
November 8th, 2022 Elections 

The WTU’s Committee on Political Education (WTU-COPE) leads all WTU political activities. The WTU-COPE facilitated the endorsement process by issuing questionnaires to candidates, conducting candidate surveys and interviews, polling COPE members and presenting its recommendations to the WTU Executive Committee. The WTU Executive Committee then presented its recommendations to the WTU membership which approved the endorsements.

“The WTU is proud to stand behind a diverse slate of candidates who will champion public education and who will strive to move beyond the status quo that continues to fail far too many students,” said Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, WTU President.

“These candidates have listened to parents and teachers and understand that it will take decisive action to close the city’s persistent and growing achievement gaps,” Pogue Lyons continued. “We also know that we can count on these candidates to help tackle the issues – including the lack of a fair contract with teachers and the use of the IMPACT evaluation system which has been found to be racially biased – that have led to the District having a rate of teacher turnover that far exceeds the national average.”

For City Council, the WTU endorses:

  • City Council, At-Large: Elissa Silverman
  • City Council, At-Large: Karim Marshall
  • City Council, Ward 1: Brianne Nadeau
  • City Council, Ward 3: Matthew Frumin
  • City Council, Ward 5: Zachary Parker
  • City Council, Ward 6: Charles Allen

“The State Board of Education plays a vital role in our education system giving voice to students, parents, and educators,” said Regina Bell, the WTU’s General Vice President. “Our city’s accountability system continues to be heavily weighted towards measures that are proxies for poverty – tests and attendance – and the WTU is excited to endorse individuals who are committed to moving our city towards a governance system that is more democratic.”

For DC State Board of Education races, the WTU endorses:

  • State Board of Education, Ward 1: Ben Williams
  • State Board of Education, Ward 3: Michael Sriqui
  • State Board of Education, Ward 5: Robert Henderson
  • State Board of Education, Ward 6: Joshua Wiley

The WTU’s Committee on Political Education (WTU-COPE) leads all WTU political activities. The WTU-COPE facilitated the endorsement process by issuing questionnaires to candidates, conducting candidate surveys and interviews, polling COPE members and presenting its recommendations to the WTU Executive Committee. The WTU Executive Committee then presented its recommendations to the WTU membership which approved the endorsements.


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About the Washington Teachers’ Union

The WTU represents more than 5,000 active and retired teachers. It is dedicated to social and educational justice for the students of the District of Columbia and to improving the quality of support, resources, compensation and working conditions for the public servants and proud teachers who educate our students in D.C. Public Schools. Learn more at www.WTULocal6.net.


The full press release can be downloaded by clicking here.

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