AM Brew - October 2, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, October 2, 2023


Good Morning WTU Members,

This past Saturday, the WTU hosted a successful in-person Union Leadership Institute (ULI) for our building leaders at AFT Headquarters. Thank you so much to our WTU leaders who came out to receive professional development on organizing, the contract, and how to best support colleagues in their schools. If you missed an opportunity to join us, we will have another Union Leadership Institute in January.

This weekend, the Washington Teachers Union received the Human Values Award at the World Cultural Festival for our work and activism in keeping students, teachers, and staff safe through the pandemic. Again, this award shows WTU’s deep commitment and love for the children of the District of Columbia and the DC community. WTU has so many partners we’d like to thank for this honor. This great award would not have been possible without the support and hard work of all our WTU members, the WTU Contract Bargaining Team, the American Federation of Teachers, the Washington Metro Labor Council and the Black Coalition Against COVID. This year, eight recipients received this award. Award recipients included Yale faculty member, Dr. James Leckman for his research with the Early Childhood Peace Consortium. DC Fire and EMS Chief John A. Donnelly, Sr., also received an award for his work throughout the COVID pandemic. We hope you had the opportunity to attend this three-day festival featuring more than 17,000 global music and dance artists, yoga pavilion, wellness zones, and wisdom series with visionary and spiritual leader, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. More than half a million people from across the world attended this event.

WTU’s Contract Bargaining Agreement with DCPS expired on Saturday, September 30th. Despite the Contract Negotiating Team’s steadfast efforts to work diligently throughout the summer to deliver our ground rules, several MOAs, and 13 proposals to DCPS beginning in May, we have not received a substantive response on anything submitted so far with one exception. A few days ago, DCPS responded to the ground rules first proposed in May. To say we are disappointed in the lack of urgency shown by DCPS is an understatement. As part of our response, the Contract Action Committee urges all to double-down on their efforts to get everyone in the community and in our union to sign the petition for Safe Schools. Our best defense is a good offense. We need to show DCPS we are extremely committed to getting a fair contract.

In solidarity,

Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President
Washington Teachers’ Union



Opportunities to GET INVOLVED! 

Join the Contract Action Team (CAT)!

To learn more about the Contract Action Team, please visit our Contract Action Webpage and follow us on WTU’s official FaceBook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram sites. Our campaign focuses on showing our collective demand for a new contract by wearing red on Fridays and our new Campaign button, posting pictures on social media, and rallying everyone we know to sign our petition for school safety. We also need your wonderful photos! So, please don’t forget to keep emailing them to [email protected]. 

Watch WTU's Contract Negotiating Team's Weekly Video Update

Please click here or on picture below.

Watch previous video updates here.

Join a WTU Committee!

The start of a new school year offers all members a chance to join one of five WTU Committees established by the WTU Executive Board to lead our work:  

  • Contract Action Team (CAT) & Organizing Committee. The CAT Team and the Organizing Committee will be meeting as one team monthly until further notice. Contact: Mike Roland ([email protected] 
  • Communications Committee. Chair: WTU President Jacqueline Pogue Lyons ([email protected]) meets the 4th Tuesday of each month @ 4:30pm Join via Zoom.
  • Committee on Political Education (COPE) Meeting – Monday, October 2nd @ 7PM. Chair: Michael Donaldson ([email protected]). Meets the 1st Monday of each month Virtual @ 7-8pm Join via Zoom
  • Legislative Committee. Chair: Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President WTU and Vice President Regina Bell ([email protected]Join via Zoom.
  • IMPACT Committee. The IMPACT Committee continues to gather feedback from different stakeholder groups, and academic research data regarding the validity and fairness of IMPACT's rating system compared to other evaluation systems.
    Contact: Regina Bell ([email protected])

To join one or more of these committees, click here. 

Attend a Ward 7 Education Council Meeting

October 5th 6:30PM Register here.


Register to Testify Before City Council on Bill 25-218 “Work Order Integrity Amendment Act of 2023”

This bill would require DGS to receive affirmative approval from a school-level staff member before marking maintenance or repair requests as complete in the Department’s internal work order system. All public testimony is virtual. Register here.


Attend in-person WTU Retirement Session

DCPS and DC Retirement Board will hold a 90 minute in-person retirement session on October 23, 2023.
Time and place TBD. We also hope to have a virtual option. Registration is required. 


In the News


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - September 25, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, September 11, 2023


Good Morning, WTU Members!

