applications are due December 16th. Please follow the link to this Google Folder to see the relevant information: 11.2021 LETRS Info Session
Report COVID Health & Safety Concerns
If there is a problem with COVID health and safety provisions, please report it to OSSE and the situation room
OSSE Online Complaint Form (
WTU/DCPS Situation Room:
Professional Development Hours on PeopleSoft
All teachers should have 8 hours of HO (Professional Development) listed on PeopleSoft. Contact your Field Representative if you have questions.
Dental and Vision Open Enrollment - CLOSING SOON
DC government has announced its open enrollment to run from 2022 for Monday, November 8 through Monday December 13, 2021. This is an annual opportunity to review your current benefits elections and make changes. This is also an opportunity for you to make any changes to your dental and vision benefits. Click here for details on your dental and vision coverage or if you have any questions regarding these benefits, contact Valerie Kilby at [email protected]. If you have questions regarding enrollment into the plans, contact DCPS benefits at [email protected].
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AM Brew - November 29, 2021
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, November 29, 2021
We hope you had a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
We are monitoring reports about the spread of the new omicron variant of COVID-19. We encourage everyone to get vaccinated. The new MOA, the result of over a month and a half of hard work and late nights from the WTU contract bargaining team, includes time-off for you to receive your boosters as well as getting fully vaccinated. The full MOA is available here. If you have any symptoms, please report them immediately to our school administration and be sure to inform your Field Representative.
All are welcome to the WTU IMPACT meeting – November 30 at 4:30
We’ll be discussing the pros and cons of the Danielson and Marzano frameworks for teaching and the teacher observation process. Via Zoom. Meeting ID: 873 0146 8847; Passcode: 755793.
Indoor Air Quality Report October
OSSE is offering LETRS training.
Dental and Vision Open Enrollment
DC government has announced its open enrollment to run from 2022 for Monday, November 8 through Monday December 13, 2021. This is an annual opportunity to review your current benefits elections and make changes. This is also an opportunity for you to make any changes to your dental and vision benefits. Click here for details on your dental and vision coverage or if you have any questions regarding these benefits, contact Valerie Kilby at [email protected].
If you have questions regarding enrollment into the plans, contact DCPS benefits at [email protected].
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Am Brew - November 22, 2021
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, November 22, 2021
Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving Holiday!
DCPS has begun distribution of Office Depot cards. We did ask, but DCPS is not able to reimburse teachers for purchases already made. If you haven’t received your Office Depot card, please reach out to your Field Representative.
Members Amber Terry, Anthony Allard and Faith Wang attended the signing of the Infrastructure Bill at the White House with AFT President Randi Weingarten.
OSSE is offering LETRS training.
LETRS, Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling, a new science of reading training. ELA educators invited to participate include: instructional coaches, reading specialists, classroom teachers, special education teachers, English Learner (EL) teachers and instructional leaders.
Please follow the link to this Google Folder to see the relevant information: 11.2021 LETRS Info Session
There will be an information session on Monday, Nov. 22 at 4:15 p.m. Interested participants can register here. We will be accepting up to 70 participants across 2 cohorts. The application for the OSSE LETRS cohorts is due Sunday, Nov. 28 at 11:59 p.m. The application can be found here.
All are welcome to the WTU IMPACT meeting – November 30 at 4:30
We’ll be discussing the pros and cons of the Danielson and Marzano frameworks for teaching and the teacher observation process. Via Zoom. Meeting ID: 873 0146 8847; Passcode: 755793.
Dental and Vision Open Enrollment
DC government has announced its open enrollment to run from 2022 for Monday, November 8 through Monday December 13, 2021. This is an annual opportunity to review your current benefits elections and make changes. This is also an opportunity for you to make any changes to your dental and vision benefits. Click here for details on your dental and vision coverage or if you have any questions regarding these benefits, contact Valerie Kilby at [email protected].
If you have questions regarding enrollment into the plans, contact DCPS benefits at [email protected].
