AM Brew - August 14, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, August 14, 2023



This week, I hope you join me in welcoming all our new District Educators to the District of Columbia Public. Teachers are a vital resource to the health and the well-being our city. We want to formally welcome and celebrate them on Thursday, August 17th at WTU’s Meet and Greet from 4-7PM on the Rooftop Terrace of the Martin Luther King Jr. Library. Please spread the word and let all new DCPS teachers know about this important event! Let’s all pledge to give them the support they need as they start their teaching journey in the District. We wish them luck and an enjoyable New Educator Orientation this week.

City Administrator Kevin Donahue sent WTU the attached notice regarding the payment timeline for "hard to fill" positions and other payments outlined in our current contract. Click here.

The WTU will continue pressing the District for specific details on the exact date in September when educators can expect their stipends and “hard to fill” position bonuses outlined in our current contract. If you have any questions, please contact your Field Representative.


Back to School

WTU geared up for back to school by giving a free book of choice and a Kona Ice to every child at the Ward 7 Back-to-School event this past Saturday! We’d like to thank Eboni-Rose Thompson, Ward 7 Representative and President of the DC State Board of Education for hosting and inviting us to this fun and exciting event.

Below please find the dates for future back-to-school events. Please feel free to join us and/or contact Mike Roland if you would like to volunteer with the WTU!

  • 4th Annual Ward 5 Back-to-School Supply Drive & Giveaway
    Saturday, August 26th, 2023 10-2PM, Brookland Middle School
  • DCPS Back-to-School Block Party
    Saturday, September 23rd, 2023, 11-2PM, McKinley Technology High School


WTU's Contract Negotiating Team's Weekly Video Update

https://youtu.be/El3kw52ckBU or click picture

Watch previous weekly updates here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVsAq4LiCU_mjtJrOcqtlw0_yWg4LxvhE


Summer Pay

Several teachers reached out about their July 28 summer paycheck. dcps compensation said,  ‘Employees made two different salaries for SY 22-23. Employees must calculate summer pay based on the SPC contribution at both rates and then add that together to get their summer pay.’ Please contact Compensation, DCPS [email protected] with any questions about your summer pay.

IMPACT results are available in QuickBase.

Reach out to your field representative if you have any questions or concerns about your IMPACT report. Field Representatives - WTU Local 6 The deadline to file an IMPACT grievance is Sept 1.


In the news


Financial Literacy standards

OSSE is developing standalone Financial Literacy standards for DC high school students. 

To share feedback anonymously, complete this survey by no later than Aug. 18, 2023. For questions about these focus groups or the survey, please contact Fadhal Moore at [email protected]


Enrollment for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks is OPEN

Join the WTU Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks. If you are already a member, there is no need to rejoin.

Click here to join the WTU Sick Leave or Maternity Leave Banks

Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions. Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023. After you complete the form, you will receive a confirmation email from Google Forms; be sure to check your spam folder.


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


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AM Brew - August 7, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, August 7, 2023


Summer Pay

Several teachers reached out about their July 28 summer paycheck. dcps compensation said,  ‘Employees made two different salaries for SY 22-23. Employees must calculate summer pay based on the SPC contribution at both rates and then add that together to get their summer pay.’ Please contact Compensation, DCPS [email protected] with any questions about your summer pay.

IMPACT results are available in QuickBase.

Reach out to your field representative if you have any questions or concerns about your IMPACT report. Field Representatives - WTU Local 6 The deadline to file an IMPACT grievance is Sept 1.


For Teachers who teach literacy

SBOE member Allister Chang is looking for feedback from on the recommendations made by the OSSE Literacy Task Force. See here for their report. Please email Allister Chang  [email protected] by 5 pm today, Aug 7 with any comments. 


Enrollment for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks is OPEN

Join the WTU Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks. If you are already a member, there is no need to rejoin.

Click here to join the WTU Sick Leave or Maternity Leave Banks

Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions. Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023. After you complete the form, you will receive a confirmation email from Google Forms; be sure to check your spam folder.


Update on Contract Negotiations


In the news


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - July 31, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, July 31, 2023


WTU's New DC Teachers Meet and Greet

Join us on August 17th from 4-7PM to learn about the benefits of being a teacher in the District and WTU member! Network with peers and seasoned teacher veterans while enjoying light refreshments on the stunning rooftop terrace of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Memorial Library. Register now to save your spot!


