AM Brew - November 8, 2021

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, November 8, 2021

Representative Assembly Meeting

Join us on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, at 04:30 PM Eastern Time (Via Zoom) for our monthly Representative Assembly. The meeting is open to all members of the Washington Teachers’ Union. Please click here to register.

Proposed Agenda:

  • President’s ReportJacqueline Pogue Lyons
  • Professional Development, Sarah Elwell
  • Committee Reports, Committee Chairs
  • WTU Financials and Vote on WTU Budget for FY2022, Nadia Torney


DCPS Librarians are featured in the November edition of School Library Journal 

Click here to read more.


Dental and Vision Open Enrollment 

DC government has announced its open enrollment to run from 2022 for Monday, November 8 through Monday December 13, 2021. This is an annual opportunity to review your current benefits elections and make changes. This is also an opportunity for you to make any changes to your dental and vision benefits. Click here for details on your dental and vision coverage or if you have any questions regarding these benefits, contact Valerie Kilby at [email protected]

If you have questions regarding enrollment into the plans, contact DCPS benefits at [email protected]


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


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PD Highlights - November 8, 2021

Professional Development

Additional Professional Development opportunities are available on the PD Blog at https://www.wtulocal6.net/pdblog


FREE WTU PD Workshops in November:

Strategies for Student Success. 

Instructor: Laurine Kennedy

Tuesdays: November 16, 23 and 30; December 7; 4:15-7:15pm

The following modules will be offered in this section: Dimensions to a Better Life; Navigating the Journey Between Stress and SEL, Electrifying Online Learning, The Game Factor. Participants will receive 4 PLU’s for each session. RSVP HERE: https://www.wtulocal6.net/fall_2021_strategies_for_student_success

Transforming Teacher Identity: Who Am I as an Educator?

Instructors: Tiffany L. Brown and Donald Thompson

November 13; 9am-12noon

Using a variety of interactive strategies, educators will explore how various aspects of their personal and social identities uniquely form who they are as professionals and affect their teaching and learning. Participants will receive 4 PLU’s. RSVP HERE: https://www.wtulocal6.net/fall_2021_transforming_teacher_identity


AM Brew - November 1, 2021

Here's What's Brewing Today

Monday, November 1, 2021


CONGRATULATIONS to Takeisha Wilson, a fourth-grade English language arts and social studies teacher at Shepherd Elementary School, and Rickita Perry Taylor, who teaches students with disabilities and medical difficulties at Turner Elementary School. Both teachers were named finalists for DC’s 2022 Teacher of the Year Award and received $1,500. 


Vaccine Mandate

The mayor’s vaccination mandate goes into effect today. We are still in negotiations with DCPS over the impact and effects of the mandate especially for those with legitimate medical or religious exemptions. We urge everyone to go to Peoplesoft if you have not declared your vaccination status. If you have a medical or a religious exemption please email [email protected] to request an accommodation.



If you haven’t heard back regarding your FMLA application, please contact your field rep and let them know when you submitted your application.  

Steps for Filing for FMLA - Family and Medical Leave Act

The FMLA entitles eligible employees to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons with continuation of group health insurance coverage under the same terms and conditions as if the employee had not taken leave. 

To qualify for FMLA you must:
1. Have worked at DCPS for 1 year without a break in service

To apply:
1. You MUST have your medical certification completed by the attending physician
2. Complete Leave of Absence Form (LOA) in QuickBase  

Sick Leave 

When you go out on FLMA, you will use all your sick leave.  

When you exhaust all your sick leave, you will be out on unpaid leave.  


Sick Leave Bank 

Completing qualifying documents for FMLA approval does not guarantee that you will also have use of the Sick Leave Bank.  

The Sick Leave Bank is available for use by DCPS teachers, and can be accessed only if you, yourself are sick. The Sick Leave Bank cannot be accessed or used by DCPS teachers to take care of a family member.  

Contact Charmaine Wilks at [email protected] with questions about the Sick Leave Bank  


Representative Assembly Meetings

School election results and current rosters need to be on file with the WTU to confirm membership, building representatives and delegates. Your field rep will reach out to building reps if we need this information from your school.



