Instructor: Dr. John Taylor
Class Meeting Dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays - October 25, 27; November 1, 3, 8, 10, 15,17; December 1 ,6, 8, 13, 15
Times: 4:30-7:30
Asynchronous Work Time: 10 Hours
Location: Online
Cost: Registration Fee Required
This course is designed to provide opportunities that specifically meet the needs of special educators and other school personnel. Participants will acquire knowledge regarding the psychological development and characteristics for children and youth. They will explore the principles of special education, paying particular attention to the appropriate role of the special educator in a variety of settings. Educators will trace the origin and philosophies of special education and attention will be given to issues which currently influence the field of special education including the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). The intended outcome is to have the participants successfully apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the course to special needs students.
Participants may earn 45 PLU’s.