How can I receive this year’s W-2 form online?

Active employees can view W-2 information online in PeopleSoft or opt to just receive it in the mail. To enable this action, you must submit your consent to receive your W-2 online. Once you are logged into PeopleSoft, select Self Service > Payroll and Compensation > W-2/W-2c Consent. Please ensure that your pop up blocker is enabled. Once you have decided on your preferred method to receive your W2, you can obtain a copy in one of two ways:

  1. Online: If you opted to receive W-2 forms online, you can obtain your W-2 in PeopleSoft. To download your form, select Self Service > Payroll and Compensation > View W-2/W-2c Forms. Please ensure that your pop-up blocker is enabled.

  2. Mail: Contact the DC Government Office of Pay and Retirement Services (OPRS) at (202) 741-8600 to request a duplicate. Human Resources does not have access to view/print employee’s W-2 forms.

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