Thank you to everyone who completed the IMPACT survey. The WTU is working with the AFT to create a teacher development and evaluation system that is fair to teachers and good for students. We are looking for members who would like to be part of a team that is writing the strands for Teacher Observation, Student Performance and Professional Growth.  If you would like to help with this effort, please email Regina Bell at [email protected] 


Dental and Vision Open Enrollment 

DC government has announced its open enrollment to run from 2022 for Monday, November 8 through Monday December 13, 2021. This is an annual opportunity to review your current benefits elections and make changes. This is also an opportunity for you to make any changes to your dental and vision benefits. Click here for details on your dental and vision coverage or if you have any questions regarding these benefits, contact Valerie Kilby at [email protected]

If you have questions regarding enrollment into the plans, contact DCPS benefits at [email protected]


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.



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PD Highlights - November 1, 2021

Professional Development

FREE WTU PD Workshops in November:

Strategies for Student Success

Instructor: Laurine Kennedy

Tuesdays: November 16, 23 and 30; December 7; 4:15-7:15pm

The following modules will be offered in this section: Dimensions to a Better Life; Navigating the Journey Between Stress and SEL, Electrifying Online Learning, The Game Factor. Participants will receive 4 PLU’s for each session. RSVP HERE: https://www.wtulocal6.net/fall_2021_strategies_for_student_success

Transforming Teacher Identity: Who Am I as an Educator?

Instructors: Tiffany L. Brown and Donald Thompson

November 13; 9am-12noon

Using a variety of interactive strategies, educators will explore how various aspects of their personal and social identities uniquely form who they are as professionals and affect their teaching and learning. Participants will receive 4 PLU’s. RSVP HERE: https://www.wtulocal6.net/fall_2021_transforming_teacher_identity


IMPACT Professional Development Workshop (FREE)

Part 2 (EP 3, 4 & 5): Saturday, November 6 @ 10am-1pm

In many ways, your career in DCPS is dependent upon the IMPACT scoring system. Learn what the system measures, how it works and much more. Participants will take a deep dive into the scoring systems used by DCPS which include the Essential Practices, Teacher-Assessed Student Achievement Data (TAS), Community School Commitment (CSC) and Core Professionalism (CP) Participants will receive 3 PLU’s.

RSVP HERE: https://www.wtulocal6.net/fall_2021_impact_professional_development


WTU Tech Tuesdays Are Back!!!

Next session is Tuesday 11/9 @ 5:30-6:30pm, coordinator Sarah Elwell for a session on Integrating Discovery Education Resources.

Register HERE.

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PD Highlights - Oct 25, 2021

Professional Development Highlights

October 25, 2021

For additional PD opportunities, check out the PD Blog at https://www.wtulocal6.net/pdblog.


Join the Flagway League!

The Flagway League Launch is TODAY Monday, October 25 @ 4-5pm, led by coordinator Raphael Bonhomme. "The goal of The Flagway™ Game is to create environments where students can practice and celebrate learning math. There are many different ways to create a cultural context in which mathematics emerges naturally from students’ experience. One method used by the YPP and the Algebra Project is to create mathematically rich games and experiences." Find more info about the game here: http://www.typp.org/flagway.

Register HERE to become a Flagway Coach: https://www.wtulocal6.net/fall_2021_flagway_league_section_1


IMPACT Professional Development Workshop (FREE)

Part 2 (EP 3, 4 & 5): Saturday, November 6 @ 10am-1pm

In many ways, your career in DCPS is dependent upon the IMPACT scoring system. Learn what the system measures, how it works and much more. Participants will take a deep dive into the scoring systems used by DCPS which include the Essential Practices, Teacher-Assessed Student Achievement Data (TAS), Community School Commitment (CSC) and Core Professionalism (CP) Participants will receive 3 PLU’s.

