SIX DAYS LEFT! Early Bird Discount for Fall PD Courses!

Register BEFORE this coming Friday, September 9th to receive the Early Bird Discount for WTU's Fall 2022 Professional Development Courses! Download the full list of fall courses here. Interested in new tips for how to integrate technology into the classroom? Join WTU Instructor Julian King in Best Practices of Integrating Technology to Enhance Student Engagement & Assessment as he shares how to create meaningful learning activities using technology. Want to dive into the psychology and education of the exceptional student? Enroll in Dr. John Taylor's class on the Psychology and Education of Exceptional as he will give you practical tips on how to apply the psychological development of exceptional student to concrete classroom strategies. 

 ...or maybe you'd like to learn how to promote social emotional learning in your own life so you can better assist students? If so, check out Dr. Persephone Brown's class or SEL for Adults! ...and this only scratches the surface of some of the courses you can earn college credit and PLU's for at a significant discounted rate. Catch the Early Bird Discount while it lasts! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ONLINE BEFORE FRIDAY!

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