IMPACT Appeals

The window to submit an appeal to the Chancellor closes on Tuesday, August 2, 2023. Click here for additional information. IMPACT results are available in QuickBase.

Reach out to your field representative if you have any questions or concerns about your IMPACT report. Field Representatives - WTU Local 6


WTU's Contract Negotiating Team's Weekly Update

Watch this week's video highlighting the WTU's Contract Negotiating Team accomplishments.

Enrollment for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks is OPEN

Join the WTU Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks. If you are already a member, there is no need to rejoin.

Click here to join the WTU Sick Leave or Maternity Leave Banks

Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions. Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023. After you complete the form, you will receive a confirmation email from Google Forms; be sure to check your spam folder.


Retirement Workshop Video and slide deck from June 27



In the news


News4 - School Safety

The News4 I-Team is working on a story about school safety concerns and would love to hear from teachers across the region on this issue. Their survey will be open until Friday, August 12th.


The results will remain anonymous, unless you agree to be formally interviewed. Should you have any questions or want to share your story, you can also reach out directly to the I-Team by emailing producer [email protected] or reporter [email protected]


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


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Back To School Happy Hour


AM Brew - July 24, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, July 24, 2023



IMPACT results are available in QuickBase.

Reach out to your field representative if you have any questions or concerns about your IMPACT report. Field Representatives - WTU Local 6

Enrollment for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks is OPEN

Join the WTU Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks. If you are already a member, there is no need to rejoin.

Click here to join the WTU Sick Leave or Maternity Leave Banks

Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions. Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023. After you complete the form, you will receive a confirmation email from Google Forms; be sure to check your spam folder.


Retirement Workshop Video and slide deck from June 27



In the news


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - July 17, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, July 17, 2023




IMPACT results are available in QuickBase.

Reach out to your field representative if you have any questions or concerns about your IMPACT report. Field Representatives - WTU Local 6


Enrollment for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks is OPEN

Join the WTU Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks. If you are already a member, there is no need to rejoin.

Click here to join the WTU Sick Leave or Maternity Leave Banks

Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions. Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023. After you complete the form, you will receive a confirmation email from Google Forms; be sure to check your spam folder.


Transferring Schools?

Please make sure you receive an official letter from DCPS indicating your new placement.


Retirement Workshop Video and slide deck from June 27



School Boundaries

2023 Advisory Committee on Student Assignment and Boundaries -July 19, 2023 Click for more information - 2023 Advisory Committee on Student Assignment and Boundaries - Meeting 5 (July 19, 2023) | dme (dc.gov)


In the News

Four Additional D.C. Public Schools Gear Up for Redesign


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


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AM Brew - July 10, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, July 10, 2023




IMPACT results are available in QuickBase. Reach out to your field representative if you have any questions or concerns about your IMPACT report. Field Representatives - WTU Local 6


Enrollment for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks is OPEN

Join the WTU Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks. If you are already a member, there is no need to rejoin.

Click here to join the WTU Sick Leave or Maternity Leave Banks

Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions. Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023. After you complete the form, you will receive a confirmation email from Google Forms; be sure to check your spam folder.


Transferring Schools?

Please make sure you receive an official letter from DCPS indicating your new placement.


Retirement Workshop Video and slide deck from June 27

Click here for the presentation.


School Boundaries

The Deputy Mayor for Education will convene the Task force as the follow up to the School Safety Enhancement Amendment Act of 2023 with a date for recommendations set in February of 2024.  

There is a town hall scheduled for the Public Education Master Facilities Plan with two possible dates, July 11th and July 12th to hear the presentation and offer comments. Register here: https://dme.dc.gov/page/dc-public-education-master-facilities-plan-2023-town-halls

In the news


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - July 3, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, July 3, 2023


Enrollment for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks is OPEN

Join the WTU Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks. If you are already a member, there is no need to rejoin.

Click here to join the WTU Sick Leave or Maternity Leave Banks

Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions. Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023. After you complete the form, you will receive a confirmation email from Google Forms; be sure to check your spam folder.


Transferring Schools?

Please make sure you receive an official letter from DCPS indicating your new placement.


Retirement Workshop Video and slide deck from June 27


What if my years of service aren’t correct? Who should I contact?