RSVP HERE: https://www.wtulocal6.net/fall_2021_impact_professional_development


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AM Brew - October 25, 2021

Here's What's Brewing Today

Tuesday, October 25, 2021


The most rewarding part of my job is when I visit schools and connect with members either in small groups or one-on-one. I sincerely appreciate the job that you perform under very imperfect circumstances. I understand what you experience daily with large class sizes, class coverage, and the lack of drinking water for your students. I commit to fighting every single day to improve on your working conditions and to hold DCPS accountable for its mishandling of COVID-19 protocols. Please do not hesitate to notify your building representative or field services specialist of any immediate issues that we need to attend to. 

As always, I wish you an enjoyable and productive work week. 



Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program 

On October 12, 2021, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) reached a settlement in Weingarten v. DeVos. The Department of Education led by Secretary Miguel Cardona agreed to work with AFT to ensure relief for the countless borrowers who relied on the promise of Public Service Loan Forgiveness. 

According to the terms of the settlement, millions of Americans, including educators will now have their loans completely forgiven or will be properly enrolled in a forgiveness program crediting their years of past payments, putting them much closer to full forgiveness.  

As a member of the AFT, you are eligible to get help navigating the new process from AFT’s
partner, Summer. Retrieve your membership number at https://members.aft.org/members/lookup. Once you have your membership number, sign up for a free account with Summer at https://www.meetsummer.org/pslf

If you have questions, please contact AFT at https://www.aft.org/contact or by
calling (800) 238-1133.  

The WTU is planning a workshop in November to help you navigate this process and will keep you posted in the coming weeks. 


Dental and Vision Open Enrollment 

DC government has announced its open enrollment to run from 2022 for Monday, November 8 through Monday December 13, 2021. This is an annual opportunity to review your current benefits elections and make changes. This is also an opportunity for you to make any changes to your dental and vision benefits. Click here for details on your dental and vision coverage or if you have any questions regarding these benefits, contact Valerie Kilby at [email protected]

If you have questions regarding enrollment into the plans, contact DCPS benefits at [email protected]


Important Information for Related Service Providers and Special Education Teachers 

Due to concerns regarding the increasing requests for redundant documentation from the Division of Specialized Instruction the WTU reached out to DCPS regarding the required documentation of recovery planning for students with IEPs. DSI indicated the Quarterly Progress Reports and Recovery Plans are due Monday, November 15, 2021. This date is aligned Article 19.2 (Report Cards/Progress Reports shall be prepared within five (5) school days after the close of each advisory/grading period.

Given numerous reports concerning inequitable duty assignments and excessive class coverage assignments, we're requesting all related service providers and special education teachers complete the following surveys ASAP. 

Survey #1 - Coverage and Duty Assignments 

Survey #2 - Over Enrollment in Self-Contained Classrooms & Inequity in Program Assignments 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these surveys contact Field Services Specialist, Janice Brown Parker at [email protected]


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


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PD Highlights - October 18, 2021

PD Highlights - October 18, 2021

Sign up for “The Game Factor” (FREE)

Join Dr. Casey Collins on Saturday, October 23 @ 9am-12noon to explore an instructional design that works for both online and in-person instruction. Caution: We will talk about games, but this module will cover much more. Participants will receive 4 PLU’s.

RSVP HERE: https://www.wtulocal6.net/fall_2021_the_game_factor


Join the Flagway League!

The Flagway League will be launched on October 25 @ 4-5pm by coordinator Raphael Bonhomme.

"The goal of The Flagway™ Game is to create environments where students can practice and celebrate learning math. There are many different ways to create a cultural context in which mathematics emerges naturally from students’ experience. One method used by the YPP and the Algebra Project is to create mathematically rich games and experiences." Find more info about the game here: http://www.typp.org/flagway.

Register HERE to become a Flagway Coach: https://www.wtulocal6.net/fall_2021_flagway_league_section_1


IMPACT Professional Development Workshop (FREE)

Part 2 (EP 3, 4 & 5): Saturday, November 7 @ 10am-1pm

In many ways, your career in DCPS is dependent upon the IMPACT scoring system. Learn what the system measures, how it works and much more. Participants will take a deep dive into the scoring systems used by DCPS which include the Essential Practices, Teacher-Assessed Student Achievement Data (TAS), Community School Commitment (CSC) and Core Professionalism (CP) Participants will receive 3 PLU’s.