For those celebrating Yom Kippur, Chag sameach! As you know, WTU’s Contract Negotiating Team has been working for months to prepare and deliver ground rules, several MOAs, and proposals to DCPS. Each week, the team alerts all WTU members of our progress through video updates available here. Unfortunately, as of today, we have not received concrete dates from DCPS to begin the bargaining process so we canceled last week’s Contract Negotiating Teams’ meeting. As you know, our contract expires this coming Saturday, September 30th. Before it does, we ask you to sign WTU’s Safe Schools petition, post it on your social network, and encourage everyone you know to read and sign it.

With your help at the DCPS Block Party this past Saturday, we gave hundreds of free books of choice to every child and gathered hundreds of community signatures for our Safe Schools Petition. Thank you to those who came out to help despite the rain!  

The World Cultural Festival is only held every 5 years. This year, it is an honor for the event to be held in DC. We are also pleased and grateful to announce that the World Cultural Festival will be presenting the Human Values Award to the WTU for our work in keeping students, teachers, and staff safe throughout the pandemic. Please take some time to come out to the festival to celebrate this exciting event.

This coming Saturday, September 30th, we are pleased that will we have our Union Leadership Institute (ULI) in-person at AFT Headquarters (555 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001)! This will be the first time we will offer the in-person training since COVID-19. This one-day bootcamp is crafted to give all elected school building leaders (i.e. School Chapter Advisory Committee (SCAC), Local School Advisory Team (LSAT), personnel committee, etc.) the necessary knowledge needed to be effective building representatives. We need as many WTU building leaders as possible to attend this training given the contract battle we now face again. Consider ULI as your training to lead us in battle. When we fight together, we win together! I hope to see you there!

In solidarity,

Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President
Washington Teachers’ Union


Opportunities to GET INVOLVED! 

Register for Union Leadership Institute (ULI)

The WTU offers regular ULIs that give all building leaders the opportunity to learn and develop leadership skills and to acquire the detailed knowledge needed to be effective teacher representatives. To help ensure the voice of teachers are heard. The register for ULI on Saturday, September 30th. Please register here. 


Join the Contract Action Team (CAT)!

The CAT Team will be joining the Organizing Committee for the initial meeting of the new year on Wednesday, Sept. 27th & 5PM in person at the WTU’s headquarters (1239 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20003). To learn more about the Contract Action Team, please visit our Contract Action Webpage and follow us on WTU’s official FaceBook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram sites. Our campaign focuses on showing our collective demand for a new contract by wearing red on Fridays and our new Campaign button, posting pictures on social media, and rallying everyone we know to sign our petition for school safety. We also need your wonderful photos! So, please don’t forget to keep emailing them to [email protected]. 


Join a WTU Committee!

The start of a new school year offers all members a chance to join one of five WTU Committees established by the WTU Executive Board to lead our work:  

Contract Action Team (CAT) & Organizing Committee – Wednesday, Sept. 27th @ 5PM in person.

The CAT Team will be joining the initial meeting of the Organizing Committee on Wednesday, Sept. 27th @5PM in person at the Washington Teachers Union offices (1239 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE). Contact: Mike Roland ([email protected]

Communications Committee – Tuesday, Sept. 26th @4:30PM

Chair: WTU President Jacqueline Pogue Lyons ([email protected]) Meets the 4th Tuesday of each month. Via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81572951788?pwd=eFlIa2Q4MHNTeE1GeHRQSFk5bG9qdz09

Committee on Political Education (COPE) Meeting – Monday, October 2nd @ 7-8pm

Chair: Michael Donaldson ([email protected]). Meets the first Monday of each month. Via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85422764300?pwd=WUtZZjVGT3lQTElqdkFEWWMvaEJPZz09

Legislative Committee – Tuesday, October 17th @4:30PM

Chairs: Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, WTU President ([email protected]) and Regina Bell, WTU Vice President ([email protected]). Via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81572951788?pwd=eFlIa2Q4MHNTeE1GeHRQSFk5bG9qdz09

IMPACT Committee

The IMPACT Committee continues to gather feedback from different stakeholder groups, and academic research data regarding the validity and fairness of IMPACT's rating system compared to other evaluation systems.
Contact: Regina Bell, WTU Vice President ([email protected])


Hard to Fill Bonuses

Hard to fill bonuses are based on your IMPACT Group. Contact your Field Representative if you haven’t received your bonus.


Attend a Student Loan Forgiveness Webinar

Monday, September 25th 4-5PM Register here. The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education invites DC educators to our second virtual webinar led by a Certified Financial Planner™, Andrew Katz-Moses, on Monday, September 25th, from 4 to 5 pm ET. The Student Loan Forgiveness webinar will provide DC educators with essential insights and strategies to navigate student loan repayments, optimize the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, and learn if loan consolidation is right for them. The webinar will cover how to plan for loan repayment starting in October as well as major opportunities for loan forgiveness you need to take advantage of by the end of 2023. Whether you're currently paying off student loans or seeking ways to optimize your repayment journey, this webinar is designed to empower you with the knowledge you need. See the full invitation attached and register hereQ&A will follow the session.