First obtain a copy of the your individual retirement record (IRR) from the Office of Pay and Retirement Services (OPRS) by sending an email to [email protected] and request your IRR also referred to as the SF-2806.


DC State Board of Education (SBOE) adopted revised social studies standards

Washington, DC grades k-12 social studies standards


School Boundaries

The Deputy Mayor for Education will convene the Task force as the follow up to the School Safety Enhancement Amendment Act of 2023 with a date for recommendations set in February of 2024.  

There is a town hall scheduled for the Public Education Master Facilities Plan with two possible dates, July 11th and July 12th to hear the presentation and offer comments.  register here: 


DCPS Technology update from Digital Equity in DC Home | Digital Equity in DC (digitalequitydced.com)

DCPS school technology POC's and principals were informed that DCPS Central Office is cutting the technology budget and extending the life cycle of devices from three years to four years. At a high level, this decision means that DCPS leadership is effectively pushing the Central Office budget cuts directly to schools, which will significantly impact students and teachers. This marks a reversal of DCPS's and the Mayor's commitment to provide an equitable, 21st century education for all DCPS students. 

The DCPS stated reason: "DC Council mandated cuts to Central Office." This is puzzling to us as we are currently in FY23 and the Council budget reduction does not take effect until FY24. 

The impact: Schools who are struggling with devices issued in 2020 (Generation 1 Microsoft Go's) will not receive a complete inventory refresh this summer, as previously planned. These devices reached the end-of-life cycle in March 2023. Earlier this month, DCPS categorized these devices as a "security risk" and noted their increasing incompatibility with new software and protocols. Schools with Microsoft Gen 1 Go's were collecting and preparing to retire these devices even as the new guidance was issued to principals on Friday evening.  Now, DCPS has decided that these devices are sufficient for another year of student use. We know they are not.

The context: DCPS planned to purchase ~16,000 new, more robust devices in FY 23, to replace out-of-life cycle Microsoft Go's for 90% of DCPS. During the last year we have visited schools who have shared countless challenges with these slow and insufficient devices. On June 5th, DCPS released a solicitation (GAGA-2023-I-0144) for student and staff devices with proposals due June 12. The timing (albeit later than it should have been) would have ensured that devices were received and distributed in time for the start of the SY23-24 school year. In addition, the purchase was consistent with the new DCPS Technology Plan and the commitments within the plan. 

We have urged DCPS to honor their commitment to providing students with an equitable, 21st century education. This decision negates much of the progress that has been made to reliably provide students with the right-sized digital tools they need to learn.

In the news


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


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AM Brew - June 26, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, June 26, 2023


Happy Summer!  We thank you for another great school year. As you reflect and recharge over the summer, please know that the WTU team will continue to work for you. If there is anything that we can do to support you, please contact your Field Representative.


Transferring Schools?

Please make sure you receive an official letter from DCPS indicating your new placement.

Enrollment for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks is OPEN

Join the WTU Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks. If you are already a member, there is no need to rejoin.

Click here to join the WTU Sick Leave or Maternity Leave Banks

Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions. Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023. After you complete the form, you will receive a confirmation email from Google Forms; be sure to check your spam folder.


DCPS in the news


Tuesday, June 27 at 3:30 pm - Retirement Session

A Deeper Dive into Teachers’ Retirement Plan
A summary of the plan can be found here - SPD_Teachers_Plan_2017_Final
Click here to join via Teams

Meeting ID: 291 059 387 126
Passcode: n52FRv


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


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AM Brew - June 20, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Tuesday, June 20, 2023


The WTU would like to thank you for another great year. As we celebrate Graduation and the end of another school year, I hope that you'll take a moment to reflect on the successes of this past year. It's through your hard work and dedication to our students, and to our Union, that we are able to achieve so much.

On Juneteenth, we celebrated not only the end of slavery in the United States but honor the resilience and strength of Black Americans. As a union, let's continue to fight for justice and equality for all.

Before the school year ends, we have one more request. Please complete your workplace violence survey. We need all responses by Friday, June 23rd.

WTU hopes you take time during this summer break to rest and take care of yourself. We wish you a safe, fun and exciting summer. We look forward to working together when you come back to ensure a signed contract by September 30, 2023.