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AM Brew - November 15, 2021
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, November 15, 2021
ICYMI: The Washington Teachers' Union was hopeful that by now we would have been close to a final agreement with DCPS on language regarding the impact and effects of the Mayor’s vaccine mandate on teachers. Unfortunately, we are still at odds over the final wording on testing. We want to make sure that all teachers, including those already vaccinated, have access to COVID-19 testing. Although the overall number of COVID-19 cases is decreasing, there may be a surge with the approach of the holiday and winter season. Including all teachers in testing ensures that we are doing everything possible to keep students, teachers and staff safe. Please make sure to go to Peoplesoft and declare your vaccination status.
DCPS will have the Office Depot cards prepared and ready for distribution to all teachers this week. We did ask, but DCPS is not able to reimburse teachers for purchases already made.
A DCPS Teacher Who Helped Create RCTs Speaks Outs
WTU Testing Survey
The WTU has received numerous complaints from teachers regarding the number of tests that they have been required to administer since the start of the school year. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey on excessive testing to give us an idea of how many tests you are required to administer, the duration, and your thoughts about the impact on student learning.
Click here to take the survey.
Pay for coverage
If you are required to substitute for an absent teacher, you may be entitled to additional compensation in the form of administrative premium:
If you lose your planning period due to providing coverage for another teacher, you must be compensated
If you lose your planning period because a special subject teacher is absent, you must be compensated
For elementary teachers: if you are required to accept additional students in your class because of another teacher's absence, and those additional students place your class size over the contractual class size limit, you must be compensated for each day of coverage
Any additional compensation owed to you must be paid on a biweekly basis. Contact your business manager or your WTU Field Services Specialist if you need the DCPS Administrative Premium Pay Authorization Form.
Advocate for Community Schools!
Please take the following actions this week to advocate for community schools:
- Complete this AFT action alert and share with your networks to encourage others to complete it.
- Sign on to our letter to the Hill: Review letter attached and sign on here.
Dental and Vision Open Enrollment
DC government has announced its open enrollment to run from 2022 for Monday, November 8 through Monday December 13, 2021. This is an annual opportunity to review your current benefits elections and make changes. This is also an opportunity for you to make any changes to your dental and vision benefits. Click here for details on your dental and vision coverage or if you have any questions regarding these benefits, contact Valerie Kilby at [email protected].
If you have questions regarding enrollment into the plans, contact DCPS benefits at [email protected].
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AM Brew - November 8, 2021
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, November 8, 2021
Representative Assembly Meeting
Join us on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, at 04:30 PM Eastern Time (Via Zoom) for our monthly Representative Assembly. The meeting is open to all members of the Washington Teachers’ Union. Please click here to register.
Proposed Agenda:
- President’s Report, Jacqueline Pogue Lyons
- Professional Development, Sarah Elwell
- Committee Reports, Committee Chairs
- WTU Financials and Vote on WTU Budget for FY2022, Nadia Torney
DCPS Librarians are featured in the November edition of School Library Journal
Dental and Vision Open Enrollment
DC government has announced its open enrollment to run from 2022 for Monday, November 8 through Monday December 13, 2021. This is an annual opportunity to review your current benefits elections and make changes. This is also an opportunity for you to make any changes to your dental and vision benefits. Click here for details on your dental and vision coverage or if you have any questions regarding these benefits, contact Valerie Kilby at [email protected].
If you have questions regarding enrollment into the plans, contact DCPS benefits at [email protected].
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AM Brew - November 1, 2021
Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, November 1, 2021
CONGRATULATIONS to Takeisha Wilson, a fourth-grade English language arts and social studies teacher at Shepherd Elementary School, and Rickita Perry Taylor, who teaches students with disabilities and medical difficulties at Turner Elementary School. Both teachers were named finalists for DC’s 2022 Teacher of the Year Award and received $1,500.
Vaccine Mandate
The mayor’s vaccination mandate goes into effect today. We are still in negotiations with DCPS over the impact and effects of the mandate especially for those with legitimate medical or religious exemptions. We urge everyone to go to Peoplesoft if you have not declared your vaccination status. If you have a medical or a religious exemption please email [email protected] to request an accommodation.