Attend a Boundary & Student Assignment Study Virtual Town Hall

Tuesday, September 26 at 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Wednesday, September 27 at 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Both sessions below will cover the same information.

Join the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education for a series of virtual town hall meetings to learn more about the Boundary & Student Assignment Study. This initiative will provide strategic, data-informed recommendations to ensure more students have equitable access to great schools. Click here to sign-up for a town hall session: dme.dc.gov/page/townhalls-2023


Sign DC School Nurses’ Petition 

Sign a petition to support student health and nurse professionalism in DC schools! We demand DC immediately reconsider this harmful cluster model. They must collaborate with DCNA representatives to build a solution-oriented approach that has dedicated nurses per school. This is what our students deserve. We ask you to join the fight to protect student heath and nurses' working conditions. Let's uplift their voices and stand against this damaging cluster model that profit over people. 


In the News


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AM Brew - September 18, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, September 18, 2023



Good Morning, WTU Members!

This past Friday marked the start of a nationwide month-long celebration of Hispanic and Latino culture, history and great accomplishments. Let's celebrate this month (and all months) by challenging each other to learn something new about the Latino culture as we work towards building a truly inclusive community!

As you know, WTU’s Contract Negotiating Team has been working for months to prepare and deliver ground rules, several MOAs, and proposals to DCPS. Each week, the team alerts all WTU members of our progress via weekly video updates available here. Unfortunately, as of today, we have not received actionable feedback from DCPS to begin the bargaining process. The WTU believes DCPS is dragging their feet in the negotiation’s process and posted this on social media. WUSA Channel 9 covered our contract negotiating concerns with DCPS. Please review Channel 9’s coverage here.

I want to encourage all to consider attending what has historically been an enlightening professional development opportunity – the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Legislative Caucus Event. This year it will be held on September 20th and take place in both the Walter E. Johnson Convention Center and the US Department of Education. The conference titled “The Courage to Teach: Real Solutions for a Shared Fight” will discuss the current challenges facing education professionals and provide you with the tools/resources needed to feel safe amidst new extremist policies. If you are interested in attending, please remember to request leave from your principal as soon as possible. (To download a flyer about the event, click here. To download additional information, including the program, click here).

Thank you, as always, for continuing to drive change in your community as our deadline for receiving a new contract is less than 15 days away! With your help at the H-Street Festival this past Saturday, we gave-away a free book of choice to every child and gathered hundreds of community signatures for our Safe Schools Petition. We need to keep showing our collective demand for a new contract by wearing red on Fridays and our new campaign button, posting pictures on social media, and rallying everyone we know to sign our petition for school safety. We also need your wonderful photos! So, please don’t forget to keep emailing them to [email protected]. Finally, one last request, please consider volunteering at the WTU table at the DCPS Block Party. (See info below)

  • DCPS Block PartySaturday, September 23rd, 11-2PM, McKinley Tech HS

To learn more about the Contract Action Team, please visit our Contract Action Webpage and follow us on WTU’s official FaceBookTwitterYouTube and Instagram sites. Have a wonderful and safe week! 

In solidarity,

Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President
Washington Teachers’ Union


Opportunities to GET INVOLVED! 

The start of a new school year offers all members a chance to join one of five WTU Committees established by the WTU Executive Board to lead our work:  

  1. Committee on Political Education (COPE) Meeting  
    Chair: Michael Donaldson ([email protected])
    Meets the 1st Monday of each month Virtual @ 7-8pm 
    Join via zoom.
  2. Communications Committee
    Chair: WTU President Jacqueline Pogue Lyons ([email protected]) Meets the 4th Tuesday of each month @ 4:30pm
  3. Legislative Committee – Tuesday, Sept. 19th @ 4:30PM via Zoom
    Chair: Regina Bell, Vice President WTU ([email protected])  
    Join via zoom.
  4. Organizing Committee
    The Organizing Committee helps to recruit and organize WTU members. Contact: Mike Roland ([email protected]) Meets the 3rd Thursday of each month @ 5:00pm
  5. IMPACT Committee
    The IMPACT Committee continues to gather feedback from different stakeholder groups, and academic research data regarding the validity and fairness of IMPACT's rating system compared to other evaluation systems.
    Contact: Regina Bell ([email protected])

To join one or more of these committees, click here

Boundary & Student Assignment Study

Join the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education for a series of virtual town hall meetings to learn more about the Boundary & Student Assignment Study. This initiative will provide strategic, data-informed recommendations to ensure more students have equitable access to great schools.

