AM Brew - October 28, 2024

A Message from WTU’s President

Good morning WTU Family,

First, thank you for voting! Last week, 96% or 2880 members voted to approve a five- year Tentative Contract Agreement with DCPS. With this contract, we were able to fight back and keep rights we have had since the late 1960s as well as gain important provisions that should help alleviate some of the challenging conditions that have frustrated us and inhibited recruitment and retention.

Highlights of the package include provisions that improve the sick leave bank, allow teachers to retain up to 10 sick days while still being eligible for the maternity/paternity leave bank, provide wellness days, provide four non-teaching morning blocks each week for teachers to prepare and plan lessons, create a more equitable distribution of work for related-service providers and provide athletic trainers with the equipment and support they need to keep student athletes safe.

As for wage increases, members will receive a 4 percent bonus for the past year (in which WTU members were working under an expired contract), a 2 percent raise for FY2025, a 3 percent raise for FY2026 and FY2027, and a 4 percent raise for FY2028. It is also important to note we were able to maintain our dental, legal, and vision benefits.

While our work is not done as we know we need to eliminate the racism and bias inherent in our current evaluation system, we take pride in getting our members a NEW contract that not only includes pay increases but better working conditions.  

I also want to extend my heartfelt thanks to the WTU members who joined us on Saturday to canvass with our AFL-CIO brothers and sisters for VP Harris for President and Angela Alsobrooks for US Senate. This Tuesday, Vice President Harris will deliver a major closing address in Washington on the Ellipse. Please join us by RSVPing here. If you'd like to attend this exciting and historic event, please sign up here.

As we countdown the days left before our national election, please continue to do something to help our local and national endorsed candidates to win. Phone bank with us on Wednesday, October 30th. U.S. Representative for Maryland’s 5th Congressional District Steny Hoyer will be a special guest. Please encourage others to vote. Looking for other ways to help? Join us in canvassing for our local officials! Please reach out to WTU’s organizer Mike Roland to learn more. Thank you, as always, for your support!

In solidarity,

Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President

Washington Teachers’ Union


Let the Council hear your Teacher Voice! Register to testify at upcoming hearings 

  • Nov 6 @ 12 PM, Math Achievement Oversight, register here
  • Nov 20 @ 12:30 PM, Special Education Oversight, register here
  • Dec 4 @ 12:30 PM, Academic Achievement, register here


DCPS Calendar 2026-2029

Please take a moment to review and give feedback to DCPS on the 2026-2029 calendar here. The WTU will be working with DCPS to ensure that our two contractual wellness days are added.

Register for WTU’s Fall Professional Development Courses! 

Download WTU’s Fall Catalogue of PD Courses here! To register, click here! 

Check out WTU’s latest fall course, Transforming Teaching with Emerging Technology! This course will focus on the research and instructional practices of educators (Pre-K-12) effectively planning, creating, and utilizing a variety of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and a variety of Web 2.0 tools to enhance instruction, student learning, and assessment. All course content aligns with the DCPS Four Pillars of Hybrid Learning, social-emotional learning, and the Trauma-Responsive Schools Model Core 4 and satisfies recertification requirements for librarians, related service providers and classroom teachers.

TAS Goals

TAS goals. If you have concerns about your TAS goals, please email IMPACT at [email protected] and copy your field rep.

Upcoming Events, Activities & Meetings 

  • Oct 30, @4:30PM, High School Committee Meeting, All are welcome, Meeting ID: 939 669 4583; Passcode: 630798, INFORMATION
  • Nov 12, @ 4:30 PM, Representative Assembly Meeting, Building reps and delegates will receive a separate link to join as a panelist. INFORMATION

In the News

PD and other opportunities


Membership Update

Make sure you are eligible to vote & receive WTU Communications!

The AM Brew is distributed as a benefit to members of the WTU. In the coming weeks, we’ll be updating our database removing non-members from the distribution for the AM Brew. To ensure that you’re not inadvertently removed from the distribution list, please confirm your personal email address by emailing [email protected].

Your ability to vote in WTU elections and receive WTU Communications depends on our ability to reach you. We must have your personal email address for all communications.


AM Brew News and Notices are archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


Be sure to follow the WTU on X, Facebook, and Instagram to keep up with the latest from your Union.


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