If you haven’t heard back regarding your FMLA application, please contact your field rep and let them know when you submitted your application.
Steps for Filing for FMLA - Family and Medical Leave Act
The FMLA entitles eligible employees to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons with continuation of group health insurance coverage under the same terms and conditions as if the employee had not taken leave.
To qualify for FMLA you must:
1. Have worked at DCPS for 1 year without a break in service
To apply:
1. You MUST have your medical certification completed by the attending physician
2. Complete Leave of Absence Form (LOA) in QuickBase
Sick Leave
When you go out on FLMA, you will use all your sick leave.
When you exhaust all your sick leave, you will be out on unpaid leave.
Sick Leave Bank
Completing qualifying documents for FMLA approval does not guarantee that you will also have use of the Sick Leave Bank.
The Sick Leave Bank is available for use by DCPS teachers, and can be accessed only if you, yourself are sick. The Sick Leave Bank cannot be accessed or used by DCPS teachers to take care of a family member.
Contact Charmaine Wilks at [email protected] with questions about the Sick Leave Bank
Representative Assembly Meetings
School election results and current rosters need to be on file with the WTU to confirm membership, building representatives and delegates. Your field rep will reach out to building reps if we need this information from your school.
Thank you to everyone who completed the IMPACT survey. The WTU is working with the AFT to create a teacher development and evaluation system that is fair to teachers and good for students. We are looking for members who would like to be part of a team that is writing the strands for Teacher Observation, Student Performance and Professional Growth. If you would like to help with this effort, please email Regina Bell at [email protected]
Dental and Vision Open Enrollment
DC government has announced its open enrollment to run from 2022 for Monday, November 8 through Monday December 13, 2021. This is an annual opportunity to review your current benefits elections and make changes. This is also an opportunity for you to make any changes to your dental and vision benefits. Click here for details on your dental and vision coverage or if you have any questions regarding these benefits, contact Valerie Kilby at [email protected].
If you have questions regarding enrollment into the plans, contact DCPS benefits at [email protected].
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AM Brew - October 25, 2021
Here's What's Brewing Today
Tuesday, October 25, 2021
The most rewarding part of my job is when I visit schools and connect with members either in small groups or one-on-one. I sincerely appreciate the job that you perform under very imperfect circumstances. I understand what you experience daily with large class sizes, class coverage, and the lack of drinking water for your students. I commit to fighting every single day to improve on your working conditions and to hold DCPS accountable for its mishandling of COVID-19 protocols. Please do not hesitate to notify your building representative or field services specialist of any immediate issues that we need to attend to.
As always, I wish you an enjoyable and productive work week.
Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program
On October 12, 2021, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) reached a settlement in Weingarten v. DeVos. The Department of Education led by Secretary Miguel Cardona agreed to work with AFT to ensure relief for the countless borrowers who relied on the promise of Public Service Loan Forgiveness.
According to the terms of the settlement, millions of Americans, including educators will now have their loans completely forgiven or will be properly enrolled in a forgiveness program crediting their years of past payments, putting them much closer to full forgiveness.
As a member of the AFT, you are eligible to get help navigating the new process from AFT’s
partner, Summer. Retrieve your membership number at Once you have your membership number, sign up for a free account with Summer at
If you have questions, please contact AFT at or by
calling (800) 238-1133.
The WTU is planning a workshop in November to help you navigate this process and will keep you posted in the coming weeks.
Dental and Vision Open Enrollment
DC government has announced its open enrollment to run from 2022 for Monday, November 8 through Monday December 13, 2021. This is an annual opportunity to review your current benefits elections and make changes. This is also an opportunity for you to make any changes to your dental and vision benefits. Click here for details on your dental and vision coverage or if you have any questions regarding these benefits, contact Valerie Kilby at [email protected].
If you have questions regarding enrollment into the plans, contact DCPS benefits at [email protected].