RSVP HERE: https://www.wtulocal6.net/fall_2021_impact_professional_development


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AM Brew - October 12, 2021

Here's What's Brewing Today

Tuesday, October 12, 2021


Please join us on Tuesday, October 12, 2021, at 04:30 PM Eastern Time (Via Zoom) for our monthly Representative Assembly. The meeting is open to all members of the Washington Teachers’ Union.

Please click here to registerAfter registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Proposed Agenda:

- Updates from the President, Jacqueline Pogue Lyons

- Professional Development, Sarah Elwell

- Committee Reports, Committee Chairs

- Review and Vote on WTU Budget for FY2022, Nadia Torney

- Vendor Presentations

Air Quality Report

As a part of the MOU, DGS must provide monthly information on air quality in our schools. The September DGS School Indoor Air Quality- Monthly Report is a now available.


IMPACT surveys

We will be conducting a series of short surveys to get your input on a better way to use the teacher process to improve performance.  The goal is to create the framework of a system to replace IMPACT’s punitive approach. Please take 2-3 minutes to complete this survey. Thank You!



AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.


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PD Highlights - October 12, 2021

Professional Development Highlights

Tuesday, October 12, 2021


IMPACT Professional Development Workshop

Part 1 (EP 1 & 2): Saturday, October 16 @ 10am – 1pm

Part 2 (EP 3, 4 & 5): Saturday, November 7 @ 10am-1pm

In many ways, your career in DCPS is dependent upon the IMPACT scoring system. Learn what the system measures, how it works and much more. Participants will take a deep dive into the scoring systems used by DCPS which include the Essential Practices, Teacher-Assessed Student Achievement Data (TAS), Community School Commitment (CSC) and Core Professionalism (CP) Participants will receive 6 PLU’s.

RSVP HERE: https://www.wtulocal6.net/fall_2021_impact_professional_development


WTU Tech Tuesdays Are Back!!!

Today 10/12 @ 5:30-6:30pm, join PD instructor Tameshia Henry for a session on PREZI.

Register HERE.


REGISTRATION IS STILL OPEN---WTU Professional Learning - FALL 2021 Course Offerings

Make sure you don't procrastinate on recertification requirements!!! Sign up now for amazing, engaging, and informative virtual fall professional development with the WTU ($150 registration fee; 1 FREE class for new members):

Creating and Managing a Successful School Library Program (started 10/6; limited spaces still available)

National Board Certification Support Classes (started 10/5)

Universal Design for Learning (starts 10/12)

Learn more and register for all classes HERE.


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AM Brew - October 4, 2021

As we go through Hispanic Heritage month, I’d like to applaud all our Spanish teachers and all the educators who work with students to recognize and celebrate the contributions and accomplishments of Hispanic Americans to the history of our country. I have seen very beautiful exhibits as I visit schools and wanted to say thank you for your hard work. 

In last week’s Morning Brew, I shared with you that the Washington Teachers’ Union (WTU) has requested bargaining over the impacts and effects of the vaccination mandate on members of our bargaining unit. While approximately 76% of the WTU membership is fully vaccinated, I encourage all members who have still not received the vaccine to do so to safeguard the health and safety of all your students and colleagues. For those who cannot take the vaccine due to legitimate concerns and have requested or will be requesting an exemption, I want to ensure that your rights are fully respected. The WTU will meet with DCPS on October 14th at 10:00 AM to discuss how the vaccination mandate will affect our unvaccinated members. 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact your field services specialist. 

Have a productive work week. 

Jacqueline Pogue Lyons, President 


SBOE STAR Framework Survey for Teachers

The D.C. State Board of Education (SBOE) invites District teachers to complete a 10-minute / 22-question survey. The purpose of this teacher survey is to better understand educators’ experiences with the District’s school accountability system—the School Transparency and Reporting (STAR) Framework—as we consider what, if any, changes should be made to it. We recommend that you use a computer or tablet to fill out this survey. Thank you for taking the time to fill this out, and please know your identity will remain anonymous.

We ask that you submit responses no later than Friday, October 15 at 5 p.m. If you have any questions, please reach out to the State Board at [email protected].

Please use the following link to start the teacher survey: https://bit.ly/38ixJOW


The Strong Black Woman: How a Myth Endangers the Physical and Mental Health of Black Women.

Join author Marita Golden and licensed Clinical Social Worker, Dr. Pamela Brewer on the DC Public Library’s Facebook page and YouTube channel on Thursday, Oct. 7 at 6 p.m. for a conversation on Golden's new book, The Strong Black Woman: How a Myth Endangers the Physical and Mental Health of Black Women. The Strong Black Woman complex, deeply embedded in African American culture, is a response to systemic racism. It is a binding cultural code. The WTU will provide a free copy of The Strong Black Woman to the first 10 members who email General Vice President Regina Bell at [email protected]


AM Brew News and Notices will be archived at https://www.wtulocal6.net/AMBrew.

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PD Highlights - October 4, 2021

Professional Development

REGISTRATION IS STILL OPEN---WTU Professional Learning - FALL 2021 Course Offerings

Make sure you don't procrastinate on recertification requirements!!! Sign up now for amazing, engaging, and informative virtual fall professional development with the WTU ($150 registration fee; 1 FREE class for new members):

Classes starting soon:

Learn more and register for all classes HERE.


EmpowerEd Teacher Voice Summit

EmpowerEd invites you to attend their DC Teacher Voice Festival on Saturday October 23rd from 10 am to 2 pm on U Street- this is a fun and family-friendly opportunity to meet educators who care about the same things and want to make a difference and have a great time in the process!  WTU will also be showcasing our teacher leader research at the event!  We'll be joined by many DC council members and members of the DC State Board of Education.  There will be live music, food trucks, face painting and balloon twisting and you can collaborate with educators working on issues from culturally responsive teaching to teacher diversity, retention, reforming school ratings, mayoral control and much more! It's outdoors and open to the public, but for covid protocols and issue interest PLEASE register in advance here to join!


WTU Professional Learning Abroad (2 spaces left!)

There is still time to sign up for the WTU Professional Learning trip to Morocco in July 2022, based on travel guidance. 5% discount through the end of September!!! Check out the itinerary here: https://geeo.org/tour/wtumorocco/.


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PD Highlights - Sept 27, 2021

Anti-Racist Administration and School Leadership (ASL) post-graduate certificate at American University. 

The American University School of Education is offering a post-graduate certificate for educators who are interested in becoming educational administrators. For many, this means school leadership as a principal or assistant principal; the ASL certificate also bolsters careers in central office and student support, among other options. 

If you would like to learn more about this opportunity to grow your skills, please register here for a free virtual open house on Thursday, September 30th at 7 pm EST.  



REGISTRATION IS STILL OPEN---WTU Professional Learning - FALL 2021 Course Offerings

Sign up now for amazing, engaging, and informative virtual fall professional development with the WTU including these classes which start within the next two weeks ($150 registration fee; 1 FREE class for new members):

FREE WTU Workshops starting in September:

Learn more and Register for all classes HERE.


Virtual Teachers’ Lounge

20 teachers will engage in twice-monthly gatherings online together in large and small groups over two months. Planned meeting dates are October 9, October 23, November 6, November 20, December 4, and December 18. Because of the importance of connections, connectivity and trust, it is our expectation that participants will, absent exigent circumstances, engage in all six gatherings. The participants have the option to decide at the end of the fourth gathering whether they would like to continue the Virtual Teachers’ Lounge. Those on the waitlist will be notified when there is a cancellation or new virtual teacher rooms opening. All participants will receive a $25 Amazon gift card, an educational resource (The Feeling Alphabet Activity Set) and a certificate of participation for volunteering their time.

If you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected]. Register online at http://tiny.cc/mc8iuz

or visit www.virtualteacherslounge2021.com


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