Click here to sign-up for a town hall session: dme.dc.gov/page/townhalls-2023

Both sessions below will cover the same information.

  • Tuesday, September 26 at 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, September 27 at 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.


Art All Night with Roosevelt STAY

Friday, September 29, 7-10
For information about Art All Night, click here.


Support DC School Nurses

Sign a petition to support student health and nurse professionalism in DC schools!  

We demand DC immediately reconsider this harmful cluster model. They must collaborate with DCNA representatives to build a solution-oriented approach that has dedicated nurser per school. This is what our students deserve. We ask you to join the fight to protect student heath and nurses' working conditions. Let's uplift their voices and stand against this damaging cluster model that profit over people. 


WTU's Contract Negotiating Team's Weekly Video Update 

Click picture below or url:  https://youtu.be/9-CScsBoMDM

Watch previous video updates here.


In the News


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

2023 Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Professional Development Series for Educators


AM Brew - September 11, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, September 11, 2023




Good Morning, WTU Members!

Today, as we stop to remember those who lost their lives in the 2001 tragedy, we are reminded of the need to build a teaching community that supports and values each of its members equally. We remain continually grateful to our first responders from 911 through COVID and until today for their hard work and dedication to everyone and particularly those in need.

Thank you for continuing to drive change in your community as our deadline for receiving a new contract is less than 20 days away! We need to keep showing our collective demand for a new contract by wearing red on Fridays along with our new Campaign button (see above), posting pictures on social media, and rallying everyone we know to sign our petition for school safety. We need your wonderful photos! So, please don’t forget to keep emailing them to [email protected]. Finally, one last request, please consider volunteering to join our WTU’s advocacy tables at these upcoming events:

H-Street Festival, Saturday, September 16th, 11-5PM

DCPS Block Party, Saturday, September 23rd, 11-2PM, McKinley Tech HS

To learn more about the Contract Action Team, please visit our Contract Action Webpage and follow us on WTU’s official FaceBookTwitterYouTube and Instagram sites. Please remember to check our new 2023-24 Members’ Organizational Guide for advance notice of all WTU events throughout the year.  If you haven’t received your printed brochure, please reach out to your Field Representative. Again, I wish you another amazing week filled with the joy of teaching and hope this day’s memory leaves you inspired to continue our drive for change! 

In solidarity,

Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President
Washington Teachers’ Union


Opportunities to GET INVOLVED!

The start of a new school year offers all members a chance to join one of five WTU Committees established by the WTU Executive Board to lead our work:  

Committee on Political Education (COPE) Meeting – TODAY! September 11th!

Chair: Michael Donaldson ([email protected])
Meets the 1st Monday of each month Virtual @ 7-8pm. Join via Zoom

Communications Committee

Chair: WTU President Jacqueline Pogue Lyons ([email protected]) Meets the 4th Tuesday of each month @ 4:30pm

Legislative Committee

Chair: Regina Bell, Vice President WTU ([email protected]) (pictured left) Meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month @ 4:30pm

Organizing Committee

The Organizing Committee helps to recruit and organize WTU members. Contact: Mike Roland ([email protected]) Meets the 3rd Thursday of each month @ 5:00pm

IMPACT Committee

The IMPACT Committee continues to gather feedback from different stakeholder groups, and academic research data regarding the validity and fairness of IMPACT's rating system compared to other evaluation systems.
Contact: Regina Bell ([email protected])

To join one or more of these committees, click here. 


Support DC School Nurses 

Sign a petition to support student health and nurse professionalism in DC schools!  

We demand DC immediately reconsider this harmful cluster model. They must collaborate with DCNA representatives to build a solution-oriented approach that has dedicated nurses per school. This is what our students deserve. We ask you to join the fight to protect student heath and nurses' working conditions. Let's uplift their voices and stand against this damaging cluster model that profit over people. 


WTU's Contract Negotiating Team's Weekly Video Update 

Click picture or this url: https://youtu.be/TSYwkpsirmA?si=7mTXgqK6Coj8xb0P

Watch previous video updates here.


In the News


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - September 5, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Tuesday, September 5, 2023




Good Morning, WTU Members! I hope you enjoyed welcoming your students back to the classroom and experienced a wonderful first week of the 2023-23 school year!

