AM Brew - January 3, 2023

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, January 3, 2023


Happy New Year! We hope that you enjoyed Winter Break and are rested and ready to return to the classroom. Please ensure you've submitted your Test to Return documentation. If you have any concerns, please contact your Field Representative.


WTU Approves Contract Proposal

The contract is still waiting Council approval. The WTU is working to gather information on the approval process and will provide additional updates on when provisions in the contract will take effect in the coming days.


Rep Assembly meeting, Tuesday Jan 10 th @ 4:30

All members may attend, but only building reps and delegates may participate and vote.

Join Via Zoom.


K-2 Survey

Please complete this survey if you teach students in k-2.

Click here.


Open Positions

Looking for a new position? Check out the November listings of instructional and non-instructional vacancies posted here: https://www.wtulocal6.net/open_positions


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Upcoming events

In addition to the events listed below, we encourage you to check out the WTU Members –Only Calendar where you can find a condensed list of upcoming WTU events.


  • Thursday, January 5th  @ 4:30pm,  Building Representative Chat with WTU President
  • Wednesday, January 25th @ 4:30pm,  Planning Committee for the next CBA


COPE Meeting

Monday Jan 9 th @ 7pm

Via Zoom.


Ward 3 EdNet meeting

Tuesday, Jan 3 @ 7 pm. Virtual meet and greet with the new principal for MacArthur High

School, Dr. Harold McCray. The school will open in late August 2023.

Please register to attend:  Click Here!



Facility Concerns SY 22-23

Over the past two years, the WTU has met regularly to discuss facility issues with DCPS. Yet, many schools continue to have health and safety concerns. We ask that you let the WTU know of any health or safety concerns in your building by completing this brief form.


We’re continuing to update our database.

Please help us ensure we have your current personal contact information on file. Email [email protected] to update your contact information.


Be sure to follow the WTU on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to keep up on the latest from your Union.


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