Enrollment for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks is OPEN

Join the WTU Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks. If you are already a member, there is no need to rejoin.

Click here to join the WTU Sick Leave or Maternity Leave Banks

Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions. Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023. After you complete the form, you will receive a confirmation email from Google Forms; be sure to check your spam folder.


Boundaries Meeting

On Wednesday June 21st at 6PM:  The Deputy Mayor for Education will be convening the fourth (live-streamed) meeting of the Advisory Committee that will redraw school boundaries. You must register to watch the meeting online.  

The link to register for the June 21st meeting can be found at https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MXe7-jiBQkOL7iB2znPIIA

Boundaries were last redrawn in 2013-14.  The recording of the May 30th Meeting and the meeting’s slide deck can be found at https://dme.dc.gov/node/1655176


From DCPS - Technology Advisory Committee

Are you passionate about creating equitable and inclusive education through the power of technology? Then, we invite you to apply for the Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) and become a driving force behind developing comprehensive agency standards for technology in DCPS classrooms.

As a diverse group of DCPS representatives across schools and wards, the TAC plays a crucial role in supporting DCPS' mission to achieve digital equity. Our primary objectives include:

  • Actively engaging in developing key recommendations.
  • Distilling short- and long-term priorities for consideration.
  • Informing sustainable, equity-centered standards and structures for DCPS.

Together, we will have honest discussions, identify problems, and propose creative and thoughtful solutions that shape the future of technology integration in DCPS classrooms.

Whether you are a school leader, instructional staff member, tech POC, or a family member of a DCPS student, your unique perspective and expertise are invaluable. If you are ready to make a meaningful impact and contribute to advancing digital equity, we encourage you to submit your application by June 19, 2023, at 5 pm EST. If, for any reason, you are unable to apply to the committee, we kindly request that you recommend someone whom you believe would be interested in joining us. For any questions or further information, please click here or contact Bilan Jama at [email protected].

Don't miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of educational innovation and help pave the way for a brighter future in DCPS. Apply now and let your voice be heard!


DCPS in the news


Ward 5 Annual back to school drive

4th Annual Back-to-School Supply Drive and Giveaway (google.com)


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


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AM Brew - June 12, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, June 12, 2023


Happy Pride Month! WTU hopes that you had an opportunity to attend or participate in some of the fun and exciting Pride events in and around the District this weekend!

We will receive the remainder of our retro payment on Friday, June 16th. Retro payments were loaded into the PeopleSoft system all weekend. City Administrator, Kevin Donahue informed WTU that the District should finish programing all the retro payments onto PeopleSoft by the close of business on Tuesday, June 13th. Please reach out to your WTU Field Representative if you do not see your entire retro payment in the system by this Wednesday.

Our dedicated WTU Contract Bargaining Team met again this past Thursday and they worked hard preparing contract proposals for DCPS. Each week, you can watch a video of what they accomplished on our social media channels or website – www.wtulocal6.net.  WTU would also like to thank the 500+ members who have taken the time to fill out the Violence in Schools Survey.  We still need to hear from more members. If you haven’t already, please take a moment to check your email and fill it out. WTU will bring your feedback directly to our city leaders and the contract negotiating table.

As the school year winds down, WTU hopes you will remember to join the WTU Sick Leave Bank. We also hope you plan to participate in this year’s WTU Summer Institute. Please check out this year’s list of courses and take advantage of classes that count as PLUs or graduate credits


WTU Membership Meeting - June 13, 2023 at 4:30 PM

We hope all WTU members will join us at our June 13 Membership Meeting! Click here to register to attend! Registration is required. After your membership is confirmed, you will receive an email with a link to join the meeting from [email protected]. Check your spam folder if it isn’t in your inbox.



The Elections Committee would like to thank those members who exercised their rights and came out to vote on Friday June 9, 2023. Full election results will be posted on the WTU Website by Tuesday June 13, 2023. Reminder that there is a 15-day period (June 24, 2023) to contest election results. If you have any questions for the Elections Committee email [email protected].



