A Message from WTU President
Good Morning WTU!
I hope you had a peaceful and productive week! Last Thursday, your hardworking Contract Bargaining Team met in the wee hours of the morning outside the Negotiating Center for a meeting with the District and DCPS that started at 5AM. We still believe the District is not negotiating in good faith by only offering the WTU 5AM meeting times. It is the height of disrespect to not permit our bargaining team to meet after the school day ends. On a positive note, Chancellor Ferebee did attend the meeting. We appreciated his presence as we had an opportunity to review with him our MOAs on Safety and Climate. We expect him to attend the meeting on Thursday, Feb. 29th at 5AM where we hope to negotiate with his team on our 10 proposals and our MOA on diversity. To learn more about what transpired inside the building, please watch the Contract Negotiating Team’s weekly update here.
In other news, 5PM today is the last day to register to testify at DCPS/OSSE’s Performance Oversight Hearing. We need your teacher voice! Please do not feel overwhelmed. The WTU will help you to prepare your testimony and walk you through how the online process works. The public needs to know your concerns. If you are willing to testify, please register here no later than 5PM today and/or reach out to our WTU organizer, Mike Roland at [email protected]. If you or your school’s LSAT team still has questions or concerns regarding the budget process, please reach out to your Field Representative for support.
Lastly, do you need PLUs or graduate credits? Check out WTU’s Spring Development Courses (online and in-person) beginning on March 9th! Catch the Early Bird Special – a discounted rate of $125 per course – offered only to WTU members who register before this coming Friday, March 1st.
Thank you, as always, for your support!
In solidarity,
Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President
Washington Teachers’ Union
Weekly Update - WTU’s Contract Action Team (CAT)
As mentioned previously, your building representative will be reaching out to you shortly to share DCPS’s proposed changes to our contract and discuss possible actions each school may take. Please be on the lookout for a visit from the WTU team. We look forward to seeing you shortly!
Watch WTU’s Contract Negotiating Team’s weekly update here: https://youtu.be/CdxRH0GbFwg?si=gXi860fMOO7xd0Lx or click on the photo below.
We still need your photos wearing red on Fridays and signatures on our petition. Please encourage all to sign!
Share your insights on the availability and effectiveness on mental health services for students
Jason Cherkis is working with The Office of the D.C. Auditor on the availability and effectiveness of mental health services to students in DC Schools as it relates to suicide awareness and prevention. Jason has surveyed social workers at The DC Department of Behavioral Health and is now seeking your insights. Please contact Jason at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Teachers: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DCPS_Teachers
Social Workers: Suicide Awareness and Prevention in D.C. Schools Survey (surveymonkey.com)
Counselors: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DCPSCounselors
Upcoming Events, Activities & Meetings
- February 28th @9:30AM, DCPS/OSSE Performance Oversight Hearing, email for INFORMATION
- February 28th @6:15PM AFT PRAXIS BOOTCAMP, Registration Required. INFORMATION
In the News
- 02/17/2024 – The Washington Post – Dunbar keeps its head, wins fifth straight DCIAA girls’ basketball title
- 02/17/2024 – The Washington Post – Jackson-Reed Boys’ Basketball returns to top of the DCIAA
- 2/20/2024 – The Washington Informer – Dunbar Girls’, Jackson-Reed Boys’ Capture DCIAA Titles
- 02/22/2024 – NBC News Channel 4 – DC Schools and Teachers Unions Continue Contract Negotiations
- 02/22/2024 – WUSA News Channel 9 – DC Teachers Negotiate with DCPS for a New Contract
Professional Development and Other Opportunities
Check out six exciting PD courses offered online or in-person beginning in March! WTU’s Spring Professional Development Course Catalogue can be downloaded here. Take advantage our WTU-member only discounts by earning graduate credit or PLUs at the low rate of $125 per class. Our early bird special rate ends this coming Friday, March 1st so don’t forget to register online soon!
The American Federation of Teachers remains dedicated to serving our members throughout their careers. In response to a significant decline in the educator workforce, particularly post-pandemic, the AFT is collaborating with ETS to support AFT teacher members in their certification journeys. Join the AFT and ETS for a test preparation online seminar with a preview of an upcoming Praxis support boot camp, a strategic program aimed at equipping AFT members with the tools needed to confidently prepare for Praxis exams. Register now.
When? Feb 28, 2024 | 6:15 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. EST
Who should attend? All AFT teacher members who need to pass Praxis exams.
Can’t attend the live event? Register anyway to receive access to the session recording.
Questions? Contact Nadia Torney at [email protected]
Membership Update
Make sure you are eligible to vote & receive WTU Communications!
The AM Brew is distributed as a benefit to members of the WTU. In the coming weeks, we’ll be updating our database removing non-members from the distribution for the AM Brew. To ensure that you’re not inadvertently removed from the distribution list, please confirm your personal email address by emailing [email protected].
Your ability to vote in WTU elections and receive WTU Communications depends on our ability to reach you. We must have your personal email address for all communications.
AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.
Be sure to follow the WTU on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to keep up on the latest from your Union.