In the past couple of weeks, WTU leadership and staff visited many schools including Savoy ES, Eaton ES, and Jackson Reed HS to drop off swag and welcome our new and returning members. We know the start of the school year can be a very busy and hectic time for all and want to remind everyone to take time out to prioritize your physical and mental well-being.

Thank you to the many members who sent in selfies and group photos wearing Red for Ed on Friday and holding a ticking clock! Keep those pictures coming as this week starts our countdown to a new signed contract by the September 30th deadline. Email photos to [email protected] and look for your picture on WTU’s website, or WTU’s InstagramFaceBook or Twitter channels.

I hope you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend! On this day, it’s particularly important to celebrate the hard work and dedication of all workers. We value your work in schools to educate the children of the District of Columbia. And a special shoutout to those who work hard to protect the rights of all workers!

In solidarity, 

Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President

Washington Teachers’ Union 


Representative Assembly Meeting

Sept 12 at 4:30 WTU Membership meeting. Registration is required.

Click here to register to attend.


WTU Website 

The WTU’s website – www.wtulocal6.net - is divided into two sections – one is open to the public while the other section is only accessible to WTU members via the password. We ask you not to forward the WTU password or event information inside this private website beyond our colleagues within the Union. Zoom links to WTU-only meetings and recaps of Members-Only meeting minutes should not be shared with non-Union members. The WTU Members-Only site gives members a place to voice their concerns without fear of reprisal.

Step 1: Visit www.wtulocal6.net > Click Login

Step 2:Enter Password > WTU4u


Monday Morning Brew

Weekly updates from the WTU are emailed out the first day of each work week to WTU members with a personal email on file and archived on our website. If new educators or other colleagues aren't receiving emails from us, please encourage them to send their personal email to [email protected] and ask to be added to our mailing lists to receive important updates from our Union. 



Wearing red on Fridays is even more important during our Contract Campaign. Thank you for sending us your wonderful pictures! Please continue to wear red each Friday and post photos to your social media accounts. Don’t forget to share them with the WTU via [email protected] and look for your photo on WTU’s websiteInstagramFaceBook or Twitter channels.


Get involved! 

We hope you will do the following this week: 

Join the WTU Contract Action Team! Click here to complete the sign-up. 

This Friday and every Friday moving forward, please wear red (preferably your WTU Red T-shirt), take a picture of yourself during your lunch break, and post it on social media. Send the WTU your picture via email to [email protected]

Take a picture with a clock and/or “30 hand sign” so that WTU can post it on our social media pages to remind DCPS, the mayor, and the community about our contract expiring. Here, here and here are posters you can use as inspiration, but feel free to get creative. Please send the pictures to [email protected] and reshare/retweet on your social media during your lunch break.


WTU's Contract Negotiating Team's Weekly Video Update 

https://youtu.be/2H8KjUQUT6A or click photo below:

Watch previous video updates here.


Support DC School Nurses

Sign a petition to support student health and nurse professionalism in DC schools! 

We demand DC immediately reconsider this harmful cluster model. They must collaborate with DCNA representatives to build a solution-oriented approach that has a dedicated nurse per school. This is what our students deserve.

We ask you to join the fight to protect student health and nurses' working conditions. Let's uplift their voices and stand against this damaging cluster model that puts profit over people.


In the news


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


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AM Brew - August 28, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, August 28, 2023


Good morning!  We’re excited to kick-off the 2023-2024 school year!

Each new school year is different and will bring new, and sometimes unexpected, challenges. After seeing how you, our city’s educators, have conquered everything thrown at you these past several years, I’m confident that you are up for any challenge that presents itself. And, I assure you that the Union will be at your side, leading the way to ensure that you and our students have the resources you need to succeed.

Today, as we start the new school year, I'm asking you asking you to get more involved with our Union. We, once again, need to win a new - and fair - contract that will ensure that you are able to be effective and grow as educators and, most importantly, meet the needs of our students. I also ask that you welcome your new colleagues, whether they are new to your building or new to the profession, and encourage them to join the WTU if they are not already members. And, if new educators or other colleagues aren't receiving the AM Brew, please ask that they send their personal email to [email protected] asking to subscribe to the AM Brew and other important updates from our Union.

We can and will continue to overcome the challenges facing us. Your team at the WTU looks forward to serving you this year! Reach out to the WTU should you have any questions, concerns about working conditions, or about your Union.

Together, we can and will make this the best school year yet!

In solidarity,

Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President

Washington Teachers’ Union


60th Anniversary of the March on Washington

The 60th Anniversary of the March on Washington wasn’t a commemoration but a continuation of the fight for true equality. Today, we are still fighting for our children to learn the truth about our history and true equality for everyone. Thank you to the AFT and all our members who came out to this tremendous historic event. Please follow us on social media to see photos and video of our events.