1. Laura Fuchs

2. Michael Donaldson

3. Tiffany L. Brown

4. Melina Willoughby

5. Eulyn Thomas

6. Alexcia Hopkins

7. Maxine Jefferson

8. Dr. Sean Perkins

9. Regina Bell

10. Sophia Thomas, LICSW

11. Dylan Craig

12. Margaret Thomas

13. Nadia Torney

14. Tora Wannamaker

15. Chrystal Puryear

16. Jiama Carroll

17. Concha Johnson

18. Natalie Porter-McCuiston

19. Dr. Wendy Woods

20. Dorothy Darbouze

21. Linda Moore-Garoute

22. Clare Berke

Elections Committee

1. Chrystal Puryear

2. Melina Willoughby

3. Dawn Brodus-Yougha, Ed.D

4. Margaret Thomas

5. Dieter Lehmann Morales

6. Tiffany L. Brown

7. Concha Johnson

8. Karen Kassekert


1. Dylan Craig

2. Chrystal Puryear

3. Nadia Torney

4. Dr. Sean Perkins

5. Clare Berke

6. Concha Johnson

7. Linda Moore-Garoute

8. Maxine Jefferson

9. Michael Donaldson

10. Natalie Porter-McCuiston


Enrollment for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks is OPEN

Join the WTU Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks. If you are already a member, there is no need to rejoin.

Click here to join the WTU Sick Leave or Maternity Leave Banks

Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions. Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023. After you complete the form, you will receive a confirmation email from Google Forms; be sure to check your spam folder.


WTU Constitution and Bylaws

There has been a petition submitted to amend the WTU Constitution and Bylaws. The petition will be voted on during the membership meeting on June 13. See below. If the WTU membership passes the amendment, it will go to the American Federation of Teachers for review.

Contract Team update


DCPS in the News


Retirement Seminar

It’s never too early to plan for your retirement. The DC Retirement Board has offered to host another retirement session in June. Day and time of the session will be based on the DCRB’s availability. Please complete this form to indicate your interest in attending a retirement session in June. Click here to express interest in attending a future session.


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - June 5, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, June 5, 2023



WTU Membership Meeting - June 13, 2023

We hope all WTU members will join us at our June 13 Membership Meeting! Click here to register to attend! After your membership is confirmed, you will receive an email with a link to join the meeting from WTU[email protected]. Check your spam folder if it isn’t in your inbox.




THE WTU 2023 Elections will be held at Eastern Senior High School, 1700 East Capitol St NE, Washington, DC 20002, on Friday June 9, 2023 from 5:00pm - 8:00pm. Parking is available; Eastern is Metro Accessible. Please walk with a form of picture identification as verification that you are a full dues paying member will occur. Please be advised you must be a full dues paying member in order to vote in the upcoming election. 

The Ballot Count will begin at 8:15pm, at which time only verified observers will be present. Each candidate has an opportunity to have an observer present on their behalf. Candidates are not allowed at the count. Candidates will receive the form to identify their observer in the upcoming week. 

Please exercise your democratic right as a full dues paying WTU member and come out to vote!

Elections results will be shared with the membership on Monday June 12th in the Morning Brew and posted to the WTU Website by Tuesday June 13th. 

If you have any questions about the upcoming elections you can email the WTU Elections Committee at [email protected]


Enrollment for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks is OPEN

Join the WTU Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks. If you are already a member, there is no need to rejoin. Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions. Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023. After you complete the form, you will receive a confirmation email from Google Forms; be sure to check your spam folder.

Click here to join the WTU Sick Leave or Maternity Leave Banks

Sick Leave Buy-Back (from last week)

Applications for Sick Leave Buy-Back are now available for use in accordance with the current WTU Agreement. Article 17 Leave Policy and subpart Sections and states: “Teachers who have perfect attendance (no absences and no use of sick leave during a given school year) shall have the right to return to DCPS all of the sick leave they accrued during the year. A Teacher may elect to return to DCPS one half (1/2) of the sick leave days accrued but not taken during the current year at the current daily rate of pay. Unreturned sick leave shall be credited each year to the Teacher’s sick leave balance and shall not be subject to the Sick Leave Buy-Back Plan.” Applications will be available at school sites for any teacher who elects to participate in the plan. The deadline for submission of the application is June 9, 2023. Additionally, sick leave buy-back applications can be obtained


Retirement Seminar

It’s never too early to plan for your retirement. The DC Retirement Board has offered to host another retirement session in June. Day and time of the session will be based on the DCRB’s availability. Please complete this form to indicate your interest in attending a retirement session in June. Click here to express interest in attending a future session.


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

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