PD Highlights - November 15, 2021

Professional Development

Here are the latest professional development opportunities from the WTU and our partners.

Strategies for Student Success (FREE!)

Instructor: Laurine Kennedy

Tuesdays: November 16, 23 and 30; December 7; 4:15-7:15pm

The following modules will be offered in this section: Dimensions to a Better Life; Navigating the Journey Between Stress and SEL, Electrifying Online Learning, The Game Factor. Participants will receive 4 PLU’s for each session. RSVP HERE: https://www.wtulocal6.net/fall_2021_strategies_for_student_success


WTU Tech Tuesdays Are Back!!!

Next session is Tuesday 11/16 @ 5:30-6:30pm, coordinator Sarah Elwell for a session on Integrating Discovery Education Resources.

Register HERE.


Join the Flagway League!

We launched the Flagway League on Monday, October 25 led by coordinator Raphael Bonhomme. Our next meeting is December 6 @ 4-5pm. "The goal of The Flagway™ Game is to create environments where students can practice and celebrate learning math. There are many different ways to create a cultural context in which mathematics emerges naturally from students’ experience. One method used by the YPP and the Algebra Project is to create mathematically rich games and experiences." Find more info about the game here: http://www.typp.org/flagway.

Register HERE to become a Flagway Coach: https://www.wtulocal6.net/fall_2021_flagway_league_section_1


Northeast Region Virtual TECHademy

November 16, 2021, 4:30PM-7:00PM ET. REGISTER HERE

Join us virtually to learn, connect and share with educators from across the North East region for a unique opportunity to participate in  an Ignite My Future in School Virtual TECHademy.  Tata Consultancy Services has partnered with Discovery Education to host 2.5-hour immersive virtual Professional Learning session that focuses on engaging students in real-world problem solving by leveraging computational thinking.   All educators are welcome to join and will receive no-cost transdisciplinary resources and strategies designed to effectively engage with the foundations of computational thinking across subject areas.

Participants will receive:

Access to IgniteMyFutureInSchool.org – no-cost website with educator and family resources, including an opportunity to join a global community of collaborative educators through our Ignite my Future in School Learning Leaders network.

Five “Grab and Go” lessons that are immediately ready to be used in a virtual environment.

A digital event bag with premium tools and a Certificate of  Participation.


Math Alliance Announcements

Wed, Dec. 1st, 2021, 9am - 12pm: Please join the Civil Rights & Restorative Justice Project and the School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs at Northeastern University for our upcoming 2021 conference, Racial Redress and Reparations: Policy Approaches to Remediating Historical Racial Injustice. This is a virtual conference, open to all! The webinar registration link is:  https://northeastern.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4kRrjXAlRluks0qhbod-Zw

Racial Redress and Reparations virtual conference flyer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zhs3kn8FwkiPBKz9Q2fZmmEF_Rd_uZBi/view?usp=sharing

Save-the-date: Dec. 4th, 2021, 12pm-3:30pm - Prioritizing Antiracist Mathematics: Moving Past Acknowledgement, the Moment for Action is Now, a TODOS-Mathematics for All virtual webinar. Registration cost $30. More at: https://www.todos-math.org/


Free webinar hosted by The Freedom School Project Monday, Nov. 15th @ 7pm EST

Click here to learn more.

Register here: https://rutgers.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-bHJ-yeWRj--ju4Obedt1w


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