Are teachers required to submit lesson plans and long-range unit plans under the CBA between WTU and DCPS?

Under the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the WTU and DCPS, lessons plans are available for review by the principal at any time upon request. Also, teachers shall not be required to submit daily, weekly, unit or long-range lesson plans on a regular basis. Requiring teachers to turn in weekly lesson plans goes against the CBA. Below, I have included articles from the CBA regarding lesson plans and when you can require teachers to submit weekly lesson plans:

23.18 Lesson Plans 23.18.1 Daily, unit, and long-term lesson plans shall be required of each Teacher and such plans shall be available for review by the principal/Supervisor at any time upon his/her request. The Supervisor shall be permitted to make a copy of the lesson upon request. It is understood that lesson plans are used as a guide to the Teacher in structuring the learning experiences of pupils. The system-wide template prescribes the minimum required elements for a lesson plan. No Teacher shall be required to provide more detail than that which is required in the system-wide template.

23.18.2 Teachers shall not be required to submit daily, weekly, unit or long-range lesson plans on a regular basis. However, if the Supervisor determines as a result of the DCPS evaluation process that a Teacher has an average score of less than 2.5 in Planning domain of the Teaching and Learning Framework, then the Supervisor may require the Teacher to submit daily lesson plans for review and comment until such time that the Teacher’s planning has satisfactorily improved. In such cases, the Supervisor must suggest how the lesson plans can be improved.  

23.18.3 Lesson plans do not determine a Teacher’s effectiveness; therefore, they shall not be used in isolation to determine a Teacher’s effectiveness.

Your lesson plan should contain the following components:

  1. Standard
  2. Objective
  3. Assessment
  4. Essential Question
  5. Guided Instruction
  6. Independent Practice
  7. Assessment Closure

Instructional coaches are members of the school's leadership team but they are ET 15 teachers and therefore do not have the authority to collect lesson plans or evaluate, report on, discipline, or reprimand other ET 15 teachers.

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