Important Information for Related Service Providers and Special Education Teachers
Due to concerns regarding the increasing requests for redundant documentation from the Division of Specialized Instruction the WTU reached out to DCPS regarding the required documentation of recovery planning for students with IEPs. DSI indicated the Quarterly Progress Reports and Recovery Plans are due Monday, November 15, 2021. This date is aligned Article 19.2 (Report Cards/Progress Reports shall be prepared within five (5) school days after the close of each advisory/grading period.)
Given numerous reports concerning inequitable duty assignments and excessive class coverage assignments, we're requesting all related service providers and special education teachers complete the following surveys ASAP.
Survey #1 - Coverage and Duty Assignments
Survey #2 - Over Enrollment in Self-Contained Classrooms & Inequity in Program Assignments
If you have any questions or concerns regarding these surveys contact Field Services Specialist, Janice Brown Parker at [email protected].
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AM Brew - October 12, 2021
Here's What's Brewing Today
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Please join us on Tuesday, October 12, 2021, at 04:30 PM Eastern Time (Via Zoom) for our monthly Representative Assembly. The meeting is open to all members of the Washington Teachers’ Union.
Please click here to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Proposed Agenda:
- Updates from the President, Jacqueline Pogue Lyons
- Professional Development, Sarah Elwell
- Committee Reports, Committee Chairs
- Review and Vote on WTU Budget for FY2022, Nadia Torney
- Vendor Presentations
Air Quality Report
As a part of the MOU, DGS must provide monthly information on air quality in our schools. The September DGS School Indoor Air Quality- Monthly Report is a now available.
IMPACT surveys
We will be conducting a series of short surveys to get your input on a better way to use the teacher process to improve performance. The goal is to create the framework of a system to replace IMPACT’s punitive approach. Please take 2-3 minutes to complete this survey. Thank You!
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AM Brew - October 4, 2021
As we go through Hispanic Heritage month, I’d like to applaud all our Spanish teachers and all the educators who work with students to recognize and celebrate the contributions and accomplishments of Hispanic Americans to the history of our country. I have seen very beautiful exhibits as I visit schools and wanted to say thank you for your hard work.
In last week’s Morning Brew, I shared with you that the Washington Teachers’ Union (WTU) has requested bargaining over the impacts and effects of the vaccination mandate on members of our bargaining unit. While approximately 76% of the WTU membership is fully vaccinated, I encourage all members who have still not received the vaccine to do so to safeguard the health and safety of all your students and colleagues. For those who cannot take the vaccine due to legitimate concerns and have requested or will be requesting an exemption, I want to ensure that your rights are fully respected. The WTU will meet with DCPS on October 14th at 10:00 AM to discuss how the vaccination mandate will affect our unvaccinated members.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact your field services specialist.
Have a productive work week.
Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President
SBOE STAR Framework Survey for Teachers
The D.C. State Board of Education (SBOE) invites District teachers to complete a 10-minute / 22-question survey. The purpose of this teacher survey is to better understand educators’ experiences with the District’s school accountability system—the School Transparency and Reporting (STAR) Framework—as we consider what, if any, changes should be made to it. We recommend that you use a computer or tablet to fill out this survey. Thank you for taking the time to fill this out, and please know your identity will remain anonymous.
We ask that you submit responses no later than Friday, October 15 at 5 p.m. If you have any questions, please reach out to the State Board at [email protected].
Please use the following link to start the teacher survey:
The Strong Black Woman: How a Myth Endangers the Physical and Mental Health of Black Women.
Join author Marita Golden and licensed Clinical Social Worker, Dr. Pamela Brewer on the DC Public Library’s Facebook page and YouTube channel on Thursday, Oct. 7 at 6 p.m. for a conversation on Golden's new book, The Strong Black Woman: How a Myth Endangers the Physical and Mental Health of Black Women. The Strong Black Woman complex, deeply embedded in African American culture, is a response to systemic racism. It is a binding cultural code. The WTU will provide a free copy of The Strong Black Woman to the first 10 members who email General Vice President Regina Bell at [email protected]
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