Get involved!

  1. Join the WTU Contract Action Team! Click here to complete the sign-up.
  2. Beginning this Friday and every Friday moving forward, please start wearing red (preferably your WTU Red T-shirt), take a picture of yourself during your lunch break, and post it on social media. Send the WTU your picture via email to [email protected]
  3. Between Friday, August 25th and Tuesday, August 29th take another picture with a clock and/or “30 hand sign” so that WTU can post it on our social media pages on August 31st to remind DCPS, the mayor, and the community about our contract expiring. Here, here and here are posters you can use as inspiration, but feel free to get creative. Please send the pictures to [email protected] and reshare/retweet on social media during your lunch break.
  4. Red for Ed - We’d also like to thank the many teachers who kicked off our first Friday wearing red for ed! Please keep sending us pictures as this Thursday, August 31st marks the beginning of the 30-day countdown to getting our contract.  

We wish you a powerful and awesome school year, knowing the WTU is here to support you.


Back-to-School Events  

Thanks to all for coming out to the Ward 5 Back-to-School event this past Saturday! Please consider coming out to volunteer for the next event - H-Street Festival.

  • H Street Festival, Saturday, September 16th
  • DCPS Back-to-School Block Party. Saturday, September 23rd, 2023, 11-2PM, McKinley Technology High School

Contact Mike Roland if your school is having a Back-to-School event that we should know about!


2023 Statewide Assessment Results

The Washington Post - D.C. student test scores improve incrementally after pandemic-era plunge 

Last week, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) released the results of the District’s 2023 Statewide Assessments (PARCC testing). The WTU is proud of the progress that our city has made and we know that the hard work and dedication of our teacher’s is driving the city’s results. However, we continue to recognize that far too many students are failing to reach proficiency and gaps continue to grow. We continue to prioritize these gaps in our contract negotiations with the District.

Click here to access OSSE’s presentation: 2023 Statewide Assessment Results


WTU's Contract Negotiating Team's Weekly Video Update

Click on photo or visit https://youtu.be/wPydj2Cx16Y

Watch previous weekly updates here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVsAq4LiCU_mjtJrOcqtlw0_yWg4LxvhE

IMPACT results are available in QuickBase.

Reach out to your field representative if you have any questions or concerns about your IMPACT report. Field Representatives - WTU Local 6 The deadline to file an IMPACT grievance is Sept 1.


Enrollment for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks is OPEN

Join the WTU Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks. If you are already a member, there is no need to rejoin.

Click here to join the WTU Sick Leave or Maternity Leave Banks

Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions. Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023. After you complete the form, you will receive a confirmation email from Google Forms; be sure to check your spam folder.


In the news


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


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AM Brew - August 21, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, August 21, 2023


Welcome Back! We hope everyone enjoyed a great summer and found time to really reconnect with family and friends as we all try to find balance in our lives. We hope a summer vibe of taking care of your physical and mental health will last throughout the school year. Please know the WTU is here to support you in having a safe, peaceful, and productive school year.

This week, we welcomed our new DCPS teachers at a festive Meet and Greet on the rooftop terrace of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library. Many of our city leaders joined the WTU in welcoming our new educators including Mayor Muriel Bowser, Chancellor Lewis Ferebee, City Council Chair Phil Mendelson, and Ward 7 State Board Representative and President Eboni-Rose Thompson. Ward 4 Councilmember Janeese Lewis George, Ward 3 Councilmember Matthew Frumin, Ward 8 Councilmember Trayon White, Ward 6 State Board Representative Brandon Best and Ward 2 State Board Representative Allister Chang also joined in on the lively festivities. WTU is grateful for their participation and we hope the fact that they took time out of their busy schedules to welcome our new teachers represents a sincere pledge to support the vital work we do in educating the children of the District of Columbia. Please look out for our new teachers and support them throughout the year. Let them know the WTU is here and encourage our new colleagues to join the Union. To see a quick video recap of the event, please click here! Follow us on social media to see more pictures/videos of the event.

As you know, last fall we worked, organized, and mobilized resulting in a new contract after three long years. While we achieved a great deal together, we could not convince DCPS to extend this new contract. This means we are now working on returning to the bargaining table with DCPS. And we need your help. In this new contract, we will fight for what we know teachers need - sustained, specific support to help make this school system safer and more responsive to student needs. The District must partner with the WTU, our parents, students and the community. The time has come for safe and supportive schools! Your commitment to organizing gave us our last contract. We know we can get a new contract by September 30, 2023 deadline but have three asks for each of you.

