Here's What's Brewing Today
Monday, February 6, 2023
President Pogue Lyons testified at the Roundtable discussing the CBA on Feb 1st. Watch here!
The City Council votes on the CBA on Tuesday, February 7th. The process continues to move according to the legal timelines, and we have every confidence that the Council will vote to approve the contract. During the roundtable, Chairman Mendelson called for the District and the City Administrator Donahue to put the payment schedule for the CBA in writing and send it to WTU leadership by today. When we have additional information, we will share it with you.
The contract that is pending approval will expire on September 30, 2023. We’re preparing now to begin negotiations on our next CBA. We will be sending out an initial survey later this month and holding meetings in March. Information will continue to be sent in the Morning Brew.
School Budgets
The school budgets will be released soon. Please review your current budget, meet with your LSAT so your school is prepared when the budgets are released. Please note that LSAT meetings are subject to Open Meeting Act regulations, meaning they are open for all to attend (though only LSAT members are allowed to speak, unless the LSAT votes to allow non-member participation).
WTU Retirement Workshop
Thanks to all who attended the retirement workshop. We hope to hold another workshop next month. The PowerPoint presented at the workshop can be found here.
Black Lives Matter at School
2023 Week of Action - BLM AT SCHOOL (
Black History Month resources created by the DCPS Library Department
February is Black History Month: School Library Reading Programs (
WTU Surveys
Please complete this survey from the Secondary Grading Policy Taskforce
Please complete this form if you are having problems with pay, FMLA or insurance.
Please complete this form to report facility concerns
Scholarship opportunity for high school students who live in Wards 5, 7, or 8
DCPS in the news
Cordell Williams, had been a seventh-grader at Kramer Middle School was accidentally killed
Two children were accidentally shot in D.C. Police haven’t found either gun. - The Washington Post
Black Librarianship: Stories of Impact and Connection
The WTU participated in the Celebration of Black Educator Excellence:
Education as a Form of Resistance at the US Dept of Education with Secretary Cardona
Member Benefits
AM Brew News and Notices are archived at
Upcoming events
In addition to the events listed below, we encourage you to check out the WTU Members –Only Calendar where you can find a condensed list of upcoming WTU events.
COPE Meeting
February 6 @ 7PM
Save the Date - Shared Vision March 25th
Ward 3 Budget Forum
Tuesday, February 7th at 7pm via Zoom. And it is that time of year again. Budget time! W3EdNet will host Kevin Wenzel, who is the Deputy Chief, Finance at District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS), to tell what he can about the DCPS budgets and answer questions from the audience. Please register to attend via this link: Click Here!
Ward 4 Education Alliance
February 9, 2023, 6 pm -
Guest will be Council Member Lewis George. This is our opportunity prior to the budget decisions to let the Council Member know our concerns. It also informs legislation. Contact [email protected] for more information
Please wear red each Friday and post photos to social media. Please tag us @WTUTeacher
Professional Development
News and PD opportunities through OSSE
January 2023 OSSE Teaching and Learning PD Bulletin (