May 29 - Lessons on TV - High School

May 29 - Lessons on TV – High School


Kamellia Keo, McKinley Middle School

Ashley Kearney, Ron Brown High School

Kristian Ellingsen, Columbia Heights Education Campus



May 28 - Lessons on TV - Middle School

May 28 - Lessons on TV – Middle School


Sarah Hjort-Tyson, Hart Middle School

Kamellia Keo, McKinley Middle School

Potential and Kinetic Energy (Teacher Resources)



May 27 - Lessons on TV - 4th & 5th Grades

May 27 - Lessons on TV - 4th & 5th Grade


Rachel Thomas, Bunker Hill Elementary School

Context Clues and Inferences

Jared Catapano, Lafayette Elementary School

Comparing Fractions



May 26 - Lessons on TV - 2nd & 3rd Grade

May 26 - Lessons on TV – 2nd & 3rd Grade


Raphael Bonhomme, School with a School at Goding

Picture Graphs - Hats & Picture Graph


Nadia Torney, Kimball Elementary School



May 25 - Lessons on TV - Early Education - 1st Grade

May 25 - Lessons on TV – Early Education – 1st Grade


Kalpana Sharma, Brightwood Education Campus

Graduation Day, My Memory Book

Busra Aydin, Wheatley Education Campus

Positional Words



May 22 - Lessons on TV - High School

May 22 - Lessons on TV – High School


Jonte Lee, Coolidge High School


May 21 - Lessons on TV - 6th - 8th Grades

May 21 - Lessons on TV – Middle School


Caneisha Mills, Hardy Middle School

Kamelia Keo, McKinley Middle School


May 20 - Lessons on TV - 4th & 5th Grades

May 20 - Lessons on TV - 4th & 5th Grade

Rachel Thomas, Bunker Hill Elementary
Jared Catapano, Lafayette Elementary


May 19

May 19 - Lessons on TV – 2nd & 3rd Grade


Raphael Bonhomme, School with a School at Goding

Nadia Torney, Kimball Elementary School



May 18 - Lessons on TV - Early Education - 1st Grade

May 18 - Lessons on TV – Early Education – 1st Grade


Kalpana Sharma, Brightwood Education Campus

Busra Aydin, Wheatley Education Campus



May 15 - Lessons on TV - High School

May 15 - Lessons on TV – High School


Alysha Butler, McKinley Tech High School

Social Studies

Brandie Crump, Cardozo Education Campus

English Language Arts


May 14 - Lessons on TV - Middle School

May 14 - Lessons on TV – Middle School


Deyon Johnson, Hart Middle School

Characterization and Character Development

Sarah Hjort-Tyson, Hart Middle School

Surface Area


May 13 - Lessons on TV - 4th & 5th Grades

May 13 - Lessons on TV – 4th & 5th Grades


Jared Catapano, Lafayette ES


Rachel Thomas, Bunker Hill ES

Civil Rights Organizations


May 12 - Lessons on TV - 2nd & 3rd Grade

May 12 - Lessons on TV – 2nd and 3rd Grades

Raphael Bonhomme, School within a School at Goding

Adding three or more Addends. What is the Next Ten?


Nadia Torney, Kimball Elementary

The Magnetic Compass: evidence-based responses

Grade 3 - Birds Inner Compass.

Electromagnetic Noise. Electromagnetic Word Search


May 11 - Lessons on TV - Early Ed - 1st Grade

May 11 - Lessons on TV – Early Education – 1st Grade

Kalpana Sharma, Brightwood Education Campus

Alphabet Games

Busra Aydin, Wheatley Education Campus

Compares & Measures


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