  1. Join the WTU Contract Action Team! Click here to complete the sign-up.
  2. Beginning this Friday and every Friday moving forward, please start wearing red (preferably your WTU Red T-shirt), take a picture of yourself during your lunch break, and post it on social media. Send the WTU your picture via email to [email protected]
  3. Between Friday, August 25th and Tuesday, August 29th take another picture with a clock and/or “30 hand sign” so that WTU can post it on our social media pages on August 31st to remind DCPS, the mayor, and the community about our contract expiring. Here, here and here are posters you can use as inspiration, but feel free to get creative. Please send the pictures to [email protected] and reshare/retweet on social media during your lunch break.

Again, we wish you a powerful and awesome school year, knowing the WTU is here to support you.



New DC Teachers Meet & Greet Recap Video


In the news 

Last Monday, the WTU sent out a news release and offered media interviews on DCPS’ stalling on contract talks. Throughout the summer, DCPS has ignored WTU’s Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) listing 17 steps to immediately ensure school safety. The Washington Informer ran my opinion-editorial piece on Teaching and Learning Today In Public Schools. In addition, the following media outlets interviewed me on violence in schools:

Back-to-School Events

We hope you’ll join us at these upcoming events.  Contact Mike Roland if you would like to volunteer with the WTU!

  • 4th Annual Ward 5 Back-to-School Supply Drive & Giveaway
    Saturday, August 26th, 2023 10-2PM, Brookland Middle School
  • DCPS Back-to-School Block Party
    Saturday, September 23rd, 2023, 11-2PM, McKinley Technology High School


WTU's Contract Negotiating Team's Weekly Video Update

The Contract Negotiating Team did not meet this week as meeting times conflicted with WTU’s New DC Teachers Meet & Greet.

Watch previous weekly updates here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVsAq4LiCU_mjtJrOcqtlw0_yWg4LxvhE


AFT and SAG-AFTRA on Strike

At 8AM on Tuesday, August 22nd, AFT President Randi Weingarten asks all WTU members to post the attached pictures to your different social media accounts. The pictures serve as a sign of support as the AFT joins the strike lines for the Writers Guild and SAG-AFTRA Strike taking place in New York! (Each picture is sized to meet the specific image requirements of different social media platforms.)


Additional images are available here, here, here, and here.


AFT Participates in Remembrance of March on Washington, Saturday, August 25th

Martin Luther King Jr: The Long Walk to Freedom, 1963 - FREE In-Person Event

Washington, DC Embassy Events & Museum Meetups 

Saturday, August 26, 2023 
10:00 AM America/New York 

Lincoln Memorial 
2 Lincoln Memorial Cir NW
Washington, DC 20037 


Add to calendar 

RSVP today

Summer Pay 

Several teachers reached out about their July 28 summer paycheck. DCPS compensation said, ‘Employees made two different salaries for SY 22-23. Employees must calculate summer pay based on the SPC contribution at both rates and then add that together to get their summer pay.’ Please contact Compensation, DCPS [email protected]with any questions about your summer pay. 

IMPACT results are available in QuickBase.

Reach out to your field representative if you have any questions or concerns about your IMPACT report. Field Representatives - WTU Local 6 The deadline to file an IMPACT grievance is Sept 1.


Enrollment for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks is OPEN

Join the WTU Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks. If you are already a member, there is no need to rejoin.

Click here to join the WTU Sick Leave or Maternity Leave Banks

Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions. Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023. After you complete the form, you will receive a confirmation email from Google Forms; be sure to check your spam folder.


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - August 14, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, August 14, 2023



This week, I hope you join me in welcoming all our new District Educators to the District of Columbia Public. Teachers are a vital resource to the health and the well-being our city. We want to formally welcome and celebrate them on Thursday, August 17th at WTU’s Meet and Greet from 4-7PM on the Rooftop Terrace of the Martin Luther King Jr. Library. Please spread the word and let all new DCPS teachers know about this important event! Let’s all pledge to give them the support they need as they start their teaching journey in the District. We wish them luck and an enjoyable New Educator Orientation this week.

City Administrator Kevin Donahue sent WTU the attached notice regarding the payment timeline for "hard to fill" positions and other payments outlined in our current contract. Click here.

The WTU will continue pressing the District for specific details on the exact date in September when educators can expect their stipends and “hard to fill” position bonuses outlined in our current contract. If you have any questions, please contact your Field Representative.


Back to School

WTU geared up for back to school by giving a free book of choice and a Kona Ice to every child at the Ward 7 Back-to-School event this past Saturday! We’d like to thank Eboni-Rose Thompson, Ward 7 Representative and President of the DC State Board of Education for hosting and inviting us to this fun and exciting event.

Below please find the dates for future back-to-school events. Please feel free to join us and/or contact Mike Roland if you would like to volunteer with the WTU!

  • 4th Annual Ward 5 Back-to-School Supply Drive & Giveaway
    Saturday, August 26th, 2023 10-2PM, Brookland Middle School
  • DCPS Back-to-School Block Party
    Saturday, September 23rd, 2023, 11-2PM, McKinley Technology High School


WTU's Contract Negotiating Team's Weekly Video Update

https://youtu.be/El3kw52ckBU or click picture

Watch previous weekly updates here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVsAq4LiCU_mjtJrOcqtlw0_yWg4LxvhE


Summer Pay

Several teachers reached out about their July 28 summer paycheck. dcps compensation said,  ‘Employees made two different salaries for SY 22-23. Employees must calculate summer pay based on the SPC contribution at both rates and then add that together to get their summer pay.’ Please contact Compensation, DCPS [email protected] with any questions about your summer pay.

IMPACT results are available in QuickBase.

Reach out to your field representative if you have any questions or concerns about your IMPACT report. Field Representatives - WTU Local 6 The deadline to file an IMPACT grievance is Sept 1.


In the news


Financial Literacy standards

OSSE is developing standalone Financial Literacy standards for DC high school students. 

To share feedback anonymously, complete this survey by no later than Aug. 18, 2023. For questions about these focus groups or the survey, please contact Fadhal Moore at [email protected]


Enrollment for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks is OPEN

Join the WTU Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks. If you are already a member, there is no need to rejoin.

Click here to join the WTU Sick Leave or Maternity Leave Banks

Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions. Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023. After you complete the form, you will receive a confirmation email from Google Forms; be sure to check your spam folder.


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - August 7, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, August 7, 2023


Summer Pay

Several teachers reached out about their July 28 summer paycheck. dcps compensation said,  ‘Employees made two different salaries for SY 22-23. Employees must calculate summer pay based on the SPC contribution at both rates and then add that together to get their summer pay.’ Please contact Compensation, DCPS [email protected] with any questions about your summer pay.

IMPACT results are available in QuickBase.

Reach out to your field representative if you have any questions or concerns about your IMPACT report. Field Representatives - WTU Local 6 The deadline to file an IMPACT grievance is Sept 1.


For Teachers who teach literacy

SBOE member Allister Chang is looking for feedback from on the recommendations made by the OSSE Literacy Task Force. See here for their report. Please email Allister Chang  [email protected] by 5 pm today, Aug 7 with any comments. 


Enrollment for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks is OPEN

Join the WTU Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks. If you are already a member, there is no need to rejoin.

Click here to join the WTU Sick Leave or Maternity Leave Banks

Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions. Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023. After you complete the form, you will receive a confirmation email from Google Forms; be sure to check your spam folder.


Update on Contract Negotiations


In the news


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

AM Brew - July 31, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, July 31, 2023


WTU's New DC Teachers Meet and Greet

Join us on August 17th from 4-7PM to learn about the benefits of being a teacher in the District and WTU member! Network with peers and seasoned teacher veterans while enjoying light refreshments on the stunning rooftop terrace of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Memorial Library. Register now to save your spot!


IMPACT Appeals

The window to submit an appeal to the Chancellor closes on Tuesday, August 2, 2023. Click here for additional information. IMPACT results are available in QuickBase.

Reach out to your field representative if you have any questions or concerns about your IMPACT report. Field Representatives - WTU Local 6


WTU's Contract Negotiating Team's Weekly Update

Watch this week's video highlighting the WTU's Contract Negotiating Team accomplishments.

Enrollment for the Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks is OPEN

Join the WTU Sick Leave and Maternity Leave Banks. If you are already a member, there is no need to rejoin.

Click here to join the WTU Sick Leave or Maternity Leave Banks

Contact Charmaine Wilks at 202 517-1475 or at [email protected] to enroll or with any questions. Open enrollment will occur from June 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023. After you complete the form, you will receive a confirmation email from Google Forms; be sure to check your spam folder.


Retirement Workshop Video and slide deck from June 27



In the news


News4 - School Safety

The News4 I-Team is working on a story about school safety concerns and would love to hear from teachers across the region on this issue. Their survey will be open until Friday, August 12th.


The results will remain anonymous, unless you agree to be formally interviewed. Should you have any questions or want to share your story, you can also reach out directly to the I-Team by emailing producer [email protected] or reporter [email protected]


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Read more

Back To